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Lol Internet

Yup. End of summer. I'm starting school tomorrow.   Please shoot me.



It's My Two Day Anniversary!

...of my last entry.   Someone else post something witty, I can't.   This blog needs some serious pimpin'. Hmm. I'll work on that.



The Hatatu Entry

Did I say spam-free? Hahahaha, you believed that?   Anyway, here's what we'll do. We're all Hatatu. Which is sort of bad. If you dunno who he is just go over to my comics or Project Klinkerpoop. He's the BZP Geek, the guy we all hate. Not a good BZP Geek like us, but just overly dumb. So post something that the person above did to break the Hatatu BZP Rules.   (A Blog Staff comes over here, and closes this for being a spammy round robin game "You broke the rules! ")   Seriously with the spa



Me Likes Ideas

I might go to Brickfest. Seeya there if I go.   This was a really useless entry. I have to save it somehow.   Umm...a picture!   http://www.majhost.com/gallery/jd0922/BLLLOOOO.../ha_newbie5.jpg




I was bored, so I rearranged my sig and made up a one person group.   I cleaned up a lot of stuff that was pretty much just spam in here, as well as deleting some old entries, too. So let's keep it nice and spam-free, eh?



By Request...or...whatever I Feel Like.

Seems like my blog severly drops off in popularity whenever I try a serious attempt at entrydom, so obviously I just have to keep the rantdom (random + rant i r a genus lol) entries coming. Zoopals is quickly overused, pie and cheese are cliches, despite the ubercoolness, and any sort of fruit has been thrown out the window (and landing on Spitty's head, despite all the suggestions he's recieved as to where to move his llama farm too) from ye ole Fruit War topic. Waffles are slowly becoming not



Oh No.

*points to sig*   Nuuri knew it was coming.    



Fear Da Floating Heads

Yeah, I keep updating them. They look spiffeh. Spitty and another Tohu head added, plus they're organized better.   As for my blog entry, I don't know what to write, besides the simple fact that some people are dumb. Just really dumb.    



This Blog Entry Is Dedicated To...

The coolest Greek letter of them all...     Epsilon! Just for a change from all the Omi-love entries.   Post here and flame Epsy about how goshdarn cool he is.     Three entries in one day, I must be really bored




I'm going to a baseball game tonight. Whee. Go Lookouts.



Fo' Shizzle.

http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...&showentry=3109   It will BLOW YOUR MIND.



Mmm, Chocolate.

I just ate a cookie.   Don't you just love these insightful, thought-provoking blog entries?



Don't Blog Here!

It's a great idea, isn't it?   So. I'm out of ideas for seriousness, so it's back to the random ramblings. Ranram. Ramran. Ramen? Yeah. Noodles. Oodles of noodles. I wonder why noodles are so oodley, and if oodley's even a word...It rhymes with poodle. Puddle. Muddle. Fuddle. Fumble. Rumble. Grumble. Crumble. Crumb. Bread crumbs! Yes! That's what I would love to talk about. On this video game, there's a character named Crust you can play as. It's really gotta be the stupidest name ever - who wo



Owie Zowie

I broke my toe yesterday.   And then I went to the Zoo and met up with all my fun Zoopals




Bot-W for Lol yesterday. Awesome. I didn't even see it xD   So, as a reward, you all get free poisoned cookies. It saves me from giving you rewards in the future.   So, have you noticed I like the word so? So, so, so. Sounds like "sew". It looks like "mew". Wasn't Mew a Pokemon character? Blagh. I hate Pikachu. He sounds like he's a mountain that sneezes.   "Peak...ACHOO"   Anyway. There's no point to that. So, keep your insanity to a maximum and your...um...bad stuff to a minimum.




My goal is to keep this blog on the second page for as long as possible!   ...er...snap.



Ok, So, Like, Seriously, Dudes, But Not Like, Much

Gosh, I've been busy, I've barely had time to get Mog over here and yell at him for stealing Toa Kongu.   Yeah. I've had tennis twice this week, and that's fun. Baseball season's over. Wah. I do NOT like going outside at the moment. Austrailians are lucky this time of year, it's winter with all the hemispheric stuff and all. YAY HEMISPHERES! Anyhoo, I saw a picture of this woman on a website, advertising for some site builder thing, and it looked exactly like one of my friends. So now I'm all




Anyone got a job? What is it?   I mow lawns. I'm tired now. Me go shleepy insh tshe computery chairy.    




It seems like everyone and their mother has a blog now!   ...   No, never mind. There's no "Mrs. Spitty's Mother Llama Blog" out there...   yet...




Couple stuffies to go over today;   Keep posting in my last entry. Get a bit o' a poll going for the best comic ever stuff. My blog's second in comments, I believe. Yay. Third, I got Toa Kongu and some Zamor Spheres today. 'twas a little funny, the first Bionicle set I've bought in over a year. But it's spiffy. The sword keeps giving me seizures. >_> Fourth... AWESOME LINKS FOR 2007 SETS   Apologies to anyone who actually has epilepsy.



Your Mom Is A Blog Entry! What Now?!

Exo's "Hey, this guy isn't helping!" Tips For Comic-Makers   Randomness is only funny for so long, then you have to develop a bit of a storyline, and add the humor in as an intelligent punchline.   Luckily, "so long" hasn't come yet. And we can all have a good laugh at the guy who just got hit with a block of cheese while saying "CHEESE STUFF!!1". Yes, we can enjoy this for a long time yet.



Diet Coke

I'm sitting here, drinking my title. Well, not the title. You can't eat things from a computer screen. Believe me, I've tried.   Friend: "Exo, why are you licking the computer screen?" Me: "Errhhh...I like food."   There are many occasions where licking the computer screen is uncalled for. Too bad. I think licking should be an acceptable part of society. Well, not really, but I don't have anything else to talk about. I'm going to go make a panini. I like paninis. Partly cause of the name. Lo



Ah, Geez.

I haven't updated my blog in 10 days. I wonder if you can be arrested for "blog abuse"? Maybe in the future. I predict blogs will form into sentient beings, and we're all screwed if we don't update them, feed them every day. Sorta like Neopets. Which I absolutely hate. I made an account there, just to see my Neopet die. So you may now officially hate my soulless self.



Random Ramblings Part 2 Or So Of...i Dunno, A Lot.

Ok, so, completely hypothetical science stuff here.   Say in one hand, you have a black hole. Not really in your hand, it'd suck your hand right in there, no question. But hypothetically. And hypothetically, you had a hypothetical kitten named Bob in the other hand. Also hypothetically, you found out that there was another secret black hole type in the universe, and that this black hole could do anything, and Veronica found out that Dirk was actually Lisa's gender-changed half sister from Rus



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