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Bored Boredom



As the title suggests, I am very, very bored right now. >_<


I feel like writing some kind of new comedy, but my brain is kinda on "standby", and I can't get through a beginning paragraph without laughing in frustration (as odd as that sounds) because the story is so stupid. :P


TCOF needs to be updated, but I really don't feel like writing a 1,500 word+ chapter that I don't have heart in, because then the whole story will just crash.


The Comic Emporium hasn't seen any replying activity in a week now; that may be because of the lack of comics, but some people haven't commented on the last five anyhow.


Half of my friends on here seem to have imploded, or else been abducted, or stuffed into a pinata, so I haven't had a conversation with anyone in... hm, six days, yep. This isn't helped by the fact that most of my remaining correspondents haven't sent a PM in a long time.




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And the one thing at the moment that we

All happen to like will only very temporarily

Kinda break the cycle of the double-edged sword

Of being lazy and being bored...


Mind-blocks are some of the most frustrating obstacles authors can encounter. What's worse is when you have an excellent idea, but just can't figure out how to get farther than the first sentence. At times like those, it's best to throw in an exploding muffin, put the story aside for later, or overload on sugar.


Er...comics? Comics? Comics. Comics... uhh... :lookaround: *Tiptoes toward DNCV2.*




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