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How Bionicle Should Have Ended ( And Why It Did)

Elmara: Spirit Of Fire


So, I think we can all agree that 2010 was a royal failure by the Lego Group. Is that the general consensus? Yes? Good.


Frankly, I think that 2008 was part of what killed Bionicle. I have been known, in the past, to defend the Mistika and the Phantoka with BURNING JUSTICE, but I agree with most people on the idea that the Toa Newva were bad ideas. I would enjoy their existance much more if they weren't supposed to be the Toa Nuva. And, before BFAHome comes in telling my my arguement is invalid (Which, if left the way it is, is true), I want to say this.


I think I speak for the majority of the Newva-haters here when I say we didn't want carbon-copies of the 2002 Nuva. We just wanted some resemblance. The Mistika were, by far, the worst of the bunch (The Toa, not the Makuta) and they needed a serious revamp. I read a topic a while ago that had a perfect description of what the Phantoka and the Mistika SHOULD have looked like.

The problem with 2008 was that it brought back the Toa Nuva in a bad way- The older fan's sense of nostalgia (Including my own) was shattered, and the story was far too comlplicated for new fans to get into the BIONICLE story. By the time 2009 rolled around, most of the older fanbase had abandoned BIONICLE completely, and those who didn't were at least beginning to. (I know this is a huge generalization, but bear with me.) Anyway, what was left of the fanbase was a bunch of nostalgi fans waiting to see if things would improve. But, how is this possible? 2009 rebooted the story and brought in new fans? Where'd they go? Well, here's the problem-


It didn't work.


Rebooting the story was a huge mistake, as it only served to make the story more complicated. New fans did little more than buy a few sets and be done with it, and all the older fans just weren't enough to keep BIONICLE's sales up high enough to keep it around. So, in 2010, Lego decided to axe BIONICLE and replace it with Hero Factory. Bionicle died that year. The problem was, it was uneventful. It's dissapearance from the shelves wasn't that big of a deal to most of us(Glares at Makuta_Of_Oz). Why?


2010 sucked.


The Lego Group had decided to kill BIONICLE (I feel like every time I say that, a member of the Bring Back Bionicle Club dies), but they decided they owe it to us fans to give us one last year. Bionicle was going to die (There goes another one), but Lego hadn't given it a proper funeral, so to speak.


You see, 2010 had six 13-piece sets. Each one was an idea that needed expanding. Each one was worth something. But what could that mean?


Well, let's start with Tahu. Depowered by the Ignika. But why just Tahu? Why not ALL the Toa Nuva? See, they'd use the Inika torso, but instead of the same old armor, we get a new armor pice that resembles the Toa Mata's original chest. Hey, why not give them their original masks with a +plus-rod connector instead of a stud? And improved versions of their original tools?

So, we have our good guys covered. But what about villians?

Well, that was a bit of a toughy. Originally i thought, Why not have six differently colored Skrall, but then I realized how ridiculous that would be. So, I went with Rahkshi.

Not a bad idea, if i do say so myself. We'd have:


Rahkshi of Heat Vision (Yellow)

Rahkshi of Darkness (Black & Red)

Rahkshi of Plant Control (Green & Brown)

Rahkshi of Gravity (Blue & Silver)

Rahkshi of Chain Lightning (Silver)

Rahkshi of Sleep (Maroon)


Okay? Cool? So, now we have good guys and bad guys. Now, we need titans. Let's look back at the Stars.


We have Takanuva, Gresh, Skrall, and Nektaan remaining. So, now what?


Well, Nektaan would have to be a titan. He would use a spine piece like the Piraka spine, but of course with his own face and spine pattern. Also, he sould be called Nektaan on his packaging, not just Piraka. Not only is the reason for it silly (Anyone old enough to remember the Piraka would know that the Piraka were a group, not a person, and that they each had individual names), but also inaccurate.


As for Taknuva, He'd be a titan too. But, we would see the return of gold, and Taka's original mask.


As for Gresh and Skrall, if they ABSOLUTELY have to be there (Which I suppose they do, as they are the primary inhabitants of Bara Magna), then give 'em vehicles and cal 'em pilots.


The small sets, I think, should be Baterra. They'd be about Stars-sized, but awesome instead.


The final set of the year would be...Mata Nui. But certainly not TOA Mata Nui, no no. I mean GIANT ROBOT Mata Nui. Come on. You know you want it.


The story would be like this. Teridax has arrived on Bara Magna, with intent to conquer it. He unleashes hordes of Rahkshi (Bad guy sets) onto the inhabitants of the planet. They fight back (Gresh), but they are quickly overrun.

Seeing the danger, the Ignika depowers the Toa Nuva into their original forms and transports them to Bara Magna. Knowing what they must do, they battle the Rahkshi in the nme of peace, despite the Glatorian's distrust. But a new threat arrives- The Skakdi warlord Nektaan has escaped the MU, and has reformed the the Skrall army with his own intentions. With enemies on all sides, will the Toa be tripumphant? Or will they be finally vanqushed by the forces of the Makuta?




So, what do you guys think?




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zomg I got mentioned in a blog entry! :D


Anyway, I do like your story idea. I'd've likely gotten the Rahkshi of Sleep, Heat Vision (x2) Chain Lightning and Gravity (x2) if they have the same pieces as those from 2003 (the other 3 are already makable; I hope to upload photos of them ASAP). If there was an MU Robot set too (which you left out), I would eagerly get that too! The Skrall with vehicle set I may also get multiple of!


However, you didn't say anything about small sets. Unless they're the Stars we did get, what would they be? Also, what other titans do you think would've fit with the story?


Which reminds me: before Bionicle got discontinued, they were considering making baterra sets. If they did I'd no doubt have gotten about a dozen of them too! :D

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I liked the Phantoka. :(


Personally, I think the Stars should, at the very least, titan-sized - I like the idea of the Stars, not the implementation (although I have Nektann and Rahkshi looked sweet).


One problem with your idea is that a ton of those sets were released in 2008; the Nuva and Taka, namely.


Story-wise, it is sound - although why devolve the Nuva, assuming there is no golden armor?



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Except that's not at all why it ended; TLG actually decided to end it in 2008, but they couldn't because The Legend Reborn was too far into production to cancel. That's why they waited until it after that movie was released.

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I realize that now, but my point is still valid. Lego was considering canceling Bionicle in 2003 as well, but the sales of the Rahkshi were to profitable to end it. Sort of the same idea here. Lego had decided to give Bionicle one more shot in 2009/2010, but they missed completely.




I liked the Phantoka too, but I would probably like them more if they a) looked more like the original Toa Nuva (Again, not carbon copies, but similar) or B) were not the Toa Nuva in the first place. Also, the Ignika would have depowered the Nuva to defend Bara Magna. The Ignika knew that the people were helpless, and needed real Toa to help them, especially since the Skrall were attacking again as well.



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I realize that now, but my point is still valid. Lego was considering canceling Bionicle in 2003 as well, but the sales of the Rahkshi were to profitable to end it. Sort of the same idea here. Lego had decided to give Bionicle one more shot in 2009/2010, but they missed completely.


But no, they didn't. The only reason it didn't end in '08, was because the money they invested in TLR would've been a complete and total waste. Hence why it ended immediately after TLR. The Stars and the last two comics weren't even originally planned, but the BIONICLE team managed to convince them otherwise, as a final farewell.

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Kopaka the Bunny:


That would have been pretty cool. In fact, I would have liked to see all the Toa Mata as STARS, as maybe a sort of 'special edition' set.



Yeah, new and improved weapons would be awesome, especially Kopaka's sword. Avtoran head recolors would also be sweet. B)

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I realize that now, but my point is still valid. Lego was considering canceling Bionicle in 2003 as well, but the sales of the Rahkshi were to profitable to end it. Sort of the same idea here. Lego had decided to give Bionicle one more shot in 2009/2010, but they missed completely.


But no, they didn't. The only reason it didn't end in '08, was because the money they invested in TLR would've been a complete and total waste. Hence why it ended immediately after TLR. The Stars and the last two comics weren't even originally planned, but the BIONICLE team managed to convince them otherwise, as a final farewell.



Please pardon my ignorance. But still even if Lego had to be convinced by the story team to keep it going one more year, they could've at least not given us the botched job (In my opinion) that was the Stars.



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