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Bohrok Fair




There is a man. A very manly man's man who wears a pink crown. This man had a dream and it was not turned into a reality last year.

There were supposed to be Bohrok but like none of you brought yours. *ahem* For those of you who are listening, we were all supposed to bring Bohrok. It was supposed to be a staff-fun thing. So I gathered up my Bohrok and painstakingly rebuilt them.

This BrickFair we are going to make his dream come true.


The idea is to bring or send your Bohrok for BrickFair this year. You can:
-Bring or send* your regular Bohrok or Kal
-Pimp out your Bohrok or Kal in some fashion
-Create a customized Bohrok (If you create a customized Bohrok it should be clearly identifiable as a Bohrok. This is a good example of a customized Bohrok.)
-Include a small piece of paper in the Bohrok head with your name, or some form of identification

The occasional Tahnok, Gahlok, etc. are okay but we really want to put emphasis on MOC Bohrok, Mohrok, or whatever you will call it. Don't just color swap a Bohrok or some such. Make it a monster. Make it over-the-top. Make it crazy. Most of all make it your own creation.

Anyone who is interested in participating should post here, and indicate they are bringing or sending Bohrok.

We have yet to figure out what we will do with all of the Bohrok.
-One idea is to assemble them in a massive battle with one of the Mocs featured at BrickFair.
-Another larger and grander idea is to create a landscape for the Bohrok to 'clean-up.' (A rendition of them cleaning Mata-Nui.) xccj provided two tree designs for the latter idea. If we had enough people to contribute and create a massive collaborative landscape that would be awesome. Assembling a large amount of Bohrok is a feat within itself, and the idea of staging a battle with them is cool enough. The scale of the idea is large and would require a lot of work.

Tell your friends! Tell your friend's friends! Tell your Bohrok! We need help advertising the Bohrok gathering at BrickFair, feel free to advertise in your blog or signature. Here are some amazing banners and avatars to show your support. Let's represent!

* If you are unable to attend BrickFair this year, you CAN mail your Bohrok in. However, you'll have to include money for return shipping. Along with an extra written copy of your name and address.


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The closest thing to having a Bohrok would be my Keetongu's head, but he is in my parts bin anyways.


As much as I'd like to help, I think that I won't be able to because of shipping. I can't wait for the pictures from Brickfair, though! :)

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I wish I could :( but I can't get to a brickfair
You can just send one in I think...


Anyways, I've got a spare tahnok and parts. I'll see if I can whip something up :P


EDIT: I whipped something up! :P


If bohrok va are allowed, I just made a Tahnok Va V2! You could also call it the Tahnok Va leader! It looks like a beefed up Va about the size of a Metru matoran or 03 matoran. I used the head as the krana holder/body and just found ways to stick legs arms and its head on. Looks awesome. I'll take pics if it's allowed.

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Some more material to score publicity. Customized, by your demand Sisen ^^







And I will try my hardest to get my Bohrok to BFair, customized or not, depending on the time available :)

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Ooh boi! I have four, a Nuhvok with black Pahrak shields, A Tahnok with gold Krana-Kal and gold eyes(Brutaka) with red arms+legs, and red Pahrak shields. I also have a Kohrak and a Lehvak that will be customized. Oh and my sister has a Gahlok but lacks the parts to customize it. What's the adress?

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The address will be posted when BrickFair gets closer and MOCs start getting sent to the location and Staff members nearby. We would appreciate it if you customized your Bohrok more than just color swapping.

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I've got a gahlok, but she could use some pimping out. Question, would something like this count? (it's my chibi Gahlok, and I could get a picture of her in ball form later if you wish.) If not, I could rebuild regular gahlok and customize her (and don't worry, I have no other bohrok, so could-swapping isn't even an option.) Oh, and I'm not sure how much shipping would be. Depending on prices (and if my parents will take me to the post office,) I may just send some scenery instead. Plus, that way it would be made out of system parts, meaning I could just take it apart to take up less space, and then get instructions by building it in DBM.

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Chibi Bohrok are good, as long as it is a Bohrok. Shipping varies but assuming your Bohrok fits in a small flat rate shipping box, you could mail it for around $5. You'd have to include return shipping fees as well.

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My mom says this is a scam by the admins to get free old toys. Riiiight. Guess who I'm sending? Nuhvok and Lehvak Kal!..Va. Why didn't Lego think of it in 2002?

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I'm not an Admin and it is not a scam to get free old toys. They are not free, they are valuable memories. They are not old, they are precious. They are not toys, they are build able construction sets.


Don't forget to customize!

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I'm not an Admin and it is not a scam to get free old toys. They are not free, they are valuable memories. They are not old, they are precious. They are not toys, they are build able construction sets.


Don't forget to customize!

I know that, I'm just quoting my mom. I bought Dekar and Oohnorahk yesterday, so here comes a Lehvak thing with spikes, an AK-47, and yellow arms/legs.

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my mom said i could do this if i wanna, although she said i might not get them back (she means that it gets shipped to the wrong person by accident or gets lost in the mail, and stuff like that). altough i dont really have any good MOCing parts for this. maybe i could fuze two together? hmm...

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As long as you include all of the required information and money to ship the MOC back you should get it back. Unless an act of god, nature, or some other misnomer interferes with the package shipping.

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I wish I was going. I'd send Katia.


But I don't trust you Americans/Canadians/other people with my money.

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Could you make a fohrok or a bohrok va or do you just want bohrok?

Also I think it would be awesome to make a bunch of fohrok and have them battle a huge army of bohrok.

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Since last year we did the same thing with the ussals, I was wondering if everyone got their ussals home safely/at all? I don't really want to risk losing them.

To be sure, I can send in custom Bohrok, Bohrok Va, and Bohrok Kal as long as the Kal have an instrument? :P Awesome!



A cool idea would be to have the Bohrok army up against our favorite group of Toa Mata :)

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@CKCVS A Fohrok is a fake Bohrok, that is to say Fohrok Bohrok for sure why not a Fohrok Bohrok? Who will know the Fohrok is not a Bohrok and a Fohrok fake Bohrok. You can send that, a Bohrok, or even a custom Bohrok Va.


@TDH There were a few mishaps with the crabs but everything was sorted out. That is why we are stressing the inclusion of your name, address, etc. so we can get them back to you. If you follow the requirements for sending a MOC to BrickFair you will get yours back.

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