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The 5 Greatest Comic Makers That No One Remembers

lavaside rahi


Continuing with the list theme I attempted on April Fools Day, I thought I'd tackle a new one: the best comic makers who, for some reason, no one seems to remember these days. Let me emphasize that this list is completely biased. I only chose things that I held an interest in, and as you probably already know, my perspective of the comics forum has been fairly limited for most of the time I've spent here. Plus there's probably going to be some dispute about whether some of these guys are really "unremembered". So I totally welcome hearing about your favorite comic makers no one remembers in the comments. :D


#5: Skye Green

Okay, so technically not a comic maker (as far as I know), but just overlook that for a moment. Because Skye Green came up with a pretty unique idea: Skye Green's Quest (far) To Guest (star). Essentially, Skye Green would try to guest star in every comic series on BZPower and post the comics on his topic. Sadly, it didn't get very far. But it was still an awesome idea, so you gotta give him kudos for that.


#4: Motago

Back in the day, Motago was pretty big, so there's probably a few people around who remember this guy. Motago was a Razor comic maker who made an animated series (which was a pretty big deal at the time) called The Motago Show. This wasn't his only work - my favorite stuff from him was a series of MNOLG2 edits (taking a screen shot from the game and editing it to make it funny), but sadly the images have been lost to the deepest digits of the internet. Fortunately, you can still see the Motago Show on this Brickshelf folder. Sure, it seems simple now, but like I said it was a big deal when it first came out and its still got good humor.


#3: JuJu

Dark709 may have popularized the movie trend in the comics forum, but JuJu was the guy who actually started it all, with The Mask Of Sleeping, which was followed up with a sequel, MOS 2: Broken Dreams. The animation is incredibly smooth and way ahead of its time for BZPower, and the story is awesome. If you want to watch it, the links are broken but easy enough to fix: just click on the links, and when the "Page Not Found" page comes up, replace the word "pizzerias" in the URL code with "majhost", and you'll be set.


#2: Bionicle Dragon

BD, oh BD, where have you gone? Even today, Bionicle Dragon remains easily one of my favorite comic makers of all time. He just had it all: an awesome sense of humor with smart, witty jokes and clever use of slapstick, he knew how to make a comic look good, and he constantly churned out comics. He worked in a lot of stuff (I had the honor of working with him for a time in The Comic Land Files), but for me his definitive work will always be Crazy Bzpers. If you're searching for comic making genius, look no further (again, the links are broken but have the same issues as JuJu's stuff - just replace the word "pizzerias" in the URL code with "majhost").


#1: Leppy

Seriously, why don't people bring up Leppy more often? If BZPower was a physical place, I'd say we need to commission a statue of this guy. Maybe someone should create an award in his name. Now to be fair, a lot of people seem to remember him for creating Dark709's Comics: The Game, which was a huge deal and a massive undertaking, and it's totally freaking awesome. And it's only one of the games Leppy created, and they're all pretty good (Binky Island is another favorite of mine).


But few people seem to remember what Leppy did for comics. Firstly, the Razor 360 Kit, which completely changed the way I used Razor. Granted, when Leppy came out with the 360 kit Dark's Chimoru kit had already been out for a while and was gaining in popularity, so Leppy's contribution to Razor may have been somewhat muted by the fact that fewer people were using Razor. Shame, really. But that's not all: Leppy also made comics. Specifically a delightful little series called Moronicle, which has some of the best slapstick humor and (naturally) some of the best use of the Razor kit I have ever seen (again, the links are broken but easy to fix - just replace the word "pizzerias" in the URL code with "majhost"). They were completely awesome and always made crack up. Truly, Leppy was a multi-talented dude, and for this he scores #1 on this list.


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I think the list is sound. PePena might belong somewhere for the three incomplete MoE movies, but other than that it is pretty good.



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I remember some of them, but mostly through Eljay. Leppy, however, I found myself while digging around his Brickshelf. And as for BD, well, I know him from being the guy who started Generic Quest.


But with the Montago Show, that seemed quite innovative, especially in its day and age. Its a shame that nothing more came of it: an animated comic series would be quite enjoyable to watch.



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What about Bioninja? Nobody seems to care to remember him! Oh sure, you've got all these big names like, PePena, JuJu, Leppy (who I loved to read). But nobody remembers the little guys, and most often than not, the little guys are the best out there. I may be saying that because BN got me into comics, but whatever. It's your list :P.


- :infected:

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If you want to see how much I loved that series, check out Janaro's Café comic 1. [/advertising]


Motago was going to author in LTSL 2, but never made a comic.


Beady is really well known among veterans- almost as much so as Kortu, Dokky, Zonis and Nid. He spontaneously left for ages and then came back to deliver an ending to Generic Quest, then left again. Also, Heroes. HEROES.

(also PK, OL and Found.)

E: Also, "maj" filters to "pizzerias" now? For shame.

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Yeah, Leppy is definitely one of my favorite comic makers. The first couple of comics in Moronicle definitely show how great he was.


JuJu I just remember as that one guy who did animation stuff or something, Skye Green I think helped SPIRIT with Flash or something, and BD I just remember as being part of the Group. I think I remember Motago from LTSL.


Also, yeah, PePena definitely needs to be remembered; he kept working on MoE and made some great stuff even though he never finished.


And then there's also The Bohrok Lord, who's still around but doesn't have a series going. The Comics of the Morons (the Brickshelf links don't work, but they're probably on his Maj) remains to be one of my favorite series, and oddly enough was started just hours before mine. It's also the origin of the Toasterbots.

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Out of 5 of them, I only remember 2. Leppy was a favourite with the way his visor changed a lot, and the way he threatened a muffin for guest stars.


JuJu, how could ANYONE forget him? He's a legend with animation. I remember him talking about MoS 3. He's done a bit since then, with his own sprite kit, improved drawings, etc.


The rest, you're right, no clue...

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I'll have to admit, I only recognize a couple of those names. And that would be my own fault. I was rather oblivious to everything except my own stuff when I was active on BZP. But that's a pretty good list LR. Thanks for sharing! ;)
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I'll have to admit, I only recognize a couple of those names. And that would be my own fault. I was rather oblivious to everything except my own stuff when I was active on BZP. But that's a pretty good list LR. Thanks for sharing! ;)

:OMG: JJ returneth! Dude, awesome to see you still around! :D

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I'll have to admit, I only recognize a couple of those names. And that would be my own fault. I was rather oblivious to everything except my own stuff when I was active on BZP. But that's a pretty good list LR. Thanks for sharing! ;)

:OMG: JJ returneth! Dude, awesome to see you still around! :D


Bahaha! :lol: Well, I guess I'm not dead. I would not have seen this however if Jetice had not told me about it. I really should become, if only slightly, more active here. :P

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