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Wrinkledlion X


Something I've never understood: Why is it a rule that any topic asking a yes/no question has to be a poll? It seems to me that if a topic-starter wants to incite a discussion, a poll is the worst way to do it.


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Actually, there are plenty of seemingly yes/no topics that are left open because there is more to discuss than simply saying yes or no. In fact, a lot of polls are made because people immediately see yes/no and get trigger-happy, when in fact the poll is completely unnecessary.
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Look at it from the angle that it teaches people to ask open-ended questions, rather than yes/no questions. If a yes/no question can have a good discussion around it, then it should be able to be asked in a way that answering with just yes/no isn't possible.

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I don't see why the people in charge of the rules are trying to teach people, though. If a yes/no question invites discussion as it is, that's just because it's an interesting topic. Phrasing it more open-endedly isn't going to make a difference.

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