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Weekly Update - 3/18

Black Six



I missed last week - sorry everyone. I was busy at PAX East, which was amazing, and something I'm still trying to recover from. But I'm here to give you guys an update, at least.



We've had a couple reviews for you recently - Comrade Gato shared his thoughts on Ice Dragon Attack and xccj took a look at Nitroblast. They're two pretty different sets - we like to give you some variety here at BZP. We don't have any reviews in the pipeline currently, but there's a lot of sets out there that I'm sure we'll take a look at this year.


If you're into stories and games, RPG Contest #21 is going on right now. There's still time to enter your RPG and see how it fares. There hasn't been a lot of entries thus far, which means everyone who enters stands a pretty good chance!


That was the fun stuff. On the other side of the coin, we announced a new LEGO policy that is going into affect. Yes it will have an impact on everyone on BZPower. Yes the Administration is working as best as we can to adapt to it. Everyone is very busy though, so changes take some time to go into effect.


We had some promotions a few weeks ago too. I still need to assign the new Assistants some forums, but I have things mostly mapped out and should have time to do that this weekend I hope. Then someone will have to train them to ensure they don't break the site. If you're lucky, we'll use one of your topics as our guinea pig.



1. Do you like Hero Factory?

2. What is your favorite Bionicle year;

2a. Set-wise?

2b. Story-wise?

3. If you could have any mask power, what would it be?

4. What is your favorite movie?

5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

1. Yep.

2a. 2003

2b. 2001

3. The ability to slow down time - there's not enough hours in a day!

4. That's a tough one - The Shawshank Redemption is one of my favorites if not the favorite.

5. A woodchuck would chuck ten pecks of wood, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


1. How are staff chosen? Do you have a list of well-known users who are capable of handling staff powers? Or do you just go on a search for members every time someone steps down?

2. How often do you PM people that doesn't have to do with a warning, etc. Like, just PMing somebody to have a fun discussion?

3. What is your favorite part of being a BZP admin?

4. Favorite drink? [besides water.] *awaits B6's answer saying it's water*



1. There's no actual list, but we do try to notice people who are helping a lot and keep them in mind when someone steps down. There's usually a lot of discussion between me and Tufi to decide on the best candidates.

2. Not often.

3. I love that I get to interact with so many LEGO fans on BZPower and other LEGO communities.

4. Iced tea.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Trying to get back into the swing of things over here; please bear with me. Until then - have a great weekend everyone! Questions and comments are always encouraged.


Recommended Comments

1. Do you like Hero Factory?
1. Yep.

Best part about being a Moderator: You can say you like HF without being flamed!

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1. Do you like Hero Factory?
1. Yep.

Best part about being a Moderator: You can say you like HF without being flamed!

No one should be flamed for liking or not liking a kids' toy.

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