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Good Vibrations

It feels really good to finally be able to start paying some of my bills. I got paid yesterday for my first real, full paycheck, and today I paid Greyhound for a trip in two weeks, the US Department of Education for my first Stafford Loan payment, my car insurance, cell phone bill, and I bought gel inserts for my work shoes.   Next week, when I get my first paycheck from my second job (by the way, I now have two jobs [which kind of sucks]), I get to make another payment to OkState University,



Go Go..

Haha. I loved the White Ranger as a kid. He was awesome.   As you can see, I'm playing with the camera still. I really want something with manual focus. Everything would be happier.   So much happier.   Also: Jazz   He is also awesome. So much awesome.




So I'm backing up galleries that I enjoy on my external hard drive, along with my own gallery.   I have the following members' galleries saved, as of now (including my own, of course):   -Jinzo -Cajun (both of his galleries) -THRAXISjr -Natha (Only his 'Natha' account) -ToM -Shanny -Seran -Schizo -BFS -Ric Nine -Smeag -BCii -Amalga -Makaru -Tess -Kex (both of his galleries) -Kanta of Le-Koro -Kitsunenomen -Roa McToa -Gukkel -Tok   All at under a Gig and a half, too! It's a




OMG LOOK AT THESE POLLS   Also, some of the names had to get shortened (some by a lot) because with the URL and IMG tags in the field, the field exceeded the allowed number of characters, so I had to make cuts where I could, which, considering the others were links and tags, were solely in the names. Sorry!   Also, next contest? Everyone is required to submit a thumbnail too. Yeesh.




Number forty Number five, I swear, I will have at thee this time!



For The Love.

Refresh your image cache, denizens.   I have re-decked in more appropriate stylings!



Five Years.

Totally. I've been on BZP for half a decade. I've seen depression, divorce, happiness, graduation, college, birthdays upon birthdays, my father remarrying, etc, all while I've been here.   Weird.  



Fire Armour Lewa Nuva!

I am playing with Ben 10 pieces. Nothing serious. I just wanted to see if the torso armour could be used on the Inika build, and look okay. It can.   This isn't a serious MOC, and it's not anything special. I don't have but a handful of odds and ends here in Tulsa, as my collection is at school. Apparently in that handful of parts was an almost-intact Lewa Nuva T9. Now he's been re-adapted for fiery environments. Crazy.




I GOT A JOB!!   So much weight off of my back, so much stress relieved.   It's a fun story, too!   Saturday I was hanging with my friend Lilly, whom I originally disliked intensely, back when her and I worked together at the Starbucks inside Super Target (the one that fired me recently). She quit a good two years before I was fired, and somehow, in the two years we were not co-workers, we became quite good friends. So, we're chillaxing at a different Target Starbucks, and talking about my job



Finally did the thing

I've never owned a handheld video game system in my entire life. My family wasn't very well off, and we could never afford them, though we did end up with a Sega Genesis, N64, and a Gamecube. Most of those were because my dad worked for Blockbuster Video back in the day, and then worked/works at a Sam's Club, and got them on the cheap. Also, the Gamecube came with Wind Waker and was a birthday present for all three of us in one go, so I guess it was affordable that way?   I digress,   Maddison a



Final Poll

BZPower, you don't make a lick of sense. Instead of voting for any of the four finished MOCs, or even the LDD render, you vote for the MOC with one ridiculous, terrible, hideously mishapen arm? The one that has literally only one arm? Really?



Faust, Midas, And Myself

This one’s about a dream I had last night How an old man tracked me home And stepped inside Put his foot inside the door And gave a crooked smile Something in his eyes Something in his laugh Something in his voice That made my skin crawl off He said I’ve seen you here before I know your name Yeah, you could have your pick Of pretty things You could have it all Everything at once Everything you’ve seen Everything you’ll need Everything you’ve ever had in fantasies   You have on



Falling Through Life.

I haven't been great at this whole blog thing lately. Mostly because I went and made a real blog where I can type up thoughts and feelings on issues I'm not allowed to discuss on BZPower. You know, my religious thoughts.   So, here's some random life updates and such! I'm rebuilding my music library after having to wipe my HD a month or so ago Also, apparently my computer's video/graphics card isn't my friend I'm really tired of school Writing case studies isn't fun "Where the Wild Things Are"



Fall Break!

Freedom from the trials of University life until Wednesday. Oh Lord, how I needed this!   So, I'm totally STOKED for the Switchfoot concert tonight at the Tulsa State Fair (because Tulsa's a state unto itself, you see).   STOKED. YOU DO NOT EVEN UNDERSTAND!   My fall break is bracketed by two concerts I've been looking forward to hardcore. Swithcfoot tonight, House of Heroes Tuesday night.   There shall be rocking, rolling, and pictures.   Hopefully with the bands.   Other than that, th




I've been taking a lot of people pictures recently. Because not only are portraits extremely marketable, but because there's something so enjoyable about representing people in print. I think it might relate to my extremely people-heavy personality, but I enjoy taking pictures of people more than anything else (especially landscapes).   So, I thought I'd share some of the recent people pictures I've taken.   (Each photo links to the Flickr page for each photo.)   My friend Lilly's son Max:



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