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The Hills Are Alive..

with the sound of the school bell ringing one last time before falling silent, signaling the start of summer vacation.   PARTY TIME!




I completed Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks!   YESSSSS!!!   oh, and I also got all of our LEGO Bricks picked up today. So now the rest of the family can access the pool table again. Next up: the air hockey table.   I wish we could clear out the basement so I could just move them all down there...



Spirit Week So Far...

Isn't going very good for us sophomores. First day: Space Day. I dressed up as a comet. I saw an astronaut, several aliens, two Jedi, One princess Leia (two if you count the school counselor) and the cow that jumped over the moon. Sadly, about 20 people dressed up out of 200. At least I think it was 20. Second day: Pirate day. More people dressed up, but the majority of the school stayed simple. Third day:Inanimate object day. I dressed up as a sock drawer, after thinking about several ideas.



The Legend Reborn

IS AWSOME.   my favorite thing is the expressions. Universal and Tinseltown toons did a fantastic job.




The one downside to seeing WICKED is that I will never be able to watch The Wizard of Oz the same way again.   which, of course, I am doing right now. it's been very interesting so far.



Teen Radio

Is fun.   Had our first broadcast tonight... I did a news segment with another sophmore. Dad says I need to talk slower.   can't wait for next week.   Oh, and finals are next week... Joy...



My Weekend...

-Saw AVATAR again. Had to sit in the front, because the theater was packed, and I usually sit in the back. It was still awsome.   -Read part of Fire, a new book by the author of Graceling. Mom's got it right now, so I can't finish it.   -Forgot about a teen radio meeting. I don't think I'm EVER going to get to attend a full meeting.   -Sick today. Stayed home. played Wii Fit Plus. 1. I felt better. 2. I need to work out more anyway. 3. I had it to myself!   -Got the Bar Code Tatoo, becaus



Vacation Time!

hey everyone! (waves as everyone runs away screaming)   i'm just popping in to let you all know that for the next week, starting teusday, i'll be in the bahamas. if i'm online between the 12th and the 19th, i'll probably let you know via this blog. i'll update you on all the cool stuff i'm doing. i probably won't be on tomorrow night, because mom will be yelling at me to get packed.   "Do you have all your toothbrush and toothpaste? Do you have your pajamas? What are you doing with that kitc



It's A Wonderful Night...

Turns out, we didn't have the bonfire. but we went sledding. and played Apples to Apples. and Super Mario Galaxy. (okay, so that was just me)   It was still a lot of fun. Can't see the blue moon though, because it's too cloudy... i think. my window's on the wrong side of the house. mom says it's not really blue, which is a bummer, because I like blue.   Happy New year!



Deer Damage

i found out what happened in the accident i blogged about last night. first, mom hit the deer, then lost control, then flew across the highway and landed upside down in a ditch. scary. except for a couple of brusies, she's fine. the car, well... Here's a picture. we are so gonna need a new car.




I finished the first chapter of my book!   2,000 words down, 48,000 to go....       (in other news, my Comedies are temporarily on Hitaus until November's over.)



I'm Moving!

Hey folks! So I'm going to be a little off the radar this next week. Why?   Well, at the start of the school year, I started renting a house rather than stay on campus. The understanding was that the house would go on the market in the spring. It is now spring, and the house is now for sale. On top of that, there's been an offer. So I need to move.   I've gotten really lucky and found a new place already, and a roommate- Now I just have to pack all my stuff! A lot of it's going to go into stor



Premier Again...

Finally renewed my premier membership. took a six-month membership instead of a year, but oh well.   already broke some of my resolutions, but with as many as i had, it wasn't suprising.   i've been having a good day so far, but i still have homework to do...   and that MP3 player i got? it will never play again. i'm planning on getting an Ipod Shuffle.   and i got a job. yeah.



New Project...

I got this assignment for english, and I'm estatic over it.   We're studying authurian ledgend (you know, excalibur, the sword in the stone, Arthur and the Knights of the round table; that stuff) and we have to do a project on the legends. we can do posters, power-points, re-enactments... just about anything to present our information..   and, of course, I have to think outside the box and come up with a wild idea: A MOVIE.   I was planning on getting some friends together and acting out Sir



Comedy Crusade

my little Crusade here is to help all the new comedy writers become better writers, so that they write better comedies. a lot of people call them noobs, but this is not true. they are simply inexperienced with writing comedies. so i think we should help them become better writers instead of sitting around and complaining about how all the writers these days seem to be really bad.   join my Crusade to create Better Writers!



It's That Time Of Year Again....

CIVIL. WAR.   for the non-oregonians, the Civil War Game is one of the biggest football games in Oregon. What happens is that our two biggest colleges (University of Oregon and Oregon University) play each other in a huge, famous game. (seriously. Tickets have been sold out since the beginning of the year. University of Oregon are the Ducks. Oregon University are the Beavers. (I like to call the neuteral people the Platapi.)   It's also a big thing at school. My current events teacher (a Ducks



April Fools....

Now, what kind of joke can I play on my siblings today?   I'm debating whether or not I should short-sheet their beds, or just make them and make them think that I short-sheeted their beds. Or...   I could tell them Grandma's coming a day early, but I doubt they would fall for that anymore...




it's sunday. so shouldn't it be sunny outside? because it isn't where i am. Halloween was fun. i dressed up as some sort of 14th century princess, i think.   it was either that or mom's old clown suit. and i can't find my ninja mask.   i realized that i mentioned this a while back, and nobody flinched. so it's not suprising that there are only 52 kids in the 9th grade? (including me)   did you know that snickerdoodle is a type of cookie? it doesn't even have any snickers in it! but it's a fu




YAY! last night, i applied for premier membership! today i'm a premier memer! i am so happy! YAY!YAY!YAY! Party! (Jalina starts to dance while little monkeys fly around singing "celebrate good times" and fireworks explode and music plays and lights go blinky everything gets hetic-- and then the power goes out.) oops. better watch what i'm doing.     anyway, now that it's new year's eve, i think i'll go over some highlights of my year: -short-sheeting my brother's bed for the first time.



Now Why Would Anyone...

Want a hippopatamus for christmas? it wouldn't fit under the tree, it would cost a lot to take care of, and you really can't snuggle with it easily like you could a cat or a dog.   the Christmas carols are getting to me. the song Santa Baby is driving me NUTS, mostly because I've heard it too much, and it was in our Christmas concert for school.



A Hooked Excerpt

Since you guys said yes to my previous query, here's an excerpt from the book I'm working on. It's acutally near the end of the book. ***  After a while, my feet started wandering of their own accord, to the point where I hardly noticed where I was walking. As I walked I tore and threw pages of the manuscript in my hand and tossed them to the wind. How could I have lost? My manuscript was perfect! Wasn’t it? These questions tumbled around in my head, repeating themselves over and over unt



Premier... Again...

I finally had enough funds ($25 bonus at work. WHOOHOO!) to re-activate my premier membership. Even though it took a while (somehow it didn't go through, but B6 helped me get it figured out. Thanks!)   So now I'm premier for a year.   Yay!   Speaking of work... I better go get ready...



Don't Panic!

I finally beat the Don't Panic! level of the Lego Rock Raiders PC game. the trick is to get them all moving at the same time, using a click and drag tecquice to select them all. glad i figured that out.



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