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Ruthless Elegance: A Visual Guide To Cool




If you know me very well at all, you know I love the "Coolified" style of appearance in Bionicle sets. This style is in many people's eyes the opposite to the 2001 style, yet in my tastes at least it is the best Bionicle can be, and it seems like most fans share my preference in this, though it's certainly OK for others not to (to each hisher own). Because of the majority "Cool" preference, I think Bionicle is at its absolute best, stylewise, when it uses this style to the max in the sets. Both in terms of it's health as a franchise, and, luckily, for my own personal tastes too. ^_^ [To be clear, not saying other people can't see the word "Cool" differently; this is how I personally define it. :)]

But what exactly is "Cool"? How can it be defined? I've been asked this before, and it's a little difficult to pin down. It's got variety. It isn't one exact "just so" style. And yet it has rules. It is something I know instantly when I see it, and something I'm dissapointed to miss when I don't see it. I know it is intense, but then some intensity isn't cool--some people who aren't into Cool even find it intimidating, even going too far (though down what road depends on the person). Some who aren't like me even see it as "ugly", because they have different tastes. It is often these people who are confused when I use words like "cool"--what does it mean, they have asked? Overall, the best way I know how to describe it is this:

Ruthless Elegance.

Cool does not hold back. Cool has well-aligned curves, spikes, spikes, serrations, scales, flares, knife-edges. Cool is made out of exploding gas, biological beings, stone, plastic. It's got texture, it's got form, it's got a pattern, it's got chaos. It's feathers and razor-teeth. Cool is elegant, not cheesy, but not "refined" per se or "classy" or any other terms. It isn't fragile, but it isn't industrially plain. It isn't afraid to be as elegant as it's possible to be. Yet it can contain elements of industrial plainness, or smoothness, or blockiness, even cheesiness! It is intensely powerful. It is also ruthless, because it knows that its intense style is not evil, though it can be scary--it knows it is neutral morally and can be equally expressed by both good and evil, and it is not afraid to express itself. It celebrates and exalts in its expression of elegance.

But these are all just words. I know what they mean only because I have the meanings behind the words in my head. A picture, they say, is worth a thousand vocalized sound waves, or in this case, digitized linguistic symbols. So I thought today I would present with you with a Visual Guide to Cool. This guide will feature a selection of the coolest images I know of, picked out of this Gallery. There are gobs of bonus images in the gallery you can browse as well when it is public.

Gallery Pages: 1 | 2 | 3


Something some people don't seem to realize is that "Ruthless Elegance" isn't something invented by Bionicle or any other human being. Ruthless elegance can be found all over in nature. Probably the most obvious example of Bionicle similarities to real world "RE" is the Barraki. Carapice. Eel. Manta Ray. Each of the Barraki features their own unique sort of Cool that has a direct or indirect parallel in the world of nature, especially in undersea creatures. And these are rad cool creatures.

You've got Carapar:










And finally, Takadox:


Okay, so that's a color edit, lol. :P Actual image here.


The Barraki represent a whole class of ubercool undersea creatures, but they only scratch the surface. There are Icefish and Lionfish and Sunfish and Starfish (Sea Urchins in that pic too).

The Range of Cool

Ruthless Elegance isn't just found underwater, though. In the animal realm it also includes things like Egrets:


It extends into space in a Solar Flare:


Humankind has harnessed the power of Cool to fly in the sky:


It exists in the plant world in a Dragon Tree:


And it once existed in actual "dragons"; Dinosaurs:


Extinct Animals

That was the head of a T-Rex--but the Tyrannosaur's feet were cool too. Another really cool dino was Styracosaurus:


And who doesn't love good old Sabertooth Tiger? Ancient predators even included giant girds, like the "Terror Bird" in this artistic interpretation.


There are a lot of "living dinosaurs" in terms of coolness even today, like the late Steve Irwin's favorites, Crocodiles. Isn't it Gorgeous? There are lizards with frills:


And turtles with spikes. There's even a miniature version of Styracky.


My brother Ojilom's mascot, the Elephant, is, as it were, Ele[g]ant. Especially its skeleton. :lookhere:

Have a look at the skeleton of a Whale. And just as there are mammals in the sea, there are mammals in the air. But we usually think of mammals as being on the land, like the Armadillo:


Or being furry, like the Emperor Tamarin.


Feathers instead of fur. There's the peacock of course, with its tailfeathers. And it comes in white:


There's everything from the Hornbill to the Turkey.


In the insect and arachnid world there's the somewhat familiar Wolf Spider to the unfamiliar Scale. Nui-Rama have their equivalent in Dragonflies:


And Kraata have a rough equivalent in Snails.


To eat the bugs, there are Venus Flytraps, Sundews, and Pitcher Plants.

Other plants range from cool ground foliage to Oak trees; their leaves seen here. Flowers aren't all roses. And don't forget ferns:



Those ferns need light--how about a nice star for us all to orbit?


The sun can do a good imitation of a Zamor Sphere in certain types of photos. And personally I really like blue.


Who knew. Carapar has his own giant cloud of gas--the Crab Nebula! Ooooh. Ahhhh. Explosions are the answer:


It's the BOOMarang Nebula! Look at the Shockwaves. And look--Nebulae even mimic nukes!

Manmade Cool

We of course have nukes, and other types of Explosions. We've put Ruthless Elegance into everything from Buildings and Boats to Buggies and Biplanes.


Of course humans have also put coolness into all manner of fiction as well. But that's not my goal for this blog entry--it's to show that all of the above has existed in the real world, for real reasons, and usually without our control. In Bionicle, we've had rocking cool Rahkshi, we've had Kanohi masks, we've had Visorak; the one I think is the coolest being Da Greenie.

Only recently though has Bionicle reeeeally gotten into Ruthless Elegance. The Piraka show this off like crazy. Take Thok, for example. The Toa Inika had this up the wazoo, with their rad Zamor multiclips, the Zamor launchers themselves, and their cool armor, feet, and masks. My favorite of the masks is the superior Sanok.

But Ruthless Elegance has really taken off this year with the Barraki, and if Toyfair is any indication, the rest of the sets too! Good old Carapar, my favorite. Ehlek, after he "charges up" from the lightstone in the Bionicle.com movie/vision, looks really cool. And Mantax--wow, have all the promo pics of him competely slapped him in the face, as it were. Mantax's head is awesome, but I have never seen an actual image of its full awesomness until the piece was shown in one of the Toyfair playsets. See here. I want Mantax now. ;) Of course each of the Barraki is also cool in a unique way, as we are all well aware. Even Pridak, my least favorite (due to the color scheme), has awesome tools, which I was excited to see in silver with Hydraxon.

But the Toa Mahri. Wow. I've got a few complaints, not least of which is the launcher, which in appearance, to me, is decidedly uncool (I hope it's a prototype...). But there's just sooo much else that roxorz my soxorz better than ever before, it is sheer awesomeness incarnate. Hewkii's new mask is just as rad cool, if not more so, as the Sanok. As is Kongu's.

And Hahli's mask. And! And. And. And. Hahli has... WINGS!!1!1!! :D *spamming spree of joy* Yay! Hwoot! *Toa With Wings!* Huzzah! Hooray! *deleting spamming spree of joy* Yahoo! Google!

The wings are coolified, even. I like wings. Can ya tell? :-P

And the masks of the others are about as cool, as well as most of the tools (though I would like a bit more armor... :shrugs:). And the titans have so much coolness, just like Axonn, Fenrakkvezon, and Brutaka did last year.

You knew this was coming: Wowser Bowser Good Gads Gadunka. What a rad cool Piraka foot!

And the face is cool too. :P

All in all, Bionicle is delving into Cool more, and more betterly, than they ever have before. Personally I am very excited about this. Beyond that, though, I strongly suspect that most typical fans are too, and so I would not be surprised to see Bionicle's recent gains keep going up! ^_^

Well, that's enough for this entry. I hope this guide has helped explain in a couple ten thousand words what "Cool" means to me. :D


Recommended Comments

I agree :D ! I love the style of the more recent sets. The Piraka were my favorite canister villains - that is, until the Barraki came out. I'm glad current sets are selling so well. The Rahkshi back in '03 were amazing partly due to the spines - and all the qualities they possessed - and more - that appealed to me came back in full force with the Barraki. And the Piraka were unique in their own way - never has there been a line of canister sets like them in Bionicle history.


I really like the whole coolified style, and hope that Lego keeps it up. All six of the Toa Mahri have amazing masks, and the Inika before them were great - my favorite Toa. And the sets have a great realism about them - it's the ultimate advancement of Bionicle, in my mind; the potential of the line realized.


This is all, of course, my personal tastes. But I'm glad that Lego is marketing towards them, and even if the demand for a more robotic look among the majority becomes strong in the future, at least I'll have a collection from '06 and '07. Even though Lego sometimes makes decisions that don't appeal to me, on the whole, they've created a great line. So hooray for Bionicle :D !

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Hahli has fins, not wings. Gosh, why is it so hard to understand that (Yes, I'm being serious)? Everyone keeps sayin' things like "Why does a Toa of Water have wings? They're under water, too, what use wiill they have?" It's annoying. They're fins. And you're just the unlucky one who I decided to finally say it to, ToM.

I agree that the Bionicle lines is cooler right now....I don't understand why people keep complaining.


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This is one of the best blog entries I have seen in a long time. (Okay, not that long, blogs just started. :P )


I really like your blog, Bonesii, you delve int othe deeper meaning of BIONICLE. I like you as a BZP person (although I don't know you) because you try to find that which is deeper than the outside. I like to do that as well. I don't look at the Mahri alone; I look at what led to the Mahri and how they fit in to the BIONICLE franchise. I agree wholeheartedly on soem points, not so on others. I agree that BIONICLE is headed in the right direction, and that "cool" can be determined by so many things that we consider everyday. Take the sun for example. As you showed, the sun looks like a Zamor sphere. It looks like a Zamor sphere. But it's not.


The Barraki were one of the greatest genius BIONICLE ideas ever. Taking oceanic creatures and combining them with BIONICLE's mechanical style, in essence humanizing them. You now have Pridak, Mantax, Ehlek, Carapar, Takadox, and my personal favorite, Kalmah.


Where I disagree is the Mahri. I believe the direction was right. Scuba-diver heroes, in essence. Cool. But as they say, right idea, bad execution. Scuba divers are not fish, and while the idea to mix them was "cool", they don't look that great. (Granted, they are prototypes, and the person who posed them tried to make them look bad. :P)


The Cornak blasters (official name) are okay. I can't say I'm crazy about them, but I wasn't crazy about Squid Launchers at first, but once I got the hang of them, they're actually quite great. But the blasters just seem too big, too bulky.


The Mahri themselvse hold mixed feelings. Again, right idea, bad execution. Jaller looks great. Hewkii's mask, IMO, looks horrid. A lot of the designs lack, such as Kongu. Two collectible launchers, and no personal weapon?


What I look for in BIONICLE is the innovative, the new, and the just plan awesome. The Barraki had that. The Inika had that. The Piraka had that. The Bahrag had that. Umbra had that. Vezon and Fenrakk had that. The 2007 Titans have that. The Mahri don't for me. Jaller, Hahli, and Hewkii have nice designs. (Excluding Hewkii's mask.) But the ones I like have the innovative, the new, and the plan awesome. The rest do not. Hewkii's arm is a new, great idea. Hahli's wings, amazing. Jaller, just plan awesome. Nuparu, lacking. Matoro, not so well done. Kongu, lacking. See what i mean?


But I agree with you that BIONICLE remains strong, remains innovative as a whole franchise, and remains, well, just plan cool.


And by the way, those pictures are awesome.

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EDIT: Sorry. I should have read your entry much more closely and thought out what I said before I posted. Glad you like this year's sets, I share that sentiment heavily. Not to mention all the pictures are pretty darn cool.
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I agree :D ! I love the style of the more recent sets. The Piraka were my favorite canister villains - that is, until the Barraki came out. I'm glad current sets are selling so well. The Rahkshi back in '03 were amazing partly due to the spines - and all the qualities they possessed - and more - that appealed to me came back in full force with the Barraki. And the Piraka were unique in their own way - never has there been a line of canister sets like them in Bionicle history.


I really like the whole coolified style, and hope that Lego keeps it up. All six of the Toa Mahri have amazing masks, and the Inika before them were great - my favorite Toa. And the sets have a great realism about them - it's the ultimate advancement of Bionicle, in my mind; the potential of the line realized.


This is all, of course, my personal tastes. But I'm glad that Lego is marketing towards them, and even if the demand for a more robotic look among the majority becomes strong in the future, at least I'll have a collection from '06 and '07. Even though Lego sometimes makes decisions that don't appeal to me, on the whole, they've created a great line. So hooray for Bionicle :D !

Yeah--it is a good feeling when we're in the group of tastes LEGO's marketing to. That's what makes me wish that reality could be different and somehow they could also please the minority tastes--I have been there of course back with things like gears that I didn't like, and when there's something like that that I dislike, it makes me feel like Bionicle isn't as good as it could be, in feelings, though as a logician I at least know that's only true for me personally for sure. But it's definately a good thing that Bionicle -is- focusing on the majority, for the reason you said. ^_^ Hopefully it can be a consolation to the minority tastes in some small way.



Hahli has fins, not wings. Gosh, why is it so hard to understand that (Yes, I'm being serious)? Everyone keeps sayin' things like "Why does a Toa of Water have wings? They're under water, too, what use wiill they have?" It's annoying. They're fins. And you're just the unlucky one who I decided to finally say it to, ToM.

I agree that the Bionicle lines is cooler right now....I don't understand why people keep complaining.

Well, I understand it--everybody's different, and to people who aren't into this style, it's not as "cool" in the other sense of the word. Being a fan of something can be very emotional, and people miss things that were powerful forces in their lives in some ways. I don't blame them for complaining about that. It can be hard to step back and look at the big picture.



This is one of the best blog entries I have seen in a long time. (Okay, not that long, blogs just started. :P )


I really like your blog, Bonesii, you delve int othe deeper meaning of BIONICLE. I like you as a BZP person (although I don't know you) because you try to find that which is deeper than the outside. I like to do that as well.

Thanks, VK! ^_^



I don't look at the Mahri alone; I look at what led to the Mahri and how they fit in to the BIONICLE franchise. I agree wholeheartedly on soem points, not so on others. I agree that BIONICLE is headed in the right direction, and that "cool" can be determined by so many things that we consider everyday. Take the sun for example. As you showed, the sun looks like a Zamor sphere. It looks like a Zamor sphere. But it's not.


The Barraki were one of the greatest genius BIONICLE ideas ever. Taking oceanic creatures and combining them with BIONICLE's mechanical style, in essence humanizing them. You now have Pridak, Mantax, Ehlek, Carapar, Takadox, and my personal favorite, Kalmah.


Where I disagree is the Mahri. I believe the direction was right. Scuba-diver heroes, in essence. Cool. But as they say, right idea, bad execution.

We agree there on some points. BTW, I've just posted an in-depth analysis of Diosjenin's topic-post, here, including the details on what I see as problems with the Mahri--I'm interested in your thoughts on that. :)


Scuba divers are not fish, and while the idea to mix them was "cool", they don't look that great. (Granted, they are prototypes, and the person who posed them tried to make them look bad. :P)

Yes--that Jaller pose is especially awful. XD


The Cornak blasters (official name) are okay. I can't say I'm crazy about them, but I wasn't crazy about Squid Launchers at first, but once I got the hang of them, they're actually quite great. But the blasters just seem too big, too bulky.

That's fair enough. My main problem with the blasters (BTW, are you sure it's Cornak with an "n"?) is the look, and I thought the squidders looked alright--but if the blasters fire better, might outweigh that. :lol:


I had thought they looked bulky too, but I'm not as sure, re-checking a few of the farther back pics from Toyfair--at certain angles they seem skinnier than at others. Not sure...


The Mahri themselvse hold mixed feelings. Again, right idea, bad execution. Jaller looks great. Hewkii's mask, IMO, looks horrid. A lot of the designs lack, such as Kongu. Two collectible launchers, and no personal weapon?


What I look for in BIONICLE is the innovative, the new, and the just plan awesome. The Barraki had that. The Inika had that. The Piraka had that. The Bahrag had that. Umbra had that. Vezon and Fenrakk had that. The 2007 Titans have that. The Mahri don't for me. Jaller, Hahli, and Hewkii have nice designs. (Excluding Hewkii's mask.) But the ones I like have the innovative, the new, and the plan awesome. The rest do not. Hewkii's arm is a new, great idea. Hahli's wings, amazing. Jaller, just plan awesome. Nuparu, lacking. Matoro, not so well done. Kongu, lacking. See what i mean?

Heh, it's ironic that you don't like his mask. I've seen that a lot here--maybe that should be the subject of a poll. (Personally my sig is full though. :-P)


Yeah, I can see that, definately, though I don't mind Kongu except for a bit more armor, plus the launcher design itself--I don't mind the two launcher idea itself, and in a way it's fitting for an air Toa. For Matoro, the tubes are the main thing that I don't like. I love the shoulder armor, Toa-foot body design, and hunchback differentiation.


But I agree with you that BIONICLE remains strong, remains innovative as a whole franchise, and remains, well, just plan cool.


And by the way, those pictures are awesome.

Thanks, heh. Took a whole day to find 'em all.







GMan--I'm PMing you about your flame comment before I make any attempt to try to reply to that here. I hope you rethink that behavior. :(


[Edit: I've recieved your reply, and I'm glad to here you did not intend to flame and you see your mistake. ^_^ Thank you. :)]

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It can be hard to step back and look at the big picture.

I'm really not sure what you mean by that. Like I, for one, do not share your definition of 'cool'. I think the design aesthetic of the more recent sets has been quite 'ugly'. Most decidedly not cool. So, because I disagree with you on what 'cool' is, I'm missing the big picture?


I don't know Bones. That sounds an awful lot like arguing a certain personal preference right over others.


Please ease my confusion.



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Gman had the same confusion, DV--what I'm saying is, this is how I, personally, define "cool" when I use that word (since many people have asked me how I define it, as I said in the first paragraph). Not saying other people don't define it differently. ;) Remember, though, this taste (or the general idea) seems to be the one usually shared by most Bionicle fans, so it seems to be to be worth the time to try to sit down and define it somehow. :)


So, no, I'm not saying this taste is "better" than yours--remember I consider all tastes to be equal. On an individual basis. But as we've been over countless times before, since they're all equal, they're like a vote, so what's best for Bionicle's health is the majority. That's why I am saying this is the majority taste. The big picture I'm saying that most complainers miss is that fact--they often think their own taste is more important for Bionicle to target over everybody else's, but it is just impossible in the real world.


Hope that clears that up...

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I just reread your entry, and I have to say, I agree. Giant trees like the one you showed are some of my favorite plants, they're just so impressively majestic. Sea creatures, although they evolved their features, have always been incredible and freaky (Viperfish for one- Woo!) and they're one of my interests, as I go to Cape Cod every summer and catch crabs. Nature's designs are imprinted in lots of things- Especially Bionicle, which I feel has caught the essence of the animals they based the Barraki off of very well, exceptionally. I bought and built all six. The Mahri, I see, are prototypes, but it's likely they'll have lots to improve on. But that's okay. Initially I didn't like the Inika, but now I find them okay. Plus that's what makes waiting for next year's sets and storyline so worthwhile- You know it has to be better in some detail, somehow. You made your point very clearly, bonesiii, I just wish I hadn't been so stupid that I looked at it blurredly.
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That's okay, GMan. ^_^ And glad I could clear that up, DV. Yeah, probably not worded the best... maybe I should edit that first paragraph?

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:kaukau:OK, so you've defined "cool", now define "ruthless" and "elegance". I don't know about you, but I think that some of these things are based off of your personal tastes, which you try so hard not to use. I didn't see how mantax's heat was "elegant", nor how that picture of Thok was "elegant". Some of these things that you say are elegant sure don't look elegant to me. There's no way to talk about "cool" without bringing up personal tastes, and you just did. I also think, in terms of cool, that the piraka were the ugliest Bionicle I have ever seen, and I'm not saying that because I miss the older sets, I just simply didn't think that they "cool". The word itself is nothing but a personal taste, and as accurate as you can get to describing its meaning is "what you think is very interesting." Now, where I saw cool the most was with the Rakshi and the backgrounds on canisters for 2001-2004. I remember seeing Tahu on lava, Gali swimming, Onua and Whenua digging, and Lewa Nuva Matau flying. The Piraka sort of lost its elegant background, plus, I thought it was pretty plain that they were all just posing and not actually doing anything. That didn't seem cool to me. The Inika had a background, that's a little cool, but they all had the same one. Anyway, you also put up some pictures from anamations, well I think that the older anamations in 2001-2003 were more "cool." Sorry, but the stuff with the Piraka didn't seem to have that "ruthless elegance." I end my post with the same imperative thought that I started it with: Now that you have defined "cool", define "ruthless" and "elegant".



If you comment on this, please don't give me a big long lecture.

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"and I hope this guide has helped explain what cool means to me."



Kraggh, Bonesiii is of course expressing his personal opinon; that cool can be ruthless and elegant. I think what he's trying to say is that you can combine ruthlessness and elegance. Thok is clearly ruthless; a Piraka, a villain. Yet some poses of his (like the bio.com Thok wallpaper, which I think Bonesiii is referring to) have a sort of villain elegance.


I also don't think bonesiii is saying that the Toa Nuva/Toa canisters were NOT cool. I think they were cool, yet I agree wholeheartedly with bonesiii's point. What he's trying to explain is that 'new' and 'different' and what can be associated by many as "NOT BIONICLE!" can be BIONICLE, and can be cool.


Of course cool is a personal opinion, but what he's saying also is this:


Why would a Bionicle customer buy a set? Because its' ugly? No, because to that customer, the set is cool. I got Kalmah and not Mantax because I thought Kalmah was cool and Mantax was not as cool. I got Bahrag, not Boxor, because I thought Bahrag was cooler than Boxor. So, if the majority of customers is buying the Piraka and Inika, they must think they're cool, or they wouldn't really be buying them. Bonesiii's personal views on what is cool must be what the majority thinks, because if they didn't think the sets were cool, BIONICLE's sales would be going down, and BIONICLE would be headed in the direction of your topic a while back; downhill.


Bonesiii, care to define 'ruthless' and 'elegant'? :P


What bonesiii is saying, Kraagh, is that ruthless and elegance are two normally different things. But in many cases, they can combine. He used the sun as an example. A ruthless source of body-burning, skull melting heat, yet so elegant in its form. Kalmah, a vicious-looking squid-like creature that will suck your face off, yet he can be elegant in his way, and ruthless elegance (which is the way BIONICLE is headed, so it seems) can be cool. Just cause the PIraka look evil and vicious, doesn't meant they're ugly. They're ruthless, yet elegant, and so can be cool.


And it's not really lecturing, Kraagh, it's explaining.



And bonesiii, I recently saw some new ToyFair pictures from Wednesday, which you can find around brickshelf, and I've changed my views on Hewkii and some of the Mahri. THey look quite cool, and I they aren't as prototype-looking as the ones from the Saturday night. Hewkii's mask is smoother and much more elegant. :)



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:kaukau:What I was stating was what, in my tastes, I thought was cool, what wasn't as cool,and what wasn't cool at all. Visorak-Kal, you mistook the meaning of "ruthless elegance". You thought that ruthless and elegant were two different words describing something that is cool. But actually, "ruthless" is describing "elegance". Look at that tree, it wasn't ruthless. Anyway, I am used to Bonesiii being 100% logition, so naturally I thought he was saying what was logically cool. Is anything I am saying making sence to you?
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Yes, I get what you mean, Kraggh. Bonesiii is by nature a logician, so you thought he wasn't describing personal taste. I see. I didn't mistake Ruthless Elegance, i knew Ruthless described the elegance, I was just giving another take on it. Thok has a ruthless look, but his ruthlessness is elegant, thus an elegance that is ruthless, thus ruthless elegance. See?



I get you now, though. :)


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OK, so you've defined "cool", now define "ruthless" and "elegance". I don't know about you, but I think that some of these things are based off of your personal tastes, which you try so hard not to use.

No, no. I don't use my personal tastes to form any "LEGO should" opinions. That's not the point of this entry--it's simply to try to define my tastes here. :) This one is about my tastes. Again, read the first paragraph, it makes this clear.


At the same time, though, I do seperately have the opinion that this basic taste is the majority taste--you and I have discussed that at length before, so hopefully you understand that. But don't misunderstand, not saying that I know for a fact this is how every "majority" Bionicle fan would define it. I can't really know that anyways. This is just me. :)




Some of these things that you say are elegant sure don't look elegant to me.

Yes, Kraggh, that's because our tastes are different. As for Mantax, I meant the sweeping back, things, whatever the word is, at the back of his head. Before, I had thought his head was just this blocky thing, but with that pic, I see it's actually flattened, drawn out, with those two "tentacles" going off the back, which is more pleasing to me. :)



Probably this may also have to do with me being able to accept more variety as pleasing, so I can see elegance in a Piraka where perhaps you can't (which is OK, don't misunderstand). That's why I made that poll on Set Variety, link in sig--I was curious if that was just me, and it seems it's not. Someone in the Sets forum recently called the 2001 Rahi and Toa "truly graceful", but in my tastes, that's the last word to apply. Yet for that person, it's the right word, and it's the word he "should" use, at least if that's how he meant it (although he -did- clarify wasn't the best word, I think... lol, but that's beside the point). Make sense? That is all a matter of taste, and it's definately OK for you to see it differently. ^_^



just simply didn't think that they "cool". The word itself is nothing but a personal taste, and as accurate as you can get to describing its meaning is "what you think is very interesting."

Lemme see if I can make this clear--it's because words like this mean different things to different people that I need to try, somehow, to show people visually what I mean when I use it. Make sense? Not to say that [pompous]"this is the 'official' definition"[/pompous], but that it's what little old me happens to mean when I use the word. :)



Now that you have defined "cool", define "ruthless" and "elegant".

All three are defined best I know how to with the images above. :) If it helps, though, Kraggh, let me try to rephrase in one sentence, though it will be somewhat long:


Because I know that tastes vary and because I know that they're all equal, I know that even though the kind of thing I like is intense and won't be liked by others, there's nothing wrong with it, just as there's nothing wrong with what they like, and I am therefore not afraid to enjoy what I like, and not hold back--the best word I know to describe the well-aligned curves and spikes and serrations/feathers/teeth/etc. is "elegant" but most people think of "elegant" as laid back, held back, "dainty" and whatnot--I say no--I'm not just gonna enjoy "Laid Back Elegance", I'm gonna go all out, really enjoy it, take it up a few levels, up more levels, to Ruthless Elegance!



Does that help, lol? Boy, that went long. :blink: I'm saying, since I know there's nothing wrong with it, I'm not afraid to delve deeply into the "elegance" or "cool" or "coolified" or whatever the word to use, hence, "ruthless." :)


And at the same time, I think everybody else is free to delve just as deeply into what they like too! If you like, as Ikki put it, "Technified Power" (I think that was the quote), then celebrate it! It's OK! ^_^






Kraggh, Bonesiii is of course expressing his personal opinon

Yes, but for clarity's sake, VK, I wouldn't use the word "opinion." I'd just say that it's my "taste" or my "preference." I use the word "opinion" for things like "LEGO should" opinions, which this is not. Less confusing that way, I think. :)



I think what he's trying to say is that you can combine ruthlessness and elegance.

That's... almost it, but I'm not saying it's good to be ruthless in a moral sense, lol. Second paragraph of entry talks about that, incidentally.



I'm saying the elegance is good (for me) when it's ruthless; doesn't hold back. Not that the ruthlessness is good when it's elegant, XD. Although I suppose in the sense of enjoying the scariness of villains in an mere storyline, that's OK too. In that sense, I would agree with how you put it, yes.


I also don't think bonesiii is saying that the Toa Nuva/Toa canisters were NOT cool. I think they were cool, yet I agree wholeheartedly with bonesiii's point. What he's trying to explain is that 'new' and 'different' and what can be associated by many as "NOT BIONICLE!" can be BIONICLE, and can be cool.

This is good analysis--this is thought provoking stuff here, heh.


How I would say my view of the Mata/Nuva (in my tastes), is that they were "cool" to a degree, but they were holding back. They weren't quite "ruthlessly" elegant, as it were, make sense? Again, in my tastes. So basically I liked them, but not as much as an Inika or a Piraka, or a Barraki.




Why would a Bionicle customer buy a set? Because its' ugly? No, because to that customer, the set is cool. I got Kalmah and not Mantax because I thought Kalmah was cool and Mantax was not as cool. I got Bahrag, not Boxor, because I thought Bahrag was cooler than Boxor. So, if the majority of customers is buying the Piraka and Inika, they must think they're cool, or they wouldn't really be buying them. Bonesiii's personal views on what is cool must be what the majority thinks, because if they didn't think the sets were cool, BIONICLE's sales would be going down, and BIONICLE would be headed in the direction of your topic a while back; downhill.

Yes, when it comes to my actual opinion, I agree with that, but i want to be clear--I'm not saying that my tastes always coincide with the majority. For example, I love brown sets, as do a lot of my fellow BZPers, but most fans don't like them. Brown sells worst, which is why it was discontinued (mostly--Carapar is actually largely brown though, and not coincidentally he's the only Barraki I actually have so far *glares at thin wallet*). I also am not liking these Mahri launchers, and although guns are cool, I usually like swords better, so it's very possible the launchers might sell OK simply because they're guns, going against my tastes too. So please don't think I'm defining the "Official Bionicle Majority Taste" here or whatever, lol. It's just that usually, this general idea seems to be what most fans like.


And heck, I'm not even happy with that, per se. I mean, for me, it's great. I'm getting sets I love. But at the same time, I do wish reality could work differently so that you guys (those with different tastes, such as "Technicism", like gears for you, Kraggh) could have sets you like better too. And if the tables were turned, and most fans shared your taste, not mine, I wouldn't mind, for myself, that much. It would be a bit dissapointing, but I'd be happy you guys could get what you like. ^_^ And for a long time, before I found BZP and found out that things like Rahi hadn't sold as well as I'd assumed they did, I always thought the tables were turned, and I was in a minority, heh. And I was OK with that.









What bonesiii is saying, Kraagh, is that ruthless and elegance are two normally different things. But in many cases, they can combine. He used the sun as an example. A ruthless source of body-burning, skull melting heat, yet so elegant in its form.

In that sense, yes. That's what I'm saying. Of course, without examples, it's so hard to define. In fact, maybe the pictures alone can't do the job, heh, since there's a lot of confusion I'm getting in the comments, XD. But still, I think there's a part of this that has to resonate with someone who shares my tastes to really see it like I see it, since this is an entry about taste, not about logic. :) So don't feel bad that you don't see it that way, Kraggh. Nothing wrong with that.











And bonesiii, I recently saw some new ToyFair pictures from Wednesday, which you can find around brickshelf, and I've changed my views on Hewkii and some of the Mahri. THey look quite cool, and I they aren't as prototype-looking as the ones from the Saturday night. Hewkii's mask is smoother and much more elegant.

Glad to hear that. I had seen a better pose before on another site, BTW, which shall remain nameless here, but that did give me a better angle on it. That may be part of what's going on here. Time shall tell. Angle often affects initial opinion, heh.




Just cause the PIraka look evil and vicious, doesn't meant they're ugly. They're ruthless, yet elegant, and so can be cool.

Yes--now to get closer to what I meant, though, this can apply to good guys too. They definately shouldn't be ruthless, of course. But they can be elegant. And I personally like it when they push that elegance to the extreme, being ruthless in that sense, not in behavior. (I say "they" but of course it's set designers only--so far in the story the Toa have never controlled their looks.)














Visorak-Kal, you mistook the meaning of "ruthless elegance". You thought that ruthless and elegant were two different words describing something that is cool. But actually, "ruthless" is describing "elegance". Look at that tree, it wasn't ruthless.

That's correct; that's what I meant as far as which word modifies what, lol. VK's point does stand for enjoying villains in a story as said above, and I hadn't thought of that. That is true too. But yes, to look at the tree, what I'm saying is it's elegant (to me), but it's beyond what most people think of with "elegant" because they are thinking "dainty" or "held back elegance." So it's "ruthless elegance."






Anyway, I am used to Bonesiii being 100% logiton, so naturally I thought he was saying what was logically cool.

Oh, there's no such thing, IMO. This is why I said, in comments for the "Why I Do What I Do" entry, that logic and emotion must both be present, IMO. A "logical" definition of cool would mean nothing without emotion and taste to produce pleasure. A computer is logical, but it cannot understand a concept like "cool", just like it can't be happy or sad.


The one way I could see there being such a thing is if all human beings universally responded the exact same way to each type of entertainment--that there was no such thing as varying taste and we were all the same. Frankly, I'm glad we're not because life would be boring that way, heh. No, it's definately a matter of taste. :)


Remember, Kraggh, that "I like" statements are considered outside logic. I've made this crystal clear in the Debate Terms guide--this is why I keep asking people to read it so we can avoid this kind of misunderstanding, XD. I am a logician, yes, but as one, I understand that personal taste is outside logic (it's another term for "I like"). Therefore, there's no way to logically define "cool" for everybody. The best we can do is define what it means to each of us, individually. Hence this entry....


Anyways, hope this isn't too long. :fear:



Edit: Just oooone last comment, which is totally going into too much depth, XD:

Bonesiii is by nature a logician, so you thought he wasn't describing personal taste.

For the record, I'm not "by nature" a logician... I had to learn that it's the best way to become one. I was as illogical as anyone else when I was a little chillun, XD. No offense to the little chilluns... I do consider myself lucky to have been given the right opportunities to see this. Ultimately I had to choose it, against my own ego and selfish nature. At the same time, i discovered that in another sense, it -is- my nature in that it seems best for humanity in general. After all, we have both emotions and the most advanced brains in nature--why not use the brains too? :D


But yeah, getting deeeep here XD.

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See? You can come up with way cooler ideas for a blog than I can. :D Just hearing about somebody's life is boring. We must jazz. This is an awesome entry!


And Hahli's mask. And! And. And. And. Hahli has... WINGS!!1!1!!

Whoot! Yeah! Amen!! *dances* YAY!!

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:kaukau:I think that cool can only be defined by ones personal tastes. What one person might think cool another one might not. I'm not sure if you made that clear or not, Bonesiii, but I think I might say that. You thought that the Piraka were cool, I thought that they were pretty boring, to be honest. You thought that the triceratops skull was cool, but I thought it was pretty dull. I think that a girl called Monica is cool, but everybody else thinks that she's weird. I guess that people opinions on what's cool and what's not just simply varies.
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