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Ramblings The 23rd, In Which We Explore The Strangeness Of An Unsupervised Imagination

~Sol de Medianoche~


Man, I had a freaky dream last night. I was trapped in these series of rooms with some other people, and the rooms were slowly filling up with this purple acid. Even the tiniest bit of acid if it got on someone's skin would instantly start eating away at it and spreading (don't ask me how that works; this is dream-logic) until all that was left was a skeleton. Also, it made people evil. We all had to navigate this series of platforms to escape from the acid as it was rising so we could get into the next room, and it was weird. Like, there was this random dog in locked in a carrier on one of the platforms, and I think at one point I became Temperance Brennan. Once we were almost at the end, this one cartoonishly fat guy suddenly realized that there was a tiny tiny fleck of acid on him smaller than a grain of sugar, and he instantly started freaking out and flailing around while he was dissolving. I think at that point I realized I was dreaming, cuz I suddenly decided "Mm, nope, don't like this turn of events," and the guy turned back to normal before he could become evil and push everyone off the platform into the acid. I think I woke up pretty soon after that.


What is up with my subconscious.




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Yep; not religiously or anything, but I do like it. ^^ Mostly all I see are just reruns, but on the bright side the network usually plays several back-to-back, so that's pretty sweet. And most of them are new to me anyway. =P


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