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Falling Through Life.



I haven't been great at this whole blog thing lately. Mostly because I went and made a real blog where I can type up thoughts and feelings on issues I'm not allowed to discuss on BZPower. You know, my religious thoughts.


So, here's some random life updates and such!

  • I'm rebuilding my music library after having to wipe my HD a month or so ago
  • Also, apparently my computer's video/graphics card isn't my friend
  • I'm really tired of school
  • Writing case studies isn't fun
  • "Where the Wild Things Are" is sad
  • I just wanted to hug people afterwards
  • Worth it
  • LOST doesn't start until January, and that's too far away
  • But getting closer at an alarmingly brisk pace!
  • Apparently the campus mail system is also not my friend
  • I've had undelivered letters, objects of value, and things I've sent have not gotten to their recipients
  • Relient K's newest CD is probably their best
  • Owl City sounds like Ben Gibbard singing in the style of Matthew Thiessen
  • I'm going to finish a MOC someday
  • Maybe this weekend?
  • I'm not a fan of this BBC (with one 'C') contest theme.
  • I've become very used to watching my shows the next day on-line
  • Because they all start at the same time on the same days
  • Which is a shame
  • Genius makes some pretty solid playlists
  • I'm very poor right now
  • This has been a great semester!
  • :)
  • Seriously. Even with computer problems, this has been a great semester
  • The NCAA knows where I think it should go.
  • How bad have college football refs been this year???
  • They should all lose their jobs
  • Seriously. They're ruining my enjoyment of the second best American sporting events
  • (I really like college basketball)
  • ((That one's first on my list of great American sports))
  • (((Did you know I played basketball back before I was in college?)))
  • I love Smeagol4 :wub:
  • And I wish I could go visit Ray soon. He's only an hour away!
  • Life is great without girl drama
  • My House Church is going fantastic
  • I enjoy leading it
  • With fronds like these, who need anemones?
Also, have a picture!




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>Because they all start at the same time on the same days


So true. Thursday nights needs more hour spots. The Office, FlashForward, Fringe, Community, 30 Rock, all in two hours, and two of the shows are hour long shows. ALSO CANNOT WAIT FOR V


Where The Wild Things Are was very sad, but it seemed too deep or deep with nothing beneath? I dunno I felt I was searching for symbolism in almost everything in that movie. It really was creepy/sad though, especiousliously for a child's film.

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  • Where the Wild Things are was pretty sad and made me wanna hug people a bunch.
  • OH MAN COLLEGE FOOTBALL REFS I KNOW. Have you seen the Michigan State/Minnesota game? WHAT HOGWASH.
  • I am, against my better judgment since I'm not totally into sports in general, sort of looking forward to basketball season. Mostly because MSU is actually kinda good at it, so it won't be as depressing as football.
  • Though all of the greatest sports aren't American. Kendo, fencing, chariot racing, capoeira, quidditch . . .
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I can relate to watching shows a day late. Makes it easy to not have to plan my life around a TV.


Isn't it easier to say "BBCC" with the second C meaning contest?


Yay Relient K and Owl City!



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The love for you is everywhere. To merely speak of such love would be to defame it! No, such love cannot be spoken, it can only be shown. It can be seen in the way Fall sings out its beauty before Winter cleanses the world. In the way the bird rejoice as the Great Rebirth of Spring brings forth the flowers hidden within the Earth. It can be observed in the sunset, in the sunrise, in the twinkling of the stars, and in the gentle voice of the many oceans, lakes, rivers, and ponds lapping at the shores. It's fierceness can be felt when those same bodies of water are caught up in a terrible storm. For this love is both beautiful and terrifying.

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Is it just me, or is DeeVee waxing poetic in a way that could be read either straight or with humour, and work equally well both ways?


We need more of that.



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So I've been thinking about this whole "best Relient K CD yet" thing, and, the way I see it, it depends on what makes a CD "the best."

I think the sound they are evolving into is the right direction for them, so this CD sounds really good. But that's also not so say that their older stuff doesn't either. But there is a noticeable difference. However, with CD's like Mmhmm and Five Score, I can put it in and only have to skip one or two tracks, where as with Forget I don't really enjoy those slower songs and the minute-long things in-between the upbeat stuff.

But that's just me. If I burn it onto a CD I'm leaving off those small things.



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So I've been thinking about this whole "best Relient K CD yet" thing, and, the way I see it, it depends on what makes a CD "the best."

I think the sound they are evolving into is the right direction for them, so this CD sounds really good. But that's also not so say that their older stuff doesn't either. But there is a noticeable difference. However, with CD's like Mmhmm and Five Score, I can put it in and only have to skip one or two tracks, where as with Forget I don't really enjoy those slower songs and the minute-long things in-between the upbeat stuff.

But that's just me. If I burn it onto a CD I'm leaving off those small things.



See, I enjoy Relient K's slower songs more than their faster songs, in general. My favourite song of theirs is "Curl Up and Die". I prefer their acoustic versions to their original mixes nine out of ten times. I love Mmhmm, and to a lesser extent, I love Five Score. My favourite stuff they've done is on The Nashville Tennis EP. I've always found those types of RK songs to be more... emotional. I'm a sucker for that. It's why I listen to Death Cab for Cutie. But anyway, I can't skip a single song on Forget. The whole album plays together so perfectly.

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So I've been thinking about this whole "best Relient K CD yet" thing, and, the way I see it, it depends on what makes a CD "the best."

I think the sound they are evolving into is the right direction for them, so this CD sounds really good. But that's also not so say that their older stuff doesn't either. But there is a noticeable difference. However, with CD's like Mmhmm and Five Score, I can put it in and only have to skip one or two tracks, where as with Forget I don't really enjoy those slower songs and the minute-long things in-between the upbeat stuff.

But that's just me. If I burn it onto a CD I'm leaving off those small things.



See, I enjoy Relient K's slower songs more than their faster songs, in general. My favourite song of theirs is "Curl Up and Die". I prefer their acoustic versions to their original mixes nine out of ten times. I love Mmhmm, and to a lesser extent, I love Five Score. My favourite stuff they've done is on The Nashville Tennis EP. I've always found those types of RK songs to be more... emotional. I'm a sucker for that. It's why I listen to Death Cab for Cutie. But anyway, I can't skip a single song on Forget. The whole album plays together so perfectly.


Haha. What's your opinion on their self-titled debut release? ;P

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