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Well I'm back on DSL. I can't tell you how happy I am to be here. I'm really glad to be out of our house... All the wasp keep getting through our windows somehow and we have to have them open because it is so hot and humid, haven't put the air conditiors in yet. Then I was killing wasp, then there were spiders, and then there was a tick! I actually felt the thing jump on my leg.   Now I'm reading up on my class for the new week and checking some of my other site. There is this girl from the p




I finished my homework and class work. All I have to do is start reading my stuff for the next week of class, starting Monday. I think I'll work on TLS re-write and re-doing my blog tonight.   There is nothing on TV so I might get a lot done or just read...  



Dun Tick Dun Tock Dun Tick Tock...

I've been online an hour and six minutes and I just got class open... Now I'm sure what you are all thinking is "He wasn't even trying to." I've been waiting for it to load, and I just got it open.



Fair Warning...

I'll be going home later, so I won't be on DSL for the first time since... I've lost count. Don't expect to see me on as much.




Got the assignment done last night.   What? That font changed.... I don't remember changing all of it to look like that.   I just checked, and it looks the same on my computer... Must be because of the font. That doesn't make sense when the left hand side has the handwritten like font.




Just checked and I've got perfect points on all last weeks assignments.



Ministry Of Magic

Grah. Working on my assignment due tomorrow. I'm thinking a letter head form the Ministry of Magic, Committee On Experimental Charms.   Help




Leaving to go have dinner with my grandma and my family. Now I have to do my assignment later. Must... Remember... Harry... Potter.... Spell... Submission... Form... Grid... Design...




LOL I don't have a night cap, but nighty night. I hope I did everything I meant to today...




So we got to the doctor, my mom had an appointment too. We get in and they take me first. There is a 4 year medical student in, so the actual doctor lets her do the check up. Then she went and told him what she saw. My one ear looked like it had fluid it in, my throat was a bit red, enlarged tonsils (normal for me), and that was it. He checked over me and said the same except my ear was fine. Then he asked her, "what are you going to do about it?" "Antibiotic." They called me in Sulfmeth what




So the other kids are still sick. They're probably going to get the little ones stomach checked out today. Then our doctor called about the green snot, he wants to see us both. I haven't been to him in a while, probably around a year, I think... Don't really remember, I've been to him once. They called back here, and had me mixed up with my dad, so our files are all confused or something. I have no idea if I need to get dressed to go or not. >.<   EDIT Going to the doctors at 5. Blog




Since he isn't blogging, I'll keep you updated on his life!     I think his bad habits rubbed off on me. I'm stuck trying to read my lectures... and getting no where fast.




I typed this while watching heroes... Spoilers ahead... » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Sylar is really freaky. Chaning into his mother and talking to himesl? Mental... I don't believe he played double for micah nad let him escape just like that, and he let him go again after that...   Whaaat!? This episode was just filler leading up to the report they all saw in the diner?



My Belly...

Hurts. Possibleh what the kiddie has, I could be getting diarhhea like him. :annoyed2: I had better not start throwing up... Then again I might have just strained lifting something or other yesterday. I don't remember what or when though. That's what sucks about Crohn's you never know if it is it or something else.




Well I think I'm feeling better today. Yesterday it just stunk, my head was all 'meh' and my throat was sore. I'm pretty sure it was from getting cold in the middle of the night... I went to bed around 1 something last night, after falling asleep sitting up on the couch. I was trying to dry my hair before I went to sleep, cause I didn't want to get feeling bad from a wet head of hair. So, I was there sitting watching Knights of Bloodsteel, and I fell asleep. Today I feel nothing like I did las



Why Do I Feel This Way?

I got rather chilly last night despite having a blanket... Now my throat is a bit sore. I'm tired and just meh in my head. I got plenty of sleep though. I don't suppose all the crying, whining, and other kids being sick doesn't help.   Almost done with my list... Sorta.



Remind Me Plox

Uh... Lost of stuff to do tomorrow. I need to watch Bleach 110/111 since Adult Swim played two new ones tongiht and I'm too tired to watch, logging off now. I have to reply in class to other studetns. Uh... Save my next week of course work and look it over some. Read The Last Stand. Read BZProvince. Trade Pokemon. EV train pokemon. Email for reports. Uh..................... I think that is it, prolly forgot soemthing somewhere homesow. Whoever reminds me gets a cookie. kthanxbai



Final Day

Well today was the final day of the service and burial. I actually did pretty darn good for an early morning, considering it was the earliest one yet. I shared my grandpa’s bedroom with my mom and grandma, I had an air mattress. We had a house full, our gay cousin and his brother flew in from Texas. I got up had breakfast, got dressed, and had my tie put on me by that very special cousin. I’m not entirely sure if his brother is too or not, he told me “morning sunshine…” They aren’t my cousins; t




I'm turning in for the night. I did all the reports I had, but didn't get around to anything else. I'll double my RPing efforts tomorrow afternoon, hopefully.



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