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Mac Effect 2?



Bioware, now that I know I'm not going to get any success from a $5 used copy thanks to your DRM, can you please release a port of Mass Effect 2 for OS X? It hasn't been a Microsoft exclusive since last month, and according to iGame Radio and Mac Life(Not my choice of news by any means, but "Mass Effect 2 Mac" in Google turned it up, and they seem legit enough) it's all but confirmed coming to at least the OnLive service, Which I can guarantee will see at least one sale if they get it, though I have fingers crossed for a physical release. The re-coding for a Blu-Ray format and a Playstation 3 instead of an xBox 360 and DVD has was finished in just under a year, and the report that it was in-development for OS X came about around June of last year, shouldn't some sort of hype-builder announcement come by now? Are you waiting for the 2011 E3? I have my fingers crossed for that, but if nothing else, if you are, there should be at least some leaking by now.


Anyway, enough rambling. Bioware, I assure you I'm not the only one who wants this and can guarantee purchase, pre-reserve, the whole deal. Nobody from Bioware will see this most likely, but it can't hurt to put it out there I suppose.


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I'd say just get a PS3 it has all the DLC so far.


Some of us don't like playing on a console. It's a question of preference. Plus the PS3 game is more expensive then the PC copies were, so they'll need to put all the DLC in, just out of fairness. besides, there's more coming. Alternate appearance pack 2 is under way ^^


Anyway, I hope they release it for Mac so you Apple-users can play too. It's a good enough game to be worth the porting.

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They're both also hundreds of dollars for them and a copy of ME2 in contrast to $50. And for the record, I'd go with the 360 if I bought for Mass Effect - At leas then if transferring my save from my computer fails, I can find a copy of the first game for it.

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I'd say just get a PS3 it has all the DLC so far.

... so does the 360.

I was saying the ps3 has all the dlc on the disc, Sure the 360 version has it all too but i don't think there is a version for the 360 yet that has all the dlc free with the game.

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