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Server Is Shooped No More!

Well, the forums are back up. Woo! Let's get to some epic posting! Also, I get my own computer on Friday. I've been waiting since last year, so I'm pretty excited. HP ftw!



Server Got Shooped...

The server is down again. Only Blogs work. At least to my information. Well, might just as well post an entry about it.



Bionicle: The Future's Future Looks Dark

Okay, I'm gone from tomorrow, and will return on Thursday. When I get home, I will finish my series final, and get working on Bionicle: The Future. I've had this project for a long time, but now, the future of The Future () looks... dark. I've lost many readers over the last epic, which makes me think that maybe I don't write good enough epics.   This of course, makes me feel kinda sad, and maybe I'll just scrap Bionicle: The Future and just go back to be an ordinary member which does nothing m




A blog I can call my own... Nice. At least for ten days. As the entry name suggests, I'm pretty excited about this. Maybe someone will at least post a comment here. I hope.   Downloaded the My Chemical Romance song, "Teenagers" on my cellphone. It's pretty nice. I love the many "grimaces" of Gerard Way. Makes him look crazy. Well... I can't think of anything more to say... At least nothing intelligent. Gotta use these ten days wisely.   To finish of: "IMMA CHARGING MY LAZER!"




Okay, in my last entry, I was madly ranting about the future of my newest epic. I thought that if you guys got to see a piece of the epic, maybe you'll be more eager to read it. Without further ado, here it is. It's the prologue of it.  



New Spinny

As you may have noticed, the new spinny this year is the blue Faxon. IMO, it's looks awesome. Too bad you can't see any details on it. Nevertheless, it's looks good.   Still, can't think of any intelligent things to say.



Goodbye Then...

Well, I've decided to leave BZP for a while. The reasons are that I am getting sick of the forums being offline all the time and witnessing that a staff-person can be a little too harsh on members, including me for reasons no-one understands. I'll still be around, but probably not in the forums, only on the main page. It's been a good run, but right now, BZP has had a major downfall which I don't like. That's it, and I'll miss you guys. Have good luck with everything!   -K



World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King

The following entry contains lots of random Warcraft lore ranting, and only Warcraft geeks like me is able to understand it.   At Blizzcon 2007, a new expansion for WoW was announced. It's called Wrath of the Lich King and will focus on what Arthas/The Lich King has been doing the time between Warcraft 3 and WoW. The new expansion will rise the level cap to 80, add a new profession, called Inscription, a new class, the Death Knight, and a new continent, Northrend, new dungeons and lots more. Th




Thank goodness! The forums are back up! It's what I would call "über-shooped." What else is there to do on an late evening than stick around on BZP? In the meantime, I've actually reached level 60 in World of Warcraft. Woo! That's it I guess. Not too many days left of the premier perks, so I'm gonna prepare to say goodbye soon.



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