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4 Teeth Pulled

Captain Marvel




That's all I can say. Yes, I was asleep, but as soon as the numbing shot wore off, it hurt. A lot. And they won't grow back because they're adult teeth.

-Captain Marvel


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Meh, mine was different. The doc pulled my tooth without me even knowing (they shot me full of Novocain first) and that side of my face just drooped for the whole afternoon, even into the evening. I don't remember it hurting, though.


-Der Blitz

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Oh. For you it was easy. I've already had to have 6 teeth pulled, and just now I got 4 more pulled. And, to top it off, I can't eat for 12 hours before the operation because they use anesthesia and I might hurl. >_<


Anyway, my Novocain wore off already. I was watching a movie and trying to eat, and I couldn't feel the spoon so I kept missing my mouth XD


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Oh yeah I hate the numbness Shinigami. BTW, how do I shorten that? Shin? Gami? What?


Also Ads you're spelling it right, I spelled it wrong XD


Your new approval is awesome too.

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That... bites. :P


I've only ever had one tooth pulled and I wasn't even aware they pulled it out. I don't even think I took any pain medication after having it out either. Were they your wisdom teeth or just teeth in general? I still need those four taken out but haven't been able to yet due to finances.


I hope you don't have to have anymore out!

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Very punny!


They were the bicuspids, the ones behind the canines. And I only have 3 wisdom teeth, but I already know I'll have to get those pulled too. >_< ugh.

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Oh yeah I hate the numbness Shinigami. BTW, how do I shorten that? Shin? Gami? What?


Also Ads you're spelling it right, I spelled it wrong XD


Your new approval is awesome too.

Call me Thylon. :P


Also, if I haven't given you my new approval yet, here it is.

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