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Creator Commentary #1

lavaside rahi



Credit for this idea goes to Kahinuva - course, I did have a few moral qualms to deal with, namely that DVD commentaries can often ruin a movie for me; like sausage, learning how it's made can ruin the magic of the final product. However, I'm feeling bored, so I went through with it.


I'm only going to pick out my favorites as I go through my old works. I'm starting with the #70s, just cause I feel like that's when my comics really started to come into their own (plus I'm too embarrassed to show my earlier work now). To follow along, (re)read the comic first, then the comment below.




And my love affair with acronyms begins. Although to this day, "D.U.M.B." is easily the best acronym I have come up with, because it actually says something about the institution it refers to. Note that killer background in the last panel - this is what passed as a lot of work for me back then.



It's pretty weird to look at these now, given the total lack of backgrounds and the overall sloppiness of the whole thing. You can also see that Larry/Tarry were still somewhat stupid back then, but they were starting to show their smarter sides...



I love the story of Orson Welles' War of the Worlds broadcast, and really the last comic was just an excuse to get to this one. To this day, I still get chills when the radio reporter cuts off after the aliens fry him - if you haven't heard it yet, I highly recommend it.

Also, note those highly realistic black UFOs in the last panel. Take a good look; those things must have taken tens of seconds to make. VC made a slightly different version where he selflessly added himself to the last panel. It's actually a lot funnier that way...



This one's just weird. In trying to work a guest star into the ongoing radio station story, I work in a not-so-subtle message about the communist ways of BZPower (a subject I touched on in a much later comic) and Arro's characteristic of attracting girls. Back then, when guest stars would send me their bios, I made the mistake of trying to work everything they said into the comic. Hence, the mess you see before you.



Nuju-Master of Stars is my younger brother. No, not that brother - Ben's my other younger brother. My youngest brother. But no matter which brother it was, dish night would be a topic of great argument.

Hunter of Visorak was a big fan of mine's who did his own series, which was unique because he never, ever used sprite kits.



Tell me what you think - if people like what they see, I'll post more of these. If no one comments, I'm going to figure interest in this is just too low to make it worth it.


Recommended Comments

Hey, awesome, you decided to do these!


Its interesting to see what made you do those early ones...I'm going to go look up this War of the Worlds broadcast you mentioned.


In the meantime, however, I'm going to link this in my sig.


Keep it up; I'd love to hear more.



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Now I can finally get a nice look at your comics (I wasn't active at the same time they were), with the bonus of creator commentary. :D

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