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For All Who Asked...

I'm getting my haircut similar to this one...a bit longer tho' Just cause I will miss my incredibly long hair lol...so I am getting ALOT of inches cut.     ~Sunneh



Haircut? Yey!

Yay! I scheduled an appointment for a haircut tomorrow...but here's the thing, all my life I've had my hair at least medium length, nothing above my shoulders, bu tomorrow, I'm getting it cut short My Mom has never let me before (She told me all sorts of things like "I was only allowed to get my hair cut short when I was in college" etc. But her parent's were quite strict....) So when I showed her the type of haircut I wanted, it was kinda funny because she was beating around the bush saying th



B R A W L !

Is totally fun =D we FINALLY got our Wii back yesterday, and were able to play Brawl ;D It's a blast, just like every Super Smash game is. I remember, Tek, His Friend, My Friend & I used to all get together and play for HOURS on the original Super smash for N64. Good times. B)   Lessee, Super Smash Bros. (The original for N64) was fun, I totally have to say that my favorite character was Kirby in that, If I wasn't Kirby, I was Jigglypuff. Which was, totally awesome. ;D   For Super Smash b



Progress Report

Progress report on welcome home stuff.   Banner--COMPLETE. Lemon Meringue Pie--COMPLETE x2 FRAPPE--COMPLETE   I'll do the frappe like 15 mins. before his plan lands, stick it in the freezer, pick him up, and come home. ;D   ANYWAYS--We picked him up, He's home, hurray =)   ~Sunneh



Font Change?

Should I change my font to this?? If you can't tell any difference, you need to go download the font REDENSEK.   Thoughts?   ~Sunneh



Welcome Home Preperations. =d

YAY. My Dad gets home tonight at 11:00 =) We have yet to make a welcome home banner, bake a lemon merangue pie, and make him a delicious Frappucinno. =D   ~Sunneh



Let's Go...

FLY A KITE!!! D; Kidding, kidding...   so whatcha'll doing on this plain Saturday Mornin'? Me...oh what AM I doing? Nothing. this is boring....keep me company, I'll be here, don't worry. D:   ~Sunneh



Art Site? Possibly?

I'm thinking about seriously making a site to show off my Artwork, have art/HTML/CSS type tutorials (Written by myself) free graphics, (Possibly requests?) Easy Drag & Drop Graphics Makers...and it's all because I've been doodling in Paint Shop Pro   What do you all think? THIS is what I've been doodling in PSP (I uploaded it to blogger =D)   Obviously it's not finished, and I may not even use this, but what do you think? It's All Vectored (ughhhh) and completely random... Should I even




I can't upload anything, I'll post some things (That I didn't make, obviously 'cuz THEY'RE NOT TRANSPARENT! *smacks whoever made them* Oh, and no worries, these are free for people to use ;D) but that I think are great     Thank you, that is all. ;D   EDITAROO: Oops, sorry Kohaku....I didn't know that that one word was a "bad word"....Okay seriously, the word filter is way too far out! I agree, filter bad words, swears yes, but not NORMAL WORDS. You all mine aswell block "BIONICLE




WHY? I have no image host right now....My Dad recently updated our filter software and it blocks Maj....and Freewebs...and all images hosts LOL. And my Dad's on a trip, but when he gets back, he'll unblock it for me. ;D But at the moment, you all will have to just patiently wait for my amazing artwork. ;D   ~Sunneh



W O A H !

Check out all the Biggrin smilies in my last post....niiiiiiceee. ;D   Random, sorry...   ~Sunneh




....is a nice thing to earn for babysitting the greatest kids in the world (these are different children than the ones I talked about in my "Worst Day ever" entry....) These are the kind of kids you WANT to babysit, because they're just plain well-behaved, easy to take care of, and cute! Not to mention that family is great friends with ours LOL Anyways, these kids were great, and I babysat them a few days ago, and earned $75 Unfortunately, I have to split half with my little brother, cause He




HI   Sorry, I've been gone a couple days, been busy....and I'm so tired....   ~Sunneh




So, here I am, watching the Cosby show after drinking 2 liters of Dr.Pepper.......and did I mention I'm on my DS & it has red power.....soooo I'm off! Bye now!   ~Sunneh




My sadness away with a a frappucinno! Oh and the fact that I found out I WILL see my friend tonight!! I'm so happy!   ~Sunneh



Worst Day Of My Life

I know I said nothing was happening today, but something came up, and it was for the worse.   -sigh- Saturday, one of my very good friends (Quite close) is leaving to go to China (She'll be living there now...) Tonight, we were all having a good bye party for her...well anyways. I was basically forced to babysit the most rotten kids ever (And guess what, they have the flu!) AND, they have an older brother & Sister that could've easily watched them, but they wanted those two to go to out wit




More homework, sorry everyone, nothing exciting happening today LOL. Just homework.   How are ya'll doing? I miss your comments   ~Sunneh




is seriously going to kill me.   Thankfully, I got $15 dollars today, and I get to go spend it!   ~Sunneh



I Have...

nothing to post....   other than, my brain hurts from so much homework. -dies-   ~Sunneh




Ahhhh, I made the most delicious frappé yesterday....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh IT WAS SO GOOD!   My weekend went well. I made myself a skirt (Finished it today, it took a while 'cuz it's an A-line skirt and I had to hem it by hand...ugh) and went to the dinner theater (Which was "The Horse & His Boy" Ya know, by C.S Lewis) it was GREAT! And a couple of my friends were there.   Anyways, this is a mixed up jumbled type entry thing because I just can't write right now.   This morning I woke up



This Is....

A SHOOOORRRTTT POST FOR THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE TO READ LONG POSTS   LOL. I have made 18 Frappucinnos since FRIDAY. THEY ARE DELICIOUS. They taste just like one you'd buy at any other coffee shop, except you would pay $4.25 for them (AT LEAST) It depends what area you are in. Some places a normal cup of coffee is $4.00 So your Frappe is like $8.50 So anyways, they're delicious. try them.   I think I'll go into business, because people keep dropping by my house asking for them   ~Sunneh




I get this cold feeling as if my previous blog entry was boring...   ~Sunneh



So Sew : D

So, Friday, I went to the sewing room to sew myself something, I was just in the mood for it...Well anyways, I looked for a pattern and realized that it had been so long since I sewed anything, that I had outgrown all of my patterns. Which was quite the bummer because there were some things I really wanted to make. The good news is, my little sister can grow into those old patterns of mine, so they won't be wasted. ;D   Anyways, I was really bummed out because I had no patterns, we also (Seeing



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