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Hf 2.0



Evo and Surge 2.0 are amazing. I was planning to pick up Stormer 2.0 but Target didn't have him ;_;

Anyways, love these sets. While they might be a bit gappy and I dislike the conversion to minifig pegs from axles, the ball joint armor is nice. We've all seen the BZP review for Evo but not for Surge. I love his helmet. His gun is nice but I don't like how TLG had it connected, so I improvised. Absolutely love the armor layering.

For me, highlights are:


-Amor layering

-Super short articulating limbs

-Pretty snazzy helmets

-Different armor molds from Evo to Surge

-5 fingured hands


-More pieces for same cash

-Bulkier, sturdy Heroes

-These guys can take on any lame-named Firelord villain.


Dislikes are:



-Minifig pegs? <__>

-Heads look absolutely hideous without their helmets

-Clown feet

-Nametag. We should be horribly worried if the world-saving Heroes can't remember their OWN NAMES.


So yeah. Also picked up a 2011 Atlantis set... Seabed Strider. Pretty boss Hammerheadsharkfig.

Lowtuff, I just made you a new fad name B)


Night Fury


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Stormer 2.0 is pretty fly, IMO. Nex 2.0's cool, too, and I'd recommend him, as well.


If you ever get a chance to, though, I definitely say to get all four villains. They're all super fun to play with.

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This year looks IMHO more promising then last year. Heroes are more then just armored Stars with new gadgets. They're like mini Inika. ^^


Night Fury

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At least the 2010 wave weren't paper-thin, eh? =P But I do like the second and third waves better in terms of build. Articulation's a plus, too.

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Also, "lame-named Fire Lord villain"?


You seem to be forgetting the fact that the Fire Lord is the single best LEGO, MegaBloks, KNEX, etc... set ever produced. :bored:


He would be the best thing ever, but women already exist....

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He would be the best thing ever, but women already exist....

Ditto :P


Meh, he seems a bit too gappy and thrown together for me... I personally really like Hydraxon, Maxilos and such for villains and the Jetrax for an actual set. :P


You can't deny it's a terribly named villain.


Night Fury

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I don't mind it, honestly. It's perhaps a bit overused (Fire Lord Ozai, BIONICLE's Elemental Lord of Fire), but I like the title "Lord." It's big, claiming power and authority over something, in the case of the Fire Lord... water.

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This year looks IMHO more promising then last year. Heroes are more then just armored Stars with new gadgets. They're like mini Inika. ^^


Night Fury

Except, IMO, the Inika were far more customizable.

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