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Scary :s

Last night there was a shooting quite a few towns away from the town I live in, but the criminal fled to my town. It was quite scary knowing there was a gunman on the loose. He killed 3 people, and wounded 2 others. It was really sad. =( I didn't know any of the people, but I feel bad for them, anyways, it was a sniper that shot these people. They were all young people, Teenagers, which makes it even more sad. =( They caught the sniper last night, what a relief it was!   It made me really thank



Some People...

Some people I just want to smack because they're just about as polite as a 6 month-old. Not even that polite! D:   Last night, we were at our church service, My Best friend & I were talking and thought it'd be fun to all walk to Dairy Queen (It's only like 2-3 blocks away from our church) We were going to go together, and then some of my brothers too, and 2 of our other really good friends (They're boys, but still great friends) We would each pay for our own icecream and just go for fun an



-smacks Head On Wall-

UGH. 2 people (on another website, not on BZP) that go by Cake & Cocoa, are flaming my artwork (Mostly scribbles) and some of my other good scribbler friends. It's really annoying, they're all like, "I'VE BEEN SCRIBBLING SINCE 2006! HAH!" And I'm like, "Oh wow, looooonnggg time there! I've been scribbling since 2003!"   Talking to them is like hitting your head on a brick wall, over & over again.   ~Sunneh



Amazing Yumminess~

I just made some Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo for lunch....and my goodness it is sooo delicious <3   The recipe called for cream cheese (And this is a new recipe I was messing around with) And my brother's don't like cream cheese. I was like "Well, whatever we'll try it and see what happens" So, I didn't tell any of them what was in it and made them each try it, and they LOVED it. When I asked them what they thought the base ingredient was, they had no idea, I told them and they were in disbel




my internet connection was all goofy ever since friday night...so sorry. I'm on now. =)   ~Sunneh



Where Is He?

Dok was like only on once yesterday, and hasn't been on yet today. DOK, GET ON PLEASE.   kthxbai.   ~Sunneh



Favorite Things Friday!

I haven't been posting these alot (I'm so busy on fridays. ;P) But Here we go.   ♥ The crazy blogging things is ending sooner ♥ (DOK--YOU WILL NOW APPRECIATE THIS ONE)---It's Way of the Master Radio's Free for all Friday! ;D ♥ We're getting closer to the deeper conference +wants to go+ ♥ We have almost finished painting our livingroom ceiling, and we have finished building our WINDOWSEAT (it's awesome ;P) ♥ My little brothers are coming back from CAMP tomorrow! <3 (I missed them so much



Awwww <3

I was scribbling last night, and decided to scribble me with pigtails. lol. Because I hate my short hair (I want it long again. ) And MAN I AM SO CUTE. Errr....as a scribble I mean. (lol) anyways, heres the prettiful girlie.     I love my green eyes. x3   ~Sunneh



Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Batman!

Beware of Spoilers....Saw The Dark Knight last night....I found good, but rather depressing and violent. I did really really like the storyline   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «aside from Rachel being blown up halfway through the movie. I also didn't like How Harvey Dent (Two-Face) didn't really get to be as developed as he probably should've been, but it wasn't too bad. I found the joker more creepy and dark than I think he exactly needed to be. The Movie was so Dark &am







Do Some...

Do some people/places/groups of people make you depressed?   Yes, me too. Ugh.   Sorry, I'm a little frustrated/upset at the moment.   ~Sunneh



Eeeekkk >.<

THE newbie BLOGS ARE TAKING OVER! GRAHHHH.   On one side, it is good to see Biomech's Blog running again! <3   ~Sunneh



Yes, Another Amazing Beverage Post!

Yes, Right now I'm drinking an amazing cup of coffee. Oh yes, it's quite delicious, but it pales in comparison to what I will have in approximately 2 hours. Yes, my favorite treat to order from your local Dairy Queen!     Yes, a Cappuccino Moolatte (Large, if you will ;3) ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. The BEST COLD COFFEE DRINK EVERRRR! And I'm determined (Sorta) to find a way to duplicate it.   ....but I doubt I will be able to. o.o   I love it. Try one, NOW. =)   ~Sunneh



Figured It Out

August 25 is my last day with premier membership. =( And all my money is going to be going toward my new ipod (Which I'm getting closer & closer to getting, BTW! I have $99 about halfway there...)   ~Sunneh



It's Sad

When you have an amazing song stuck in your head, but you can't even find it on google. =(   ~Sunneh



Been Busy Guys!

I've been crazily busy this week! I'm terribly sorry for never posting, it makes me sad, and I'm sure it makes you sad too. Okay, forget that last line. ;3   There really isn't much to blog about, except about maybe what I was doing this week? My Family (Seeing as my Dad is a Pastor) has been working on our Church's VBS (Vacation Bible School) It started last night and 'twas a BLAST. =) Our theme is "Amazon Expedition" and it's quite fun for the kiddos. Because I'm amazing, I do all the registr




I guess I haven't posted recently...oops. um. well. I don't really have anything to post. other than I have rubber bands for my braces now D: it's sadddd they HURT. and my mouth is like elastic'ed shut! owwwww.   I do have new scribbles though! But you guys probably wouldn't care unless you know what Sanrio is and like it, which, chances are, you don't. I just think the characters are cute (most of them anyways)     Cute, I know, and great scribbling, yes, that too.   riiiiggghhhhtttttt.



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