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Ramblings The Sixteenth, In Which I Confirm That Rumors Of My Death Have Been Greatly Exhagerated

~Sol de Medianoche~


Nope, not dead yet. Sorry.


Ay ay ay ay ay. I don't know why, but I've had no energy for BZP lately. Several times this week I've thought to myself, "Y'know self, you really should make a blog entry. The year's gonna go by faster than you know it, and if you don't start posting again soon, you're gonna regret it once January 1 of 2012 rolls 'round." But there really wasn't all that much to talk about. I have a theory that once you finally get the opportunity to blog, all things blog-worthy about your life suddenly vanish. Blah.


So, point of this entry? In a word: nothing. But then, look at the blog title. What were you expecting, really?


Oh yeah, there was one thing. Some of my friends are trying to get another friend to cross-dress for a convention. My friends are weirrrrd.~




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Rockhound, you should know by now that I've played two or three RPGs yet not the BZRPG. :P

Well, glad to see you're not dead. I was wondering for a while. :P

And yes, your friends are weird - *shot*

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@Overlord: Don't I know it. =P


@Call: You are absolutely no help at all. =P Is it the one run by Sisen where you play as yourself and the forums are an actual world?


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*interrupting Rockhound (sorry!)* Yes, it's BZP's official one. It's also the only one - on this site (BZP gets a description in the Tale too, though that isn't an RPG[/advertisement]) - that has a physical description of BZP.

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No, TMS, it's not BZProvince. It is an RPG run by a group of staff members, and it has different threads for different topics. You know what? Friar Tuck did a lovely summary right here: Clicky.


*snarls quietly at Overlord* :P

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