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What Mad Scientist Made This







It's a GameCube controller with a keyboard in the middle.


And yes it is a real product. What.


I wonder if they make something like this for PCs. That would actually be somewhat useful.


Also speaking of GameCube I've been listening to the Metroid Prime Echoes theme for the past forty minutes. <3


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Supposedly it's one of those weird things they only have in Japan.


I think you can get it imported through Play-Asia, though.

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Also speaking of GameCube I've been listening to the Metroid Prime Echoes theme for the past forty minutes. <3


I knew I was not the only one who did this!



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Oh, I hope XBOX copies this, even if their version will weight up to three kilos.

I want one for 360.

Good news. There is a very similar peripheral that attaches to the bottom of a standard Xbox controller. I dunno how easy it is to use, but anyone who frequently uses something like Blackberry or Android should find it really natural.


Also Canama I was listening to a rip of it that was 2 hours long. And yes I listened all the way from start to finish~

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Good news. There is a very similar peripheral that attaches to the bottom of a standard Xbox controller. I dunno how easy it is to use, but anyone who frequently uses something like Blackberry or Android should find it really natural.

Well yeah, I know about that, but it's not as awesome as a full keyboard.

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