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Stopmotion & Graphic Design



Well, I got a double header of creativity today. It's been snowing hard all day, so I figured that I might as well take pictures of my new HF sets in the snow. And so I did. After a half hour of playing in Photoshop I came up with this:


[original pic here]

Whadya think?

EDIT: Look, a topic link!


Also, here's the dreaded animation. Watch, like, enjoy, hate, whatever. XD

[Rightclick, save target as, all that stuff]



Night Fury


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Hmm, maybe. I made the core glow because the old ones were translucent and I wanted to make that effect.


EDIT: Ziks, it's headed your way if you're not any more North East than Fort Morgan :P


Night Fury

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;_; don't hate


I didn't think I'd get them for a while either. But we were really close to a Super Target so we checked and yep, they did. ^^


Night Fury

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;_; don't hate


I didn't think I'd get them for a while either. But we were really close to a Super Target so we checked and yep, they did. ^^


Night Fury

Nevermind, I just bought the Jetbug. =D

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Hey, thanks :D

Yeah you should, it's an amazing program. If you eBay the old versions, like I did that in 2.0 elements, you can pick it up for near $20.


Night Fury

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