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Presents? What Presents?

I got a Car for christmas! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!   It's just.. well, I know I'm short, but I'm not THAT short.   I also got a guy for Christmas. he's also on the short side.   okay, In all seriousness, here's what I got:   -itunes gift card. -the Candlestone, the Circles of Seven, The Eye of the Oracle, and The Bones of Makaidos by Bryan Davis -Witch and Wizard by James Patterson -Alligator Tears by Anthony Horowitz (the latest Alex Rider novel, although I'm not quite as exited about this



Nyc 2011

No, I'm not talking about New York City.   I'm talking about the Nazerene Youth Conference, in Kentucky, next summer. It's only held once every four years, and it's a week-long convention with games, service projects, concerts, and hanging out with other teenagers. I'm trying to decide if I should go. It sounds like so much fun, and it's a chance to meet new people and help others. However, I was really hoping to visit my friends in Alaska next summer, and NYC is a LOT of money. (For us, it's




i just read the topic on the Mata nui = Matoran Universe theroy. i personaly don't belive it. first, how could a great spirit be an entire planet or universe when the great beings, which are greater, are one the same scale as everyone else? second, if metru Nui is the "brain" of Mata Nui, then when the matoran were put in pods, the brain would stop. and since the brain tells the heart to keep beating, he would have died then and there. third, the concept art of mata nui i saw looked nothing like



Lego Indiana Jones Mini...

is on the internet. yep, instead of being on TV at 9:00 like the lego website seemed to say, it was on the cartoon network website. i don't have the exact page, but you can go to the cartoon network website and look for the Lego Indiana Jones ad. click it, and just click "mini movies" when the new page comes up.   meanwhile, i'm somewhere in Idaho wondering if i made freshman class president....



Mass Update

it's like sunday evening live or something...   first, i had a lot of fun calling my brother names on thanksgiving. while preparing dinner, i asked my aunt if she wanted to learn how to call a turkey, and she said yes. so i turned around and shouted "HEY KAPURKAR!" (i'm not putting my brother's real name here) into the other room, where he and my cousins were watching Wall-E. mom scolded me. my aunt thought it was funny.   but mom had her share of laughs too. after dinner, my cousin and i wer



Poll Of The Week 6

Okay, since no one has commented in last week's poll, I will just set it aside for another time   this week's poll is actually a question.   Poll of the Week 6   Should I return to comic making? 1. yes 2. no 3. I don't care   To be truthful, I cannot make up my mind. so I'm asking for your opinion.



Americanism Essays...

I hate them.   Now, I see the point of them, getting kids to think about their role as a U.S. citizen and such, but do we have to write them EVERY SINGLE YEAR? COMPULSORY?   I'm just sick of doing them every year. and it's part of my english grade, so I HAVE to do it. blech.   I won second this year. I have to go read my essay tonight... and mom "volunteered" me to sing the national anthem. Joy.   I was hoping I could just read it and get of there...         On another note, my Premier Me



What Do You Want To Know?

i'm so happy, i'm gonna tell everyone all about my day!                     keep going!                   almost there!                       ha! made you look! seriously though, lasst night's concert was horrible. partly because most of the choir wasn't singing (i was) and partly becasue the high school choir didn't have to wear their choir uniforms, and we had to. (black slacks, this mozart-lookign white shirt, and a purple tie and cumberbun.)   at least i get to be freshman class secreta




So I got moved into my new place yesterday! Yay!   ...Unfortunately, I still have a lot of boxes to unpack. Mostly random stuff that was in my bedroom before, so I'm sorting through it all to see what can go and what should stay. Found most of my clothes, though! And my food!     This doesn't mean I'm back, though. Still have a LOOOOOT of Homework to catch up on. Mainly a presentation that's due tomorrow morning.     And I just spent two hours playing a sport I haven't touched in three years. My



Young Life Banquet

our biggest fundraiser. pays for camp, materials for meetings, and pizza. (one of our leaders holds a bible study every thursday during lunch. and we have pizza.)   so that's tonight. it will be fun. and speaking of, I need to go get ready.   and I still don't know why I'm still premier... I thought it had expired by now...



One Thing After Another...

First Soccer.   Then getting caught up on schoolwork I missed because of soccer.   Then fundraising for Hawaii (choir got invited to sing in a mass choir at the pearl harbor memorial. Exciting!)   Then Hawaii.   Then getting caught up on school work I missed bacause of Hawaii.   Then the flu.   And now a trip to Grandma's that I thought had been canceled because of the flu.     When am I going to get any time to work on any of the things I want/need to work on?! (College apps, my webcomic, the C




I got to attend a Young Americans Workshop on sunday, through teusday. I had to travel up to La Grande, and I also had to miss school (which is such a loss![/sarcasm])   It was a lot of fun. I even got my own solo!. I also got to wear a 'Fro.   All in all it was a lot of fun. Now if i can get dad to watch the video...



Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow....

and snow, and snow, and snow.   seriously, we have had the biggest snowfall i have ever seen around here!(2-3 whole inches!) and considering i live in a hi-desert area, that's a lot. we might have had a snow day a school, but Christmas break started yesterday. the boiler could break (like it could do that any more than it already has) and we would still have school.   now if you'll excuse me, i am going outside to play. i am SO begging my mom to take me up to Star Ridge. ( a popular sledding h




shuffle shuffle, poke, ouch. Jalina sighed, she would rather be home reading harry potter and the goblet of fire for the umpteenth time, she has been delivered to the high school at nine in the morning to make pizza. she. and most of her class was standing in line to make pizzas the number depending on the orders they recived. Jalina glanced at her order as she recived two pizza crusts from a classmate who had finished his pizzas. she needed a pepperoni and a canadian bacon, and cheese to



Stormy Weather...

it's really strange, because it's supposed to be SUMMER vacation.   it should not be raining in summer. it should be nice and sunny so everyone can go hang out at the pool.




what tickets for all 5 of us (me and my four cousins) to go on one ride would have cost: $25   what we really spent: $5 what we did? well... we wrapped the baseball bat and three of the cousins in plastic wrap and tried to play baseball, but then the other cousin started spraying the others with silly spray. I took video.   oh, and i inhaled helium this weekend. don't think i'll ever do it again.



Four More Days...

until my premier membership expires.   seeing how bad I am at keeping track of things, I have no idea when I'll renew it...



Was She Even Listening?!?!?!

remember a few blog posts back when i talked about the high school musical rebellion? well, i have good news and bad news.   the good news is, we didn't get high school musical music. the bad news is, we got high school musical 2 music.   i don't think our music teacher was listening when we retorted to the music idea. but, according to the choir's actions during the demo CD, I don't think we have to worry.



Bionicle: An Epic Quest

After a loooonng Hiatus from the BZP forums due to life and stuff, I was visiting a Comedies forum topic as the authors discussed how to revitalize the comedies sector of the library forum. One of the reasons the forum was dying, they discussed, was because more authors were leaving than there were coming. THis is really rather obvious; most of the children who were BIONICLE fans are now finishing high school or in college, when life enters the scene and reality hits. But when we were young, we



The First Annual Ccc Awards!

The Ceremony Topic is UP!   We've got the red carpet chapter up now, and the correponding announcement chapters will be posted within the week, within a 24-hour period of each other. That amounts to a chapter a day. (it might be two, accounting for life and such.)   But otherwise, we're almost done with this! :runaround: So go read it! it's called: The Awards Ceremony.   Meanwhile, I'm going to try to focus on my homework...



Annual Update #...

here are the latest updates, which were supposed to be put up last week. (typical)   *I aced my reading test. the points needed to pass was 23-something, and exceed was 248. I got a 261.   *I got chocolate for easter. and sunglasses that feel flimsy and cheap. I like the chocolate better.   *9 more weeks until school's out! WHOOHOO!   *I have at least three friends who have birthdays this month. one's is tomorrow, one is in a couple of weeks, and I can't remember when the last one was. (I



Happy Anniversary, Bzpower!

if you don't know yet, today is BZPowers aniversary, i don't know which one it is. to celebrate this great occasion, i have a special picture.             hey! where is it? i know it's around here somewhere! (zooms out of chair to search for it)   don't worry, the picture will be up later today!   Happy aniversary, !




first of all, i got a new name for my blog. likey? no likey? second, i FINALY got the volleyball over the net in gym today. yes, i am that bad at volleyball. third, mom reserved Indiana Jones 4 for me to rent this saturday. Yay! Fourth, homecoming's over! ( you try being a novice class secretary during homecoming!) Fifth, i got a new LEGO set! sixth, my birthday is in less than a month!   now the bad things about my day: i can't open the lego set until my brother pays for the portion he p



NaNoWriMo Day 1: The Lord of Misrule

Hi Everyone! Welcome to Day 1 of the Annual NaNoWriMo challenge! Every week, I am going to post here regarding my progress on my NaNo project for this year. If I'm on top of my game, I congratulate myself and evaluate my progress. If I'm short on my word count, I'll evaluate what I'm doing wrong and work to improve it.   Day 1: GO!   This will be short: I have somewhere to be. But let me introduce and give a preview of this year's NaNo book: The Lord of Misrule!   Synopsis: Somewhere in the wor




IS AWSOME.   and it didn't hurt that I got to see it in 3-D. But my eyes HURT afterwards.   In other news, that annoying english project is almost done. just need to put it all together...



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