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Ellipses, Anyone?

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


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Strazz is right, so right.


Because they are coming.


Coming to conquer your posts.


To conquer you.


On March first...


Are you ready?





P.S. Say yes, or Carapar will smack you with a squid. :P


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No! I refuse to say yes! *Gets smacked*


Ow, that hurt! *Gets smacked again*


Stop that! *All the other Barrakii come with squids and start beating the heck out of him*






I knew Carapar could convince you. Between his loving smile and gentle ways...

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Yay now I will never positively not use maybe or maybe not negitively not never use DEs on march 1st. :blink: Wow...lots...of...negitives...:blink: OMGOMGOMOGMOGMG I used a DE before March 1st!! *gets smacked with 12,129,538,909,873,409,827 squidys* ouchouchouchouchouchouchouchouchouchouchouchouc


Ok I'm done *whack* OW!!


Hyper nuva :mirunu:


*12,129,538,909,873,409,828th squid comes hurtling at you.*

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Which kind of ellipses?


Whichever you want. Generally, I find it easier to type three dots than to draw an ellipse on every post, but if you want to, feel free!

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I could care less.


Seriously when will you and your freinds stop talking about ellipses.


As I draw my last, quavering, gasping breath, I will even yet end every faintly whispered sentence with my beloved ellipses...they are my friends, my companions, my truest love...if I ever once neglected the beautiful, the powerful, the all-knowing ellipses, I would die...


But seriously, they're ~Po~'s ellipses. :P We'll stop when he says so.

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Heck, they conquered me already...


....GET OUT OF MY.......h..e....a..d


You're supposed to hug the ellipses at this point.


Oh. *Hugs elipses*


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NO! NEVER! *Gets smacked extra hard* Ahhh! Alright! Alright! I surrender! Just please no more smacking! :begging:


*Carapar does victory dance.*


Why you isolent little #$@!#%, I'll show you wh- !


*Gets whacked with another squid*

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*gets smacked with a squid*


I didn't even answer yet! :P




Yeah, I'm ready. I'm gonna take these ellipses down... yeah...



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I don't even know what ellipses are. Oo


An "ellipsis" (plural "ellipses") is the little "..." symbol. It means "etcetera" or indicates a break in speech.


I'd love to use more ellipses... Generally I have more trouble with parentheses (as demonstrated here (see, I told you so (This isn't the worst it's gotten, either (it's especially troublesome when you have to close the parentheses)))) (see what I mean? (okay, I'm done ( :P ))).


I hope march first comes soon...


- :vahi:


I have to say it, Aanchir, you definitely win the prize in parenthesis usage. I've never seen them used that way before...


That's not even my worst. I believe I've got a blog entry that's loaded with them.

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dare i ask what elipses are?


found out what elipses are the "..."


i will be expecting my wii and super mario galaxy in the pm box

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Yo! That's my B-Day!


Now that's a very interesting coincidence!


I hope you have a very happy one, despite the ellipses. :happy:

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I could care less.


Seriously when will you and your freinds stop talking about ellipses.

Don't you understand? She can't stop! She's infected by the ellipses plague! :o


Keyblade is wise beyond his years...


You're just now figuring this out?

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I shall never surrender!!I AM NOT READY!! *gets smacked*Ouch...!!


Those squids can do wonders sometimes...


Indeed.They can really hurt sometimes!

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Umm, what happens if I've had my elipsis vaccine?


Then you have to hide from Carapar.


Ah, in that case, I didn't get my vaccine.

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All the cool people call 'em polyps.


I'm with Scott Krippayne.


I'm not cool, but that's okay...


Besides, it's so much fun to be uncool. :P

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Hey Turkey, on March 1st are you, the elipses, and Carapar gonna make a art thingy? Or something. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO BZP??!!! Are you in league with the admins? ARE THEY GONNA TURN BZPOWER INTO ...POWER? AND IF SO, WHY NOT ON APRIL 1ST?


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Never! *Get's smacked*

I said NEVER! *Smacked again*

Nev- *smack* I- *Smack* But- *smack*

Fine! *smack*

... *not smacked*

Phew... *smack*




What ellipses?

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Hmm, let me think...


















No... I'm not ready...


*gets... smacked*



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