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Figure It Out...

Figure out what these are from, they aren't from something different, each from the same, so try to figure it out:                

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

A Lot Of Mocs!

Go to BBC and I have many new MOCs up which include: Tahu, Onua, Gali Phantoka, Twilight Taka, two Order agents for an upcoming epic, one of which appears in Lightstone chapter 7, and a creature I made from all six Barraki about a year ago. I did make a Kopaka Phantoka stealth bomber like ship, didn't turn out well though, so I don't have pictures yet, but I will eventually, and I made a Tuyet out of Gadunka, Takadox and a few Hahli Mahri parts, but I didn't post Tuyet since it isn't that great

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Teridax Is Not...

On BS01 everyone that I've seen remove the Matuka of Metru Nui with Teridax only removes MoMN, and not "the". So I've been removing "the Teridax" and making it "Teridax" everywhere I've seen it. So what do I have to say? Teridax is not The Marquis de Lafayette!   And anyone who doesn't know who The Marquis de Lafayette is, google him, he was French and helped in the Revolution, and for some reason has the title "the" in front of his name.   And on another subject, if I go to Spain and hear

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Project: Legends Of Bionicle

Well, this has a lot of information, but I decided to use this entry to speak about more of it.   01: unclaimed as of yet 02/03: Neo Blademan or Teebert, I have yet to hear back from Blade if he wants 02. 04/05: Kopaka 06: Laughin' Man 07: Unclaimed, though I may end up doing it 08: Me   Quotes:     From Teebert       From Kopaka     From Laughin'       From me

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Yes, I got it today at a used game store, though this was a new copy for $30. I loved it on the Gamecube and the Wii is great, not as good because of the learning curve, but incredible, I fully recommend this game.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Writers, Please Come

Well, the reason I'm calling writers here, good Bionicle writers that is, is because I have a great, epic idea for the epics forum. I'll soon be starting an epic called Legacies of the Final Battle, an 08 epic in my own way, so I got to thinking, that would be great to rewrite every year. Something I'd call Project: Legends of BIONICLE So, if you're interested, let me know for writing a year of the story in an epic, adding whatever you want (side stories, etc.). Here's a list of the years:  

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Botar Is Dead...

Yes, he's dead, unfortunatly. The reason I put this under the epics category is because in my Legacies of the Final Battle I had big plans for him, but want to keep the story true to the actual story, so I can't have him in the final battle. Though he will be in the first part, the Phantoka part as an agent, recruiting, etc., he won't have as big a part as I would have liked him to have...

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Wii Got It!

We got a Wii! We have two controllers w/nunchuks, Sports, and Super Smash Bros. I'll get Bleach Shattered Blade soon though. We had to wait about half an hour out in the cold in front of Shopko because they only had 10 systems, we were third in line. The first two guys in line who were together were great, saying things like "They're probably watching with security cameras and sending the video to Japan to people with Wii's." and things like that, and it looked like it was going to be a foo

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Lightstone Update!

Some chapter names for Part 3: Mask   Nova Pt.1 Nova Pt.2 Nova Pt.3 A New Enemy An Old Friend   There's five chapter names for you right there, not sure which order, first chapter will probably be An Old Friend, two A New Enemy, and Nova will possibly be around eight.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

New Phantoka Mocs

I have just finished MOCs of Tahu, Onua and Gali in Phantoka form. I'll post them in the BBC with other MOCs of mine later and I'll link later, but I like them, Tahu's weapon is a flame thrower, Onua's a wrist blade and Gali's a sky harpoon.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I'm Making My Own Website

Yes, later when I get a free domain from here I'll post the website, a website for RPG's since we can't have blog RPG's. So far the RPG's I'll put up (if I can) are: Bleach Fullmetal Alchemist Naruto Shattered Shadows (my own RPG idea) and possibly more.   I'll update when it's up.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Name Change

Soon, as soon as some images are converted for me, my name will be (if it fits) Byakuya Kuchiki: Arctic Night.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Knights Of The Round Banner!

Normal: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...showentry=27106   Dorek: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...showentry=27106   Kopaka: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...showentry=27106   ~KajI~: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...showentry=27106   ~Shadowbolt~: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...showentry=27106   Takua: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...showentry=27106   And I'll do one for myself later, if I can find someth

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Shadows In The Sky!

I got it today, finished it in about an hour, and it's the best Bionicle book yet! Ask me any questions on it if you want, best book yet, Greg's best work that I've read.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

More Lightstone Updates!

Well, more so of just a big update and list of chapters:   Part 1: The Awakening: 0: Lightstone 1: It Begins 2: Nightmares 3: Search 4: Answers 5: Combat 6: Return 7: Shkorl 8: Powerless: Pt.1 9: Powerless: Pt.2 10: Powerless: Pt.3   Part 2: The Rift 1: "What have I missed?" 2: 3: 4: Investigation 5: Matter of Life 6: Death Walking 7: 8: 9: The Rift Pt.1 10: The Rift Pt.2   And part 3, the final part as I know, it will contain over ten chapters, and I was inspired by ano

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Another Lightstone Update!

Another update:   Current chapter: Chapter 7: Shkorl   Details on the chapter: *Shkorl refers to a being, not a Rahi *The chapter will be set in present day, not an alternate universe or anything, you may think something like that from the beggining of the chapter *It will have some information on Matoro's revival   Misc. Information: *After the events of the Powerless chapters Matoro's way of actions will be far different than previously *A new storyline for Part 2 (see below)   Parts

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Lightstone And Other Epic Updates!

Updates on most of my epics, my newest four:   Rebirth of Chaos:   I'll work on at least one chapter tonight, try to post it (probably work on it while watching House MD) and do the same tommorow. It'll probably be short, maybe thirteen chapters, I've sort of lost interest in this one quickly.   Legacies of the Final Battle:   My 08 epic, a sort of sequal to Lost War, I have yet to start it, but I have planned for parts. I do have some air combat stuff ready, no swamp stuff yet, I'll start

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Rpg Contest 9 Entry!

The RPG Contest is finally up and I entered.   First attempt, I've been waiting for this, hope I do well.   Bionicle Knights   Story: On the somewhat medieval island of Darshu-Nui there are no Toa, though there are threats. As a way to stop these threats experiments were undergone on some Matoran, these experiments were made to try to force them into Toa form. They failed horribly, most of the Matoran died in the process, those who survived died shortly after, but something different ha

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

One Year!

I just noticed, I have a Vahi! I figured I'd get it tommorow, I just noticed it when I was viewing an RPG, I'm pleased, one year and I've made over 2,000 posts, made plenty of stories and done a lot in my opinion. So, hopefully more years to come for me being active here.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

More Lighstone Updates!

Well, anytime I have news I'll post a new entry, but:   Current chapter: I'm currently working on Chapter 4: Answers.   Chapter names: Part 1: The Awakening: 0: Lightstone 1: It Begins 2: Nightmares 3: Search 4: Answers Note: 5, 6, and 7 aren't confirmed as the true names yet. 5: Combat 6: Return 7: Shkorl 8: Powerless: Pt.1 9: Powerless: Pt.2 10: Powerless: Pt.3   Parts: What I used to refer to as "Seasons" will now be "Parts", Part 1 will consist of the ten chapters listed abo

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Lightstone Update!

Well, first off, what Lighstone is for those who don't know. Lighstone is a short story I did, a tribute to Matoro essentially, a Torchwood spin off in the Bionicle universe.   Story: It takes place about five hours after Matoro dies using the Ignika. He falls into a room, alive, his weapons still in hand. He is told his revival purpose isn't known, even to the Order, his new hosts. He is given a team and they must help the Matoran and stop threats to them, arm them against future threats,

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Lightstone Preview!

I figured I'd give a preview of my new epic: Lightstone, part of the first chapter and some other information:   Chapter 1: It Begins   Above the Toa, outside their knowledge, tracking down native and alien threats and protecting the Matoran. With a secret existence and skilled members they arm the Matoran against threats of the future. Now’s when everything changes and Lightstone will be there.     “I’m just saying, maybe you should have let me handle it.” Introk complained to Matoro in

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Rpg's, Who Wants Fullmetal Alchemist?

Well, should I make one? After Zoids, my new one I'm waiting for approval on I'm thinking of making it after its success on another forum. Anyway, a list of RPG's I'm in on all three sites, well active RPG's that is. BZP: Naruto Star Fox Code Lyoko Bleach I think that's it.   Oban: Black Sun: Infected World FullMetal Alchemist Return of Aura Oban: Downfall Naruto: A New Age Bleach Deltora and Tokyo Mew Mew (to help out a friend in the FMA RPG since she needs two male players, I

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

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