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There's Nothing Evolved About Fighting

Takuma Nuva


As I'm sure you've noticed by now, complete blog theme overhaul. The staff had better not go off and start a new contest in the morning now, especially considering how late I stayed up just to finish this. :P


Also, yes, I'm this excited about the sequel to a game I only just picked up and started playing for the first time. I snagged all these (and more) images off the website, in case some of you are wondering.


Aside from the obvious changes, I've made a couple other small adjustments. For one thing, I've added that content block dedicated to the "True Fans of Bionicle Club" that I promised all y'all. I also added back in the block with my Steam Card, though I removed the XFire Card since I don't use the program anymore. Additionally, I've removed the first quote block, at least temporarily. I figure that by now most people who would have read them have already done so. It also helped stretch the page out longer than it already was.


Well, I hope you guys enjoy the new theme. Simply coming into this blog should automatically make you feel radder. I'd really like to find more places to make and use these headers for. Unfortunately, I can't think of any other useful content blocks to add, especially considering I've probably got too many up right now as it is. I wouldn't mind a font and/or color change to go with the switch, but I can't imagine how I could improve the one I'm already using at the moment so I'll just leave well enough alone. On a final note, I plan to change my own blog approval to match the theme, but not tonight. It's 2 AM already. :dazed:


Comments, criticisms, and suggestions for how I could add more cool stuff are certainly appreciated.




Recommended Comments

I kinda want Section 8 now...

At this point you're probably better off waiting for the sequel, unless steam has another sale. Prejudice is due "early 2011" and will be available as digital download only (read: Steam, PSN, XBox Live, etc.) for $15, which, at this point, is even cheaper than the first game is on steam. Though I heard you can find it on Amazon for lower-than-dirt cheap...


«Takuma Nuva»
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