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Tea > Coffee

Metallic O'Dalek


Tea is better than coffee. The letter C comes before T, and the alphabet is arranged in order of importance, therefore Tea is better. And if you think C is more important than T, you're wrong. If that was the case, Coffee would be better than Tea, but Coffee is worse than Tea. And if you still think it might be the other way around, you're reading the alphabet backwards. Another reason tea is better is that it takes more tasty cups of it to get the same caffeine buzz. ^_^


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Then by that logic X is one of the most important letters! Woot!


I'm not a fan of tea and I detest coffee. But I am a fan of hot chocolate. :)



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Tea is more of the relaxation drink, and I really like it. Wish I had it more often though.


Coffee is bleh. That's all I can use to describe it.

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Tea is delicious iced, okay warm when you're cold. Coffee is delicious iced, delicious warm when you're cold.


I'm pretty sure the alphabet is arranged by importance the other way around, because Z is such a lame letter.

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Actually, tea = coffee, as in, they're both equally bad.


Well, maybe some people might like them, but they're not exactly my cup of tea.[/worst joke ever]

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