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Extra Tooth?!

Whooper Swan


Well my Bro found out not to long ago that he had an extra tooth in his gums. Today he had surgery to have it removed. He wasn't to worried, and they hooked him up to an IV and gave him anesthetic and oxygen.


After words he didn't feel to great. His body... er... rejected the pain killer he was given. So yeah, that wasn't to awesome. :P


But anyway he's better now. :D




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Yo I can top this. When I was nine or so, I lost my two bottom front teeth, kay? So guess what happened when they grew back?


If you guessed they grew back completely normal- Nope, you're wrong! 8D They grew back, yes, but two other teeth grew in right behind them (literally,) so there were four teeth where there should normally only be two. Ain't that sweet? I was a shark! 8D


But then I had the two front ones removed so that the back ones could move forward and take their place and that didn't go so well and ended up completely messing up the way my teeth were aligned several years later which required me to get braces so as to correct that and yeah it sucked.



... :)


(Typing as if I'm on caffeine is more fun than I thought. I should do it more often! :P)

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@DVISAWESOME: Yeah, that's what we thought when we heard the news.


@Shine: Yes, he counted it while viewing his own personal X-Ray at our house. :P


@Parugi: aaghboom.gif




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