I know I didn't go over this in the last blog entry, but I'm sure if you remember me at all for some reason, you're probably curious as to where I've been or what I've been doing. The short answer is "none of your ding-danged business."
I will say this, however: I do have a handful of things I was working on that were meant to be seen by the BZP public. This includes PIRAKA COMICS, which I know I haven't posted in what, three years? Yikes. Anyway, I've still got plenty of ideas left for it
So while the forums have been down I've been taking some time to reflect on my time on BZPower. Which has been... twelve years? Spooky. That's the Furno XL helmet year, right?
Anyway, all I could think about was how I came off as a cynical, jaded curmudgeon who treated everyone poorly. And that's not who I want to be known as. I want to be better than that.
So from now on*, expect a different Gerlicky/Nathan Evo**- one who's just generally a lot more pleasant to talk to a
I have almost all the 2001 Matoran. I now have Jala, Maku, Kongu, Huki, Onepu, Matoro, Hafu, Nuparu, Kapura, Takua, Tiribomba, and Ally. I know I need at least Taipu and Dosne...
So a few years ago, I wrote a blog entry detailing the ten minifigs I felt were the personal best ever made by LEGO. Since then, however, there have been a few new minifigs I felt were worthy of making the list. As such, I've decided to make an updated list. 1. SPACE PIMP 2. Shaquille O'Neal 3. Lumpy Space Princess ...yeah I lied there's only three everyone go home
Today I managed to obtain a super-rare Bionicle mask that, as far as I know, is completely one-of-a-kind. Sure, there are 14-karat Haus and Platinum Avohkiis, but those ain't got nothing on my BRAND NEW PURPLE IGNIKA (okay I took the photo with my phone so I'm sorry if it's gigantohuge)
All right, folks. Here's the skinny. I did NOT want to post this entry. I was hoping to get much more of this thing done before I finally revealed it to BZP. Unfortunately, recently a certain issue has come up, leading me to the point where I finally need to actually reveal this thing to the public. This is a project I've been working off-and-on for the last two years. Obviously more recent things got in the way, the most noteworthy of which being a job that pays me real, actual money in exc
I spend a lot of time on the mobile edition of BZP. It cuts out a lot of details, like signatures and stuff, but it shows posts and that's all I really need, honestly. Well, for whatever reason today I switched over to the full version and found I had one of those nine-year Tahu masks by my profile. NINE YEARS. You know that feeling where time feels like a blur and you don't really care about your age and then WHAM it all catches up to you? Yeah. That's what I'm feelin'.
Y'know, I could waste everyone's time with some flowery speech about this, but right now my thoughts boil down to three main ideas: 1. We're never getting remakes of the Piraka? Bummer. 2. So, does this mean we're getting Hero Factory back? If so, we'd better have Evo and Bulk. 3. Honestly, it's sad and all, but I got two new waves of the classic Toa out of it all, so I can't say it was all for nothing. I expected it to be a short run anyway, but, hey, glad it happened. Okay, 4. Better g
I voted, and that's all I'm gonna say. Actually, check that- I'm gonna say something else. I wanted to enter this time around, but I've had a lot on my plate lately and I just wasn't able to churn up the entry I wanted. I have a feeling I probably would've won had I found time to enter (well, assuming it came out perfectly), but after seeing the prizes the winners will receive... well, I don't need 'em. Someone else can have 'em. I've already got 'em. Maybe someday in the future I'll actuall
Okay, that's a lie. I never really left. I've been visiting BZP for a while, but I haven't been posting for a few reasons: 1. I now have a job which takes up a good amount of my time but provides me with a secure income 2. I've been busy working on a huge project I've been working on for about a year or so now 3. I have found no reasons for me to post anything But, yeah, I guess I sorta feel like using this thing and getting my money's worth of this lifetime Premier Membership I've got going
So I just wrote a new short story. Normally I tend to break away from BIONICLE canon, but this time I tried to stick to it a bit more closely. You can read it here.
Don't worry, this isn't graded. I just felt like conducting a little poll of sorts. Don't know if I'll use the results for anything, though. Anyway, aside from the Toa Mata, who is your favorite BIONICLE character?
sounds cool and all but the prize is totally going to be a clear Tahu mask and I've already got one of those and while I'd love to win a second one just so some of you more obnoxious-types can't have it I just can't bring myself to win something I already have plus I'm kinda terrible at MOCing
got the Protectors of Earth and Stone the Earth one is a really solid set well worthy of accompanying Onua the Stone one is pretty lame in comparison, and no one will ever be able to convince me that burnt orange and transparent neon lime green is in any way a good color scheme, especially when blurry leaked images actually made them look more like the flatter transparent yellow
The new bonkles sets didn't come out before Christmas where I live, which was kind of a shame. Did pretty well otherwise, though. Got a good amount of stuff, but I'll just list the stuff people are more likely to care about: -Umbra -both the Toa Hagah -Flain, Vulk, and Zaptor, completing my Mixels collection for now -two Star Wars sets I wanted just for the astromech minifigs -an unopened mask pack containing a blue Akaku and lime green Rau (neither of which I had before today) -two bonkles pe
I just looked back at some of my blog entries from a few years ago or something and wow have I changed also please don't look back at any of my older blog entries no really there isn't anything notable there