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There's a theory that a giant comet crashing into the Earth caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.   I wonder what would happen if you crashed a Star Destroyer into it. Hypothetically, of course.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Spirits Of The Air (and One Of Earth)

I'm not going to say how similar the Phantoka are to the 2002 Nuva and point out the similarities, since I feel that it's been done again and again and would be superfluous here. Instead, I'm going to do what I did in my previous two blog entries and point out how the sets represent the characters. Lewa You all know what his personality is. Lewa is cheery and generally happy-go-lucky. A synonym for that is, you guessed it, bright. Just like lime green, which I have seen a lot of complaints abo

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Flute Lesson Today...

I hate accidentals, and double sharps are even worse. Hopefully, there's no such thing as a double flat.   On the bright side, I get to do one of the solos in our school band. Then again, there's only three flutes anyway, and there's a lot more than three solos. Ah well, no one in band (including me) enjoys doing solos anyway.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


I am about to exact revenge upon my math teacher for the numerour grievances we the students have against her.   How, you ask? Simple. I'm going to make a survey asking whether each one of our teachers is competant or not. Because a good majority of the students hate the math teacher, I'm sure that the results will be stacked greatly towards "no." The best part is, there's no evident malicious intention in this scheme from the surface, so I most likely won't get in trouble.   Of course, I'm

O_o Yet Again

Since my massive pile of schoolwork seems to be clearing up (I hate freshman year :annoyed2:), I thought I might come back, but I think I'll postpone it a bit more... Actually, on second thought, it's not clearing up at all.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Temporary Lull

I do have a speech to make tomorrow, which is pretty poorly put together by my standards (and that's really bad). But I've prepared all I can for it.   Otherwise, I think I can have a break from homework for now. There's nothing really too pressing, anyway. Besides, I need to go bother some people in S&T again, for the sake of my sanity (which is really in a sorry state right now).

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Can You Hear Me Now? Good

I sure envy that guy. I got the grades for my speech back today. I did well on most of it, but the single part that really dragged me down was the fact that I didn't speak loudly or clearly enough. :annoyed2: I have no idea what that's saying, but I don't think it's anything too good.     Oh, and now to talk about Bionicle, I think I'll get Jetrax just to make the Destral Cycle. The idea of a Makuta as a biker is the craziest, therefore best, idea I've heard yet. I still want Rockoh, thou

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


That ice cream wasn't that good. Mostly because it was melted and soaked through the envelope it was sent in. The mailman is threatening to sue.   Oh, and since none of my classes today had finals, I only had to do three finals this trimester!

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

*hates Being "out Of The Loop*

I also hate it when the capitalization is all messed up. :annoyed2:   But anyways, can someone fill me in on what I missed? Specifically any nifty stuff in the OGD. I know I could check BS01, but I doubt I'd be able to find everything I've missed, since all the new information is scattered all over the place.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


I'm leaving BZPower. I don't have anything against anyone here (well, not personally), but I still can't take it here. There's a whole lot of stress in my life, and since BZP isn't much of a solace for me anymore, I'll have to drop it until I get my life on track. I'll still be posting a little bit and check my PMs and blog, but I won't be spending much time or putting much effort into BZP anymore.   Oh, and I just want to point out that I'm sorry if I snapped at anyone because of stress.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Sooo... Tired...

I can barely even move today. I'm even getting short breath. Apparently, I need some more sleep. One of these days, Vorahk, I'll get you for this. I'm going to smear you all over the ground.   On a related matter, MC8 was really well written. It'd have a great air of mystery if we didn't know about the Order already.   And I think I'll enter the S&T contest. I already have an idea for my weapon (funnily enough, I've had it for ages ).

Epic Swordfight

I got into a duel with someone today (don't remember how it started; must be some dumb minor thing). Unfortunetly, just as I was about to utterly crush my opponent, the substitute teacher came over and told us to break it up. Oh, and if you're wondering why I didn't cut the substitute to pieces, it's because the weapons used were two rulers and a yardstick. :annoyed2:   Anyway, I got 8:22 on the mile run today. For someone as out of shape as I am, that's actually a pretty good time.
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