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The Who

Concert tonight was great. I'm completely satisfied even if they didn't play Magic Bus. =3   Yeah they look older and the drummers not Keith Moon, but the bassist isn't too bad, Roger can still dish it out better than most vocalists, and frankly I like the sound of this Pete better than any previous Pete's.   Also, if you can vote tomorrow. I'm not going to try and swing you to what I want if you don't want it, but please just vote if you can, if you can you have the right to pick your next Pr



The Unfortunate Fate That Was Met In Cot By The Emo Topic

It's a fairly unfortunate bit of circumstance brought on by a musical genre that, while I may not personally enjoy it, I can respect those who do, gaining a stupid and inaccurate cultural stereotype.   And on a somewhat related note, crabcore!  



The True Awesome In The Dark Knight

It is not Chrisian Bale in a batsuit.   It is not Heath Ledger with facepaint, as awesome of a Joker as he was.   But it is that guy who, being just a random guy in a suit with a shotgun, an ineffective weapon for taking out multiple people who are spread out, breaks out of that glass room in the beginning and practically kills every one of his opponents in a six-to-one gunfight.



The Simpsons Chalkboard Gag

It may just be the theme they had for this one episode, but there appears to be a picture of Homer from that one episode where he was an astronaut to the right of the chalkboard.



The Simpsons

They made a good point when Homer said "I respect you. And unlike love, respect can't be bought."   Love can be bought. Case-and-point; jewelry.   Respect on the other hand, has to be earned.   Unless you happen to be an Italian mobster with the last name "Soprano".



The Satisfying Feeling Of A Useless Bridge On Fire

Finally worked up the willingness to basically tell someone who I have been trying to just deal with for the last three years to screw off. I have never felt better about being an *** in my life, he's had it coming and it felt good giving it.   ...Does this make me a sadist?



The Saddest Butchering Of The Grammar Of The English Language That I Have Ever Endured.

Besides previous AIM conversations with the guy that is(For his security he will be called the guy.). The subject of the following is a concert both he and I are going to tonight;     I'm fine with occasional bad grammar, but I can't stand this guy. It's like he's banging on the keyboard and just hoping something coherent comes out. The worst part is he said he'd "get better once the school year starts". He's gotten worse. The fact he crossed his word is probably what's ticking me off the mos



The Sad Truth Of Time Travel

We must never invent time travel.   Why?   Because some dunce is going to decide to become a hero and go back in time and kill Hitler, causing a paradox that eats the universe.



The Return Of The Son Of Texas Revisionist History

Since these always get locked, I'm going to go ahead and save the staff the trouble and do it myself. I wanted to post this though, as it doesn't seem like it's getting a lot of coverage now outside of Texas(Inside Texas, how is it?) due to the midterms, and considering the number of other states Texas' curriculum effects, I feel that I ought to help let as many people as possible know.



The Real Frank Zappa Book

Go find a copy of this - It's a great read, and for a 21-year old book, it's unsettlingly pertinent. A lot of the man's ideas with music, amongst other things, are things I can agree with, too.



The Problem With Being Instrumental

That CD I've been working on appears to be instrumental based on my songwriting so far. However at the same time, I enjoy singing almost as much as I enjoy playing.   Why is it I can't write lyrics for my life, and if you can, how?



The Old Republic

I seriously need to stop reading about this game, because I'm hovering over buying it and dealing with the subscription payments that I loathe so dearly.   I still can't work out how to justify $15 a month in order to play a game I already spent $50 on and might not even play that month - both from my perspective as the customer with not a lot of money, and the publisher's perspective about why they need to do it.   I hate Bioware at the same time I love them, for tempting me like this. They've



The New Star Trek Movie

Plotholes? Yes. Unless it's in an alternate universe or something. Abrams? Yes. Not-Shatner as Kirk? Yes. No Tribbles? Correct. Will I still see it? Yes. Why?   Because it actually looks interesting, though if there isn't some form of an answer to the plotholes, be it fixing them or just setting it an an alternate universe, expect a rant when I return from seeing it.



The New Skynyrd Album

Even if it is a completely different lineup(Albeit the current singer is RVZ's brother, so you expect some similar opinions), am I the only one who finds the second half of the title "God & Guns" ironic coming from the band who wrote Saturday Night Special?



The New Ipods

So, Steve's made a new set of toys everyone will want. And unlike a lot of his recent devices he's had his enslaved time travelers tell him about made, I actually like these.   Let's go from the ground-up, starting with the Shuffle, shall we?   I'll say it in one word; Buttons. The buttonless Shuffle had to be one of the stupidest things I'd seen in a long while. It's good to see buttons return to the Shuffle in what seems like a step back a generation or two. On top of this, it's now 2GB, whi



The New Comic Artist

I googled the guy's name. To put it mildly his work isn't BZP appropriate.   I look forward to many people's reactions if and when they do similarly, but again, much of his work isn't BZP-appropriate, so really, google at your own risk.



The Name "gallagher"

I've heard it pronounced both ways but I'm not sure whether it's gal-uh-ger or gal-uh-her. I need to know too, as one of my coworkers' last name is Gallagher.



The Many Men Of One Face

So, recently I noticed that Michael Bay     Looks like Hugh Laurie/Dr. House with more hair     And that Hugh Laurie looks like Woody Guthrie     Am I the only one who sees this?



The Lost Finale

I intend to watch it even though I don't particularly like the show mainly to see whether or not my theory from watching two episodes that it's all a giant David Bowie song, that the last episode will be a Bowie concert, and that the show as a giant promotion for his new album is why Ziggy Stardust hasn't released a new album since the year before LOST started.



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