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Darkspore Beta

Takuma Nuva


Guess who has an access code...




I'm actually extra excited about this because I really can't tell if I'm going to want the game on release, despite all the trailers, developer videos, and other such 'cetera. Hopefully this helps me make up my mind. Spore was good, but had it's flaws. Of course, Spore was more simulation whereas this is an action RPG that bears little resemblence other than visually and the creature editor for the heroes.


Now if only I had been able to get into the Section 8: Prejudice beta. :(




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You'll have to tell me what it's like, Spore was a really good game IMO.


I just have my reservations about what appears to be a Diablo Esque Spore game - that also happens to bear more than a little bit of childishness along with it.

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You'll have to tell me what it's like, Spore was a really good game IMO.


I just have my reservations about what appears to be a Diablo Esque Spore game - that also happens to bear more than a little bit of childishness along with it.

Yeah, see, there's this little thing called a "Non-Disclosure Agreement" that might be trouble. :P


I wouldn't necessarilly say it's "childish". Yeah, the graphic style of both Spore games is a bit cartoony, but the same could be said of games like Team Fortress 2 when you think about it. The art isn't going to deicde how childish it is as much as things like story, voice-acting (if applicable), and the like. That's my opinion anyways.


«Takuma Nuva»
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