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About The Poetry Thing...

I'm too full of gatordrank modII to do poetrys!! Had an Amp, ran out of energy, needed massive alertness, made some mixes. And now I will explain.   gatordrank: 16oz carbon water + 2 scoops of powdered gatorade gatordrank modI: same, but with sugar added. modII: even more sugar modIII: you get the idea...   There's a lot more, but my attention span isn't the greatest right now...

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki


I need ideas. it doesn't matter if they have nothing to do with anything.   Okay, maybe I just felt obliged to post something. off to CoT!

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki


I have not eaten in about 12 hours. Tish bad. And about the dalek/ goldfish thing, I joined everyone.   Update: Food Get!

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

How To Be A Modern Ninja

What?   You read the title right. Let's get started.   A modern ninja is very different than the traditional one. For example, you don't need a sword. I have broken my personal philosophy of this subject into a few categories.   Agility: How fast you move, turn, and how quick you can react. This skill is possibly the hardest to improve. I suggest joining track. How fast you can run is the primary component, but it must be combined with others to achieve proficient skills. Choice footwear is

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Phantoka Reviews: Kopaka Nuva

Well, its a day late, but I am posting the promised Kopaka review.   KOPAKA NUVA:   The canister Kopaka comes in is a return to form (almost) for the canister sets. Gone is the cardboard of 2007. Instead, the can is covered by that rocky/ swampy thing that comes on all the spring canister sets. As I am under the impression that it has not been said, I must mention that the outer shell is not flush with the can. It sits about 1/4 inch above the can's surface. Once removed, it is also very flexi

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Guess What Movie I Saw...

It wasn't Cloverfield. It was The director's cut of Blade Runner. Great movie. I also ate some 10 - year old cheese. It was the best cheese I've had in a while. And I got Chirox today. And the Kopaka review will be up tonight. Hopefully. And you should enter the contest two entries below this one. I'm gone.

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

A Contest And Something Else...

Well, the something else is my new banner: Bonus points for knowing what it is.   And, the contest! You know how I always change the "sub-title" of my blog? Well, now you get to change it! Add a comment with your idea, be it funny, stupid, or whatever else you got. Best entry wins, runners up may be used at a later date. Deadline is next friday at midnight. (unless nobody enters or there is too little entries)

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Ok, Maybe Not...

Finals today were like a chalupa: crunchy and easy to eat. Yes, that made no sense, but I want a chalupa regardless. Anyway, they were EASY. But maybe tommorow will be harder. I dunno.   And to the punk who stole my name to use on some playstation site, I want to fight you. TO THE DEATH!!!!!!!!

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

This Is Bad...

Finals are tomorrow... And I haven't studied at all... But I have never studied for any test. So all is good.   I need comments on the new blog layout. Your thoughts please?

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Phantoka Reviews: Kirop

Monday, I arrived at my doorstep to find a rather large box waiting there for me. I pretended not to know what it is, but it was obvious. Because I totally ordered it a week ago. The box contained four sets: Lewa, Kopaka, Antroz, and Kirop. (I also knew this) We shall start with the latter, because he is the first one I built.   KIROP:   The box containing Kirop is a huge leap forward from the matoran of previous years. It is made of 2 plastic end-caps with a [thick] cardboard wall. These endc

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Check It Son!

It be my BBMP - or blog based music player. Expect for the song to change-I'll put up a notification when it does. An archive entry with download links will be created after the next song comes out. And the "better quality" download has faster audio.(actually its normal) I might do requests, but right now I must force my stuff down your ears.

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Time For Some Bum Fights!

Current Thoughts:   I liked the visorak... And the vahki... 2006 was infinite fail. and so: visorak>inika vahki>piraka   And spider man 3 was the worst movie I have ever seen. This fact is accepted by a large contingent of everyone I know. SM3<2006   My sweatshirt smells like perfume. I guess that's what I get. I let my friend borrow it because she was cold, and she had it for a couple days.

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki


Reason on the left <------------------- I feel old...   And once I get around to it, This blog will become insanely detailed. But I won't promise anything, because committing to things lowers the chances that I will do them.

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Wow That Sux

BBCC 47 died. That pretty much answers the last entry, doesn't it? I will make something for it, in case the theme comes up again, but now I can focus on other things - like the phantoka I ordered yesterday! I got Lewa, Kopaka, Antroz and Kirop. I also got slow shipping. The reason for such a purchase was that my mom owed me $40 for a pizza that I paid for and other things. There is actually a funny story behind the pizza: I had some friends over, and we wanted a pizza. So I ordered one online

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Stuff That I Have To Ask

Should I enter BBCC 47? I possibly could, and have a great idea, but there's a lot of stuff for me to do (like a 12-page paper). The website is going strong, please visit and give me some feedback. (link in entry below)

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

I Can Has Internet

Yeah, I went through the trouble of hand-coding this website. Expect it to grow in the future. It can be found at: http://mercenaryxero.977mb.com/Frontpage.html  

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

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