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The Highs And Lows



Me over the past couple days concerning the BZPRPG and the characters I want to build for it:


1) Yay, BZPRPG reboot, maybe I'll play this time. :)


2) I like the idea of a Toa of Green. :)


3) Why is everyone a Toa of Green? D:


4) I like stone. :|


5) I don't want to waste that Toa of Green design but since it uses HF2.0 pieces so much there aren't many colors I can use. :|


6) I think I have a tan Rau that I can put on in place of the lime one! :D


7) I'm crazy, there is no Rau. (Possibly brought on by a feverish halucination. Also digging around the room in my dust and mold [stuff gets moldy here so fast, my Lego is not exempt D:] did not help my siiiick)


8) despair


9) even more despair because I ordered my HF2.0 Heroes on the 13th, Lego gave them to fedex, fedex gave them to USPS, and USPS has been sitting on them since the 18th and they say they refuse to deliver them until the 2nd. D:


10) REVELATION Drilldozer and Jetbug have the pieces I need to make my Toa of Green a Toa of Stone. :D


11) Ultimate Despair: Wal Mart has no clue when they'll get the new Lego sets in, Lego Shop charges $15 for express shipping, and I don't know when I can has DrillBug. Kmart is a non-issue because I found a GameBoy Advance game in there (granted, it said compatible with DS on the box, and it was based off of some live action tweendramaNickelodeonorhoweveryouspellit show that I've never heard of) and a Lego set from 2003. Proof. D:


11.2) Discovered while trying to upload proof: My computer has seizures when it tries to upload things. Must route everything through phone. DDDD:


12) I'm also sick. D:


13) D:


Recommended Comments

Aw that sucks.


Well I'm off to go RPG some more.


It's so grate





troll in the dungeon


You should take a deep breath and try to relax._______.

But I've been relaxing for daaaysss because I'm sick. D:


On the plus side I had pretty much forever to play games while I've been sick (when I had enough brain to) so I've almost beat ME2 again. :D


LIMBO is freaky and I am trapped. D:

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On the plus side I had pretty much forever to play games while I've been sick (when I had enough brain to) so I've almost beat ME2 again. :D

Jealous. I've been in writing limbo so I haven't touched video games.

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