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But Back to Pokemon

Twitch Plays Pokemon sure is strange, but it's still interesting in its own way.   So...that got me thinking about how I wanted to mythologize my own Pokemon experience, and...this happened.   Also here's a Luxray I drew five years ago.   Gotta catch em all.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Bioni Lords Update + New Story Announcement

Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter of Sekai, but I got distracted by a video game. As usual. I put up a new chapter today, though, showing lots of Forbidden Techniques and Rien vs. Kikanalo, where Rien explains why Spirit Weapon is so powerful. Hopefully I'll be able to get the next chapter up sooner; I'm not finished with the game I'm playing, but I'm almost done.   As far as writing goes, I finished the Mutant-Isle arc (which took about half of a 70-sheet notebook) and moved on

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Pirate

Asterisk Holder: Hayreddin Barbosa     Origin: Final Fantasy III (called Viking)   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: Pirates are axe-wielding powerhouses whose special abilities let them deal physical damage while simultaneously debuffing the target, making them great for any team. They also have powerful moves like Double Damage, Torrent, and Amped Strike, along with several abilities for raising their physical strength under certain conditions. A Pirate never stops swinging until

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Pahrak Model ZX

The Poke Ball is Mightier Than the Sword

So, I bought Pokemon Sword.  Due to having some open time in my schedule and the game ultimately being a bit short, I’ve already beaten the main story and the postgame episode.  I actually had a lot of fun.  The game may be riddled with problems, not the least of which being the cut of National Dex, but what it gets right it gets so right—heck, some of what it gets wrong manages to feel right, which appeals to my shounen battle anime heart.  I’m not here to spoil, just want to say I’d recommend

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Pahrak Model ZX

Happy Easter!

A little early, but that's how I roll.   Let's see, what happened this week? I posted Kako 44, but unfortunately I haven't been able to get myself to focus enough to work on 45...I should get on that...   Also, apparently the beta test for Kingdom Hearts X [chi] was held recently, so it'll probably be out in Japan soon. Since it's a social game it might not actually make it to America, but meh. There's at least one new Keyblade, though, so that's cool.   It occured to me that the new Technic

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Another Forgotten Gem

"The battle is over! With this weapon in my hand, you are but a razor's edge away from defeat!"   (This is old but I don't think I ever posted it here. Enjoy.)

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I Admit Defeat

Coming up with titles for things has always been a struggle, but I felt like I had managed to come up with a few good titles here and there, and that was a very satisfying feeling so I kept trying.   No more, though. There’s no point in trying to come up with titles that I think might sound good.   No title I come up with could ever compare to a title like “Bahamut Disco”.

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Pahrak Model ZX

my base are belong to you

I'm now content with the way my secret base looks. If anyone wants to pay me a visit on Route 121, here's a QR code for you.   Also if anyone wants to share their base's QR code, that'd be cool.

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Pahrak Model ZX

RoboRiders Demo 0.1

Slizer Dome feels a tiny bit shaky, but I still think it’s a decent entry for fishers’s contest. However, since she is allowing multiple entries, I decided to add another story to my mountain of ideas I need to get to.   You see, for reasons I can’t explain, I still have a special place in my heart for RoboRiders—maybe just because, back when I was entering the world of Lego constraction lines, I was able to find three RoboRiders on store shelves as opposed to one Slizer. (I mean I have all sets

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Pahrak Model ZX


There's a new Zelda game just out and none of you who actually play Zelda thought to use that joke in response to this trend by now smh   (Oh right, they're probably all still playing the new Zelda game. Carry on.)

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So a new article popped up showing off Edea's new look, saying she's the leader of the Imperial Guards and will be one of the main characters of Bravely Second (though it doesn't specify if this means she'll be playable). Also there's something about judging the Asterisk Holders.   Pretty neat.

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Pahrak Model ZX

The Victory Star

Do you remember? It’s September. (The joke works great because this Pokemon is an Earth Wind & Fire type.)   To ensure your success this month, you should access Mystery Gift to get a Victini! It’s a great Pokémon, I used one on my team back in Pokémon White. Because I use Legendaries on my teams and I refuse to let anyone make me feel bad about that.   We’re really winding down on these Mythical distributions. Since the Gen V events were all much easier to access, I’m wondering if peopl

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Pahrak Model ZX

omg kh3 spoilers

In a shocking twist, Darkness Number VII was revealed to be Hououin Kyouma, main character of the popular visual novel/anime Steins;Gate. Kyouma makes many cryptic remarks, claiming events are "the choice of Kingdom Hearts." He will form a hostile rivalry with Kairi, mainly due to his insistence on calling her "Kylie." This strange man was sought out by Xehanort for his ability to retain memories from other timelines, allowing him to violate the laws of time travel and change the past. Whene

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A Sudden Realization

Unikitty · Pink fur · Part cat · Princess of Cloud Cuckooland · Master Builder · Loves cute things     Faris Nyannyan · Pink hair · Part cat · Family owns Akihabara · Champion Rai-Net Battler · Loves cute things     If they ever met each other, they would instantly become best friends for life.

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Pahrak Model ZX

50 Reasons to Love The World Ends With You, Part 5

41. This may not appeal to everyone, but those of us who have played Final Fantasy will catch a few references throughout TWEWY. The material pins (Orichalcum, Adamantite, etc) are named after Final Fantasy items, there are a number of pins named after summons (Tin Pin Bahamut, Tin Pin Shiva, etc) that you get from encounters with characters who just happen to share names with Square employees, and then there's Minamimoto's "Lv. i Flare" (though that takes too long to explain). Think of these

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The World Ends With Androids

No this is not a Dragon Ball Z post   Remember The World Ends With You?   Remember the HD remake they put on iOS a while back with new secret artwork that hasn't amounted to anything yet?   Well now it's on Android too.   I really hope all these little things mean that Square Enix actually is planning on doing something big in the future...   But anywho, now I know what I'm doing for the next year.

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Pahrak Model ZX

Too Hot to Handle

I’ve decided to commit to writing the next chapter of Beyond Ruin about the Queen of Fire. But, I’m having trouble thinking of a good way to showcase her.   While she’ll probably develop some aggressive and impatient attributes like most fire-wielders, I think I want her to mainly be a flame that burns in place—she just enjoys being where she belongs, ruling over the volcanic realm of Pyrada in peace. I’ve said before that she stays out of affairs that don’t concern her, but she can hold one h

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

The Sky Warrior

Would I July to you about this?   Shaymin is available over Mystery Gift right now! And I’m sure there’s some way of getting the item to change its forms in XY and ORAS, but I don’t really care enough to look up what it is right now.   This is especially momentous for me because Shaymin was, aside from Volcanion (and then there’s Sun and Moon but y’know), the only Pokémon my Living Dex was missing. So I now have 720 Pokémon, and can achieve that same number in any Gen VI game simply through tr

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Pahrak Model ZX

Join Technic Tournament!

Yeah, I went ahead and did it.   Technic Tournament is sort of a reboot of Technic Warzone, which itself was sort of a reboot of Technic Coliseum, which itself was sort of a reboot of the Technic Coliseum that was running before the forums crashed. (Dang, I guess I have been doing this for a while…shoot is this actually the five years mark?!)   Basically: you join, you spend money to promote the matches, if the character you promoted wins then you get money back. Whoever has the most money at t

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The Volcanion event begins today! I officially have a complete Living Dex!   I mean I know it won't be that way for long with Sun and Moon around the corner, and this really isn't a big thing in the larger scheme of things, but I've never been able to say that before and it's kind of a cool feeling. A complete Living Dex! For the longest time I thought that would be impossible for me, but the Gen VI games make it much easier and the 20th anniversary events filled in the Mythicals, it just al

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Pahrak Model ZX

Finalize! Red Joker!

I swear I didn’t mean to take nine months.   The plan was to take a short break to detach from Tribe and switch mindsets, then get a small headstart before I began posting. Then Life happened. And Hobbies happened. And Writer’s Block happened. And then I realized it would be really cool to post it on Mega Man’s 30th anniversary, but just recently I remembered today is Star Force’s 11th anniversary so I moved it up…a little…   Anyway, partly to celebrate both these anniversaries, and partly t

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Pahrak Model ZX

Technic Warzone Glatorian Fighters

-Master Ackar Strength: start 4, current 4 Agility: start 2, current 2 Toughness: start 3, current 3 Mind: start 3, current 3 Powers and Items: Elemental Fire powers, Sword, Skakdi Spine (Impact), Training Weights (shared) Sponsor: Ricardo Mason   -Skrall Strength: start 3, current 3 Agility: start 3, current 3 Toughness: start 5, current 5 Mind: start 1, current 1 Powers and Items: Elemental Stone powers, Saw Blade Shield, Tribal Blade Sponsor:   -Malum Strength: start 4, current 4 Agility: sta

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Pahrak Model ZX

Heart of the Cards

Well...Heart of the Medals. Kingdom Heart of the Medals?   SO. Kingdom Hearts Unchained X added another 25 missions, plus a week of Daily Jewel Missions, so between that I was able to pull together just enough to do the current Shop event with 4/5 hours to spare. I really wanted the KHII Kairi Medal, though I figured it was a bit of a long shot--still, some of those other Medals look cool too, so eh, let's take the long shot.   Let's see, Dumbo, Wakka, Paine, huh, this isn't really wait. Med

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Pahrak Model ZX

Speaking of Games

Oh yeah, it’s been quite a while since I last ran a Technic Tournament. Maybe I should do that. I mean, I’m doing Slizer Dome right now, and my next priority should probably be to wrap up the Slizer Mafia trilogy, but…   Would anyone be interested in playing Technic Tournament 5? And if you have any suggestions for how the game system can be improved, I’m all ears.   (The title would be “Technic Tournament 5 Ocarina of Majora’s Twilight” by the way.)

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Pahrak Model ZX

A Few New Bits of Bravely Second News

What a coincidence: I just got the Asterisk Guide caught up, and Square Enix gives us some new info, including a new Job! This newcomer is the Exorcist Job, which has the ability to go back in time and negate turns. This functions primarily by resetting the target’s HP to what it was up to three turns ago; other uses remain to be seen. I should be able to make a barebones Asterisk Guide that I can post tomorrow.   The remaining info was some fairly random bits. The staff members joked about how

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