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It's my blog. I'm still alive. Probably.

Entries in this blog

Under Lock And Key

What is under lock and key you ask?   Twilight's DS is under lock and key. It is being guarded my loyal warriors and my army all for a good cause. To keep it from being played by others. Mainly my mom.   You're probably confused now. You see, just recently she started having some touch screen trouble, so she will be sending it in to Nintendo. Therefore she has no DS, while I have mine. And I intend to keep mine cuz I'll never get it back if I let her play it.   Long story short, last year



A Few Things...

I really haven't been on much the past few days due to the fact that I was working crazy shifts. However, I have the next three days off so you can expect to see me those three days.   Of course I do have some bad news, an associate who works in my department has pneumonia, he left before I got in yesterday. They thought it was a heart attack, but it wasn't. He'll be at the hospital for a few days, but even so I'm still worried. I do hope he will be ok.



Smash Factor: Special Edition

I present to you the beginning of what may be one of the greatest Smash Bros. stages in existence, if it were to exist. A stage based on the popular Final Fantasy Series. Yes, the Series. Final Fantasy has been popular for a really long time, and this is a stage that is a tribute to that long standing popularity, and to the Retro goodness that is in the classic Final Fantasy games. Of course one must remember that only games that were on Nintendo's consoles would be allowed. So, sorry Cloud



Cute Shoes!

Yesterday I got some of the cutest shoes ever. Of course they made me buy two pairs.   But I know you're all jealous of the cutest shoes ever!   I wish, I wish, I wish.



Reboot And Smrpg

First order of business Reboot is back. Kohaku is happy.   Second, SMRPG is going to be on Japan's Virtual Console giving us in America hope that we will get it.   Third, Mario Kart Wii hates me. When I am losing I get the worst freaking items. Even in battle I get horrible items.   Kohaku



Recent Stuff

Recently I got a ton of awesome stuff. Not only from ACen but from some rummage sales.   I'll start with the long overdue ACen stuff.   First some awesome Zelda related drawings. And a Zelda comic. Zant.   Mario and Yoshi. Coin Block, which when hit makes the coin sound.   Sword Kirby!   PINS! Reboot, Umbrella Corperation, Link, Toshiro, Death Note, Geno, And two The World Ends With You pins (Player Pin and O-Pin).   Companion Cube... in an envelope.... more than meets the eye... Compani



Connection Center

The first thing you are wondering is what is Connection Center? It is a fancy name for a department at Wal-Mart. What does this department do? We sell Cell Phones. Notice the "we" this means that I'm not a part of the normal electronics when I am in Connection Center. It also means that should I get more hours in Connection Center I will get paid more. Which I will about now cuz of my one year anniversary. Of course being paid even more is a good thing.   Of course due to some things that have



The Anime Central Report

Well, I'm back from ACen, or Anime Central and now it is time for story time and a ton of pictures, most of which you can see in the Maj gallery. I should say the pictures are large so if you use dial up or have an older computer they might not load right away.   Of course, onto the stories and some of my favorite cosplays.   The Light Yagami here is me. Bonus points to whomever finds the pic of me taking a potato chip and eating it! Right away we saw a spectacular Midna. Mario, Luigi, and



Back From Acen

I am back, however due to the fact that I work today I won't have any pictures and stuff up until after I am done working. Of course, I'll have some funny stories that you won't want to miss.   Plus I'm sure you'll want to know how my cosplay went. Let's just say the ladies love Toshiro Hitsugaya.   I also went to a Lego store, talked to some employees, bought a few sets and did some pick a brick.   I'll post more stuff tonight when I get home.   Kohaku




Gallery #1.   More to come later... may or may not be public. Yadda yadda yadda.   Kohaku




And we have a winner!   1st: Kinali 2nd: ~Bandoo~ 3rd: Alku 4th: Bohrak Kaita #1   I'll send ya'll PMs next week about the prizes.   You are wondering how Alku is in third when it should be Toaraga, right? Well, due to certain circumstances they switched places. Confusing yes but, it was allowed.   However, there were a lot of forfeits in this tournament. I figured I had given enough time for the matches, but apparently not. So if I am to have another tournament I will make some rule chan



Grr... Lego...

Ok, so here is the deal.   I got a ton of Lego Sets recently. Most of which were Indiana Jones sets, however, someone at Lego has screwed up. The sets I got were Indian Jones Motorcycle Chase and Temple of the Crystal Skull which is an $80 set. When I got the first set I was ok with it, after all of all of my Lego sets only one previously was missing a piece. Which isn't that bad. But now two are missing pieces? One of which being an expensive set. I expect to get what I buy, I don't want to ha



Brawl Tournament: Final Match

Alright. We are down to two contestants. They are... drum roll please...   *Drum roll*   Kinali and ~Bandoo~   I'll go into the details tomorrow as I'm tired now... including the reason as to why there is no bracket.   In order to have the tournament done by the time I go to Acen the final round (best of three) must be finished by 11:59 PM Thursday.   Anyway more stuff after I get off work tomorrow when I won't be as busy.   Kohaku




Yeah... I know I said there would be an entry a few days ago, plus a Smash Factor... well Smash Factor is being pushed to the weekend sometime.   The past two days, Ive been busy preparing for a rummage sale. As in we are having one. As in I am now very tired.   Now for work... the entire Electronics Departmentis changing around soon, so expect me to be on less when that happens as that'll make me tired.   Other things of note: I'll be sending Arch-Angel a hat. For free. Stop looking at me



Nintendo Channel

This is more of a my being excited about something update.   The Nintendo Channel just launched on the Wii.   Let's see now videos and Trailers for upcoming games are now available. And the big thing Wii to DS connectivity. The Wii becomes a DS Download station. To those who have both you can now get game demos!   I'm currently checking it out now, and it is neat. Needs more Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law trailers. It has none. >.<   Anyway if you have a Wii, you can download the ne




As of now my birthday was a few minutes ago...   Stuff I got: Indiana Jones and the Lost Tomb Race for the Stolen Treasure Mutran and Vican Indiana Jones books Trigun Manga Fullmetal Alchemist books Robot Chicken Season 2 Death Note Shirt $$$   So, quite a bit.   The other day I picked up The World Ends With You for the DS. That game is awesome.   Kohaku



Brawl Tournament: Semifinals

Well, the last round did end a few days ago, it wasn't finished at that time due to some errors during one match. And sadly because of those errors we did have another person drop out. I'm still trying to think of a way to prevent the problem but, that will be difficult. Before, I hand out the bracket, I will state that from here on out, the matches will be a best of three. So you will have to battle two or three times! The person who wins two Brawl matches of three will move on. I will also




So... I get to choose between Las Vegas and Orlando, Florida. (Date and time stuff not decided on.) It includes airfare and hotel.   I'll be choosing the latter... and I am still entered for the grand prize and all that fun stuff.   WHEE! *does little jig while theme music plays*   Kohaku



Oh Yes!

Today I found out I won a three-day two-night vacation! Details to come when I can actually calm down enough to post them.   And yes it is an actual prize not some timeshare.   WHEE!   Kohaku, who is freaking out a bit!



Tournament Update

A quick Tournament Update, brought to you by Ponchi, Stealing life energy from your enemies so you don't have to.   Alright here is the deal there has been some technical problems with one of the matches. Once that is resolved the next round will start.   Thanks for your patience, guys!   Kohaku



Free Stuff!

As some of you are aware I was at a Brewer game today. And as the title implies I got a ton of free stuff. However, I want to say a few things first.   First, Brewers lost to the Philadelphia Phillies, score was 3-1.   Second, I must congratulate member Dust. His school's choir, of which he is a member, sang the National Anthem. And I must say they did a fantastic job! *Virtual round of applause*   My section was 123 at the game. And the Party Section of the Game was 122. Once again it was a



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