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I was a bit disappointed by this movie. It was a decent thriller movie, but it had huge potential - it could have been a really good movie. It was energetic, fast-paced, and as far as modern cold war-based spy thrillers go, it was acceptably realistic(It's stretched, but you can tell it could've been stretched furhter and done easier by doing so). Granted the whole "Everyone is Russian spies!" thing got trying, but still.


But there was virtually no characterization.


Seriously, even at the end of the movie I didn't feel like I had any idea who any the characters were - It only skimmed the surface. Granted it all but had a "coming soon" trailer for a sequel, but still, the only real way I can see it managing a worthwhile series is if it spends a sizable portion of the sequel on actually telling us about the characters. Looking at the writer and director, I'm confident it can be done, but still, I can't say I'll be able to be as positive about the sequel if it's similar to the first in this regard.


Fingers crossed though.


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I was put off by the ever-cliche Angelina Jolie as the hot superspy. Not seeing the movie.



Everyone knows you have to be hot to be a spy screw cunning intelligence.

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It's been scientifically shown that people are more loose mouthed around attractive people than mild or ugly people, because, let's face it, we don't look at what's 'inside', -most- of us see a hot person and bam, we get a little easier. So, logically, having a spy that's attractive makes more sense than an ugly spy.
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It's been scientifically shown that people are more loose mouthed around attractive people than mild or ugly people, because, let's face it, we don't look at what's 'inside', -most- of us see a hot person and bam, we get a little easier. So, logically, having a spy that's attractive makes more sense than an ugly spy.

This explains why I talk to myself so much. B)


*scampers back to hole*

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I guess you could say that the movie ...




wasn't worth its salt.





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