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Does Random Equal Funny?



That's a rhetorical question, which means I don't really want an answer.


Somehow, random has become synonymous with funny, when that is not necessarily true. Oh, it's not just on BZP: there are shows that thrive on randomness, but they can become so random as to leave us scratching our heads thinking, "What did I just see? Was I supposed to laugh?" (It's when I'm in those situations I like to think, "If I explain it to you, then will you laugh?")


Sure, random funny can be good, but it's more of an art form and requires a certain amount of moderation. There is a technique involved, so that you can still be random without seeming random.


Of course, there is an alternative form of funny: something that's seemingly serious when underneath it's not. Don't ask me to explain that one: it's just complicated. Let's just say that's sort of what sitcoms rely on (or use to rely on).


Anyway, with so many people campaigning for things, I'd just like to share this:

















"If I explain it to you, then will you laugh?"


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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If Spitty or Exo or Onuki, it would be funny. Anyone else-- if you're lucky.


Don't try to hide allusions to banned members. -Toaraga

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There's your answer and you don't even have to read Toaraga's long posts.


Of course, it wasn't even that long. But ok.

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I agree. You don't have to be completely random to do something unexpected.


Spongebob is an example. Patrick says funny stuff sometimes, but it's a genuine mockery of seriousness for the most part. He doesn't just answer all of his questions with "O RLY?" or "ZOMG! RuN!". There's a genuine method to his madness.


- :vahi:


No leet -Toaraga

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Some random things are funny, like the Chicken Word!
Some are just annoying, like the overuse of the word pie. It's only funny as a visual gag, not text.



*Signs petition*
What petition? I was just making a point.



If Spitty or Exo or Onuki were to say something random, it would be funny. Anyone else-- if you're lucky.
That's not entirely true; if any of my favorite comedians said something random, it wouldn't necessarily be funny. There is a difference between silly and funny, though the paths can cross.



Spongebob... (other stuff related to the point)
*Shudders* I can't stand Spongebob. There are moments, but the show and its characters are otherwise unappealing to me.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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