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I love movies. Especially the action-y kind. So a few new trailers have been released for movies that should be entertaining for me in 2007.   The first one would be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trailer. Now, I was never really into the whole TMNT thing, but I absolutely loved the Lost in Time (or whatever the title was) game for the SNES. I always had to be the purple one with the staff. But yeah, the trailer gave us a nice peek at what seems to be a good movie: some nice action, with a l

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Character Analysis

They are such lovely things. They really are! *cough*   Sarcasm aside, The Scarlet Letter is actually a decent book. It's not all that excited, but it's still a decent story. It'd be way better if the teacher reading it wasn't so monotone. Ungh, I swear, it's like she shows no emotions whatsoever.   I have good news, though: I get my Xbox360 back around Thursday or so. I just signed up for the "Old Spice Reward Challenge" where if you raise your gamerscore by 1,500 points, you win prizes depe

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Teacher Conferences Ftw!

No school tomorrow or Friday! It's about time I get a few days off.   Now, if only I had my Xbox to make the days off even better...   I laugh at you as you go to school tomorrow and Friday.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Oh, I'm Ready For It

So this weekend was my dad's birthday and we had the party on Saturday. I had to leave the party early, though, to come back home and go to work to help start moving boxes full of junk into a truck at my old work store and moving them to the new store. Worked from about 7:30pm to 11pm Saturday night. Had to unload and help organize all fo the books and stuff from about 8am to 6:30pm Sunday night. Then went to Applebees for dinner. Worked from 3:30pm to 8pm tonight. So, through the past three day

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


THAN WE GOTTA BUY OUR TICKETS RIGHT NOW.   Plane tickets are gonna be expensive. D:   And it's the weekend -after- Spring Break for me. Not that that's going to stop me.   'CITED!

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

I'm Content With Losing

So the midterm ended last week, and teachers are starting to get their grades ready to be turned in to be sent out to all the parents who eagerly await to see how their child is progressing in school. Normally, my parents would just take a quick glance over mind and expect to see all "As", but it's changed this time around.   Although, it is partially my fault. I mean, if I had just taken the time to write down a few more notes in Chemistry class, I wouldn't have gotten a 10 on the quiz grade h

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Pink Tux To The Prom

Ok, maybe not a pink tux, but we still wanted to wear pink tuxes. Maybe for the formal in May. But yeah...I got convinced to go to Homecoming. I have a date and all, but the cash is kind on the DL if you know what I mean. I went to Jim Massey's this afternoon and placed a rental order. Cost me a whoppin $90, but I'm going to look fly. Hopefully my date will be lookin' good too.   Yeah, I'm having serrious withdrawels. I haven't played my xbox360 for nearly two weeks. and it's getting to me. X0

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


So today (Thursday, May 29) marks the 5th anniversary of my joining BZP.   3 years on the Staff.   I've spent five years of my life on this website...strange how we've both changed.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


Working from 8am to 5pm is getting really old, really fast. Though I have been learning interesting things. I've mostly been rebuilding computers and taking inventory on things, but my sponsor explains some little things every now-and-then.   I suppose I should temporarily quit my other job...so I actually have some time for myself...instead of going straight from the internship to the bookstore.   But once the 10 weeks of the internship is up, I know I'll be rejoicing when my checking accou

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


The Escape Artist - August Burns Red Open your closed mind. (Open your closed mind.) Close your open mouth. You're pushing more than you're pulling. Every word that you say passes through my... Open your closed mind. Close your open mouth. You're pushing more than you're pulling. Every word that you say passes through my.. ears.. before it even escapes your lips. No one learns from someone they hate. Your mouth is like a grenade. No one learns from someone they hate. Your mouth i

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

T O Ms Shoes

Everyone should go buy a pair. They are incredibly comfortable. Plus, with every pair you purchase, another pair goes to a kid in need. One for one.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

The Weather Outside Isn't Frightful

Please, can't it stay like this for the rest of the year? It got up to about 65 degree today. Lovely day. Sadly, a cold front is about to come through. <<   So my brother is spending the week in the hospital. He was having a hard time breathing while stretching before basketball practice, so he was rushed to PriMed. They didn't find anything, so they sent him to the hospital. They found out that 15% of his lungs have collapsed. He's ok now, but it's rather odd that it would happen to him.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Frustrations And Vacations

How long could it possibly take for a check card to be sent to me in the mail? It's been 9 days already. Silly me was smart enough to put -all- my money into the account leaving me with no cash. If I had known it would take this long to get the card, I would have done otherwise. Hopefully I'll get the check card in the mail tomorrow so I can go do stuff this weekend. <.<   So I've been making plans for the summer:   July 6th - July 9th I'll be at beach camp in Panama City, Florida. It sh

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


For those of you who read my blog and don't know, I started college last week and am currently living on campus. So far, it's been a blast. I am taking Cornerstone of Business and Psychology on Monday/Wednesdays and English Comp 1 and Finite Math on Tuesday/Thursday. I was taking US History to 1865, but because this is only my first semester and I have to maintain a 3.0 to continue getting my tuition paid for, I decided to drop the class.   First day of school, I missed about 45 minutes of my

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

I Called It!

Auburn won the Iron Bowl (fifth year in a row, btw). Ohio State won the biggest game of the year.   I so called them both. Boy, are they gonna hear it at school...

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Only Reason

I'm posting this blog because I didn't want to go all of February without posting one.   *I'll be 18 in approximately two weeks.   *Spring Break couldn't get here any sooner.   *I love **** *******.   *I'm proud of how well the Assassin's Creed story was developed by Ubisoft.   *May 23 couldn't get here any sooner.   *My parents are going to buy me a new laptop.   *I'm going to buy an LCD HDTV soon.   *Spring play is NEXT WEEK.   *I'm super pumped for the concert.   *I don't kno

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


Music is now up. Whoever guesses all the bands correctly gets my gratitude. I hear it's going for alot these days.   Oh, and I recently noticed people have voted for my blog. Thanks to whomever did. Even though this blog is totally lame.   Woo! I'm outa RPG! That place was so hectic, I couldn't take another day of it. I can't believe I got that forum in the first place...   Happy Columbus day to you all. I still had to go to school today. We've started the "Long Stretch." Basically mean

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

To The Beach

So I'll be leaving to go to the beach tomorrow. I'll be gone until late Friday, so don't expect to see much of me (I haven't been on much anyways, but, I just had to post a formal notice of absence). So yeah, I can't wait. I haven't been to the beach in about a year.   Anywho, Six Flags was a b.l.a.s.t. The "Goliath" is their newest coaster and it was awesome. It wasn't anything too special, but with all the hills you pretty much get airborne and "lose your stomach", which is the best feeling

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

My Seal Of Approval

So I decided to go against the flow of things currently and not make a "seal of approval," mostly because I just don't have time to make one. However, I've decided that if I comment in your blog, that's approval enough that I like your blog.   I'm off to beach camp starting at 8 AM Friday morning and I won't be returning until 5 PM on Monday. It's going to be a blasty blast!

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Lame Attempt At An Entry

I wanted to post an entry but I really have nothing to post about. Most of this is just rambling.   I've been doing returns at work lately it's worse this time around because our store is completely outta wack. Alphabetization = easy to find what you're looking for. I also found out that other keyholders who started about the same time I became a keyholder (I was a sales associate since November) started out making $8 an hour, while I'm stuck at a measly $6.26. Needless to say, I told my manag

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


Here I lie at nearly 1 o'clock in the morning, only a third done writing this oral book report. Sure, I can finish writing it tonight, but that doesn't mean I'll actually be ready to present it later this morning. It's not my fault I was so enveloped by the book that I spent three hours finishing the book. I wanted to know if Sirius Black was innocent!   Needless to say, I'll have another book report assigned within the next two weeks, so I won't be able to start up on the next HP book. The wa

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

When I Go Out

"When I go out I play in the street I get hit by cars I make mashed potatoes I get hit by cars!!"   This blog entry is dedicated to the former band Five Iron Frenzy. Quite possibly the best band of all time. Never have I heard such witty and moving songs in the same album, with beats that just make you wanna smash something.   I nearly cried when they broke up, because I knew I'd never be blessed to see them play live. If I could have one wish granted, it would be that FIF got back togeth

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Dirty Santa

I need a Dirty Santa gift idea!   Keep it under $10. (Preferably something I could get at Wal-Mart or Target, etc.)   GO!   (I was thinking a box of oatmeal. No one wants oatmeal. )

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

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