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Ramblings The 26th, In Which There Is Entirely Too Much Information

~Sol de Medianoche~


A small, simple room, sparsely furnished. There is a plain, yet conspicuous and easily spotted wooden door to the left; unlocked and welcoming. It is quiet and peaceful. Birds may be heard chirping in the early morning calm. All is right with the world. Suddenly, there is a great crash heard, and wall and peace both are shattered. As the dust clears, SOL DE MEDIANOCHE stands triumphantly, blissfully oblivious to the fact that there was a perfectly cromulent door merely feet away.


MEDIANOCHE: I HAVE RETURNED! ONCE AGAIN! [as an aside] Oi, shh, you. It's still meaningful and dramatic no matter how many times I do it! It's my blog! All of your opinions are rejected, so hush up and enjoy the show and let me get on with it already!


*Ahem* So. Lot of stuff happened since I last posted. Let's start from the beginning, shall we? First off, I had my birthday, and it was awesome. Fairly uneventful and low-key, but still awesome. I received cheesecake, a finished room, a new TV for said finished room (I'm very lucky, I know) which my family watched Community, Parks and Recreation, The Office, Perfect Couples, and 30 Rock on (if it doesn't land on a weekend/Friday, Thursday is a great day to have your birthday land on), and The Sims 3/Ambitions which EVERYBODY minus my dad has been playing nonstop since installation. My brother and I have spent a great deal of time geeking out and making avatars of characters from various fandoms; so far we have all the the Arrested Development main cast, several Bleach characters, Dan Stark from The Good Guys, and a few of my own people from Outbreak plus Steven. Yes, Outbreak. Are you happy, Alex? :P


Aaaannnyway, if you're wondering what's up with the format of this post, that would be the result of spending the last week or so in English on the play The Cherry Orchard

by Anton Chekhov. Yes, the very same Anton Chekhov for whom the Chekhov's Gun trope was named. It's.. an interesting play to say the least. To give you an idea, there is a guy who gives a dead-serious dramatic and emotional speech to a bookcase, and another guy pops into a room to say "moo" and then immediately leaves.


Continuing on the subject of school, I managed to get through a bunch of painful school projects and tests (96 on the Imperialism/WWI unit for AP US History! ^^), and had the privilege of watching THE MOST AMAZING PUPPET SHOW ON EARTH in Spanish class. It was truly incredible. It was put on by our classmates, and it involved three animal friends, a tragic death, and the exacting of gruesome revenge. All performed by innocent Spanish hand puppets. Also there was singing. Yeah. It was a thing of dark and twisted beauty.


In other random news, I discovered I am allergic to soy milk, made a tiger snowflake and got it laminated for free, and explained to a friend how one of my cats thinks he's a dog with art (words didn't seem to get through for some reason.) So, that's pretty much what's been happening with me. Spring Break's finally here, so things are either going to get very exciting or very slow. This being my life, the latter's probably more likely, but whatever. 'S all good.~




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In Sims 3?


You'd better hope there's no NYC in Sims 3, otherwise you might wake up to find a giant crater.




Also make Matt next. :D I sent you his description a while back, but I'll send you it again so you don't have to search. :D

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So far the most drastic thing he's done is steal candy from a baby. No, really. He's also knocked a few trashcans over.


Aye, I'm planning on making Matt next. I'll probably take a shot at the Al'Thors plus Ishmael after him.


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This must be the Seventh Steven.


That is, the Steven from the seventh reality possessing humanity.


What, you don't know about this?


Get versed in the EU. :P


That or wait until O:S51.

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Well, this comment is mightily late. :annoyed2: Of course, I have the excuse of having basically had no internet for the last eight days, but it's even later than that, so...

Oh yeah, and did they actually call it "THE GREATEST PUPPET SHOW ON EARTH"? :P

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Naw, it didn't have a name, but since it was Spanish class, I think that'd be something more like "EL MAYOR ESPECTÁCULO DE TÍTERES EN EL MUNDO". :P


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And yeah, I guess it would kind of be pointless to have an English name in a Spanish class. :P

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