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Scarred For Life



So I was bored.


And I randomly listened to a Justin Beiber song, as the only thing I had to go by on this guy were what people say about him.


Remind me to never repeat the experience again.


Seriously. Earsearing.


Anyways, I'm still not sure whether he's a boy or a girl. Judging from his voice, I'd say a girl.


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My ten year old little brother has been hit harder by puberty than him.



On that note, listen to "Baby slowed down 800%".


****'s like exploring space, yo.

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Justin Bieber is two years older than me but looks two years younger. My mom thought he was about thirteen when, in actuality, he's seventeen. Big difference there.


I mainly hate Bieber's songs for three reasons:


1. They're directed at teenaged girls. Thus, I'm (far) outside the target audience, and I don't find his songs nearly as enjoyable as, say, a fourteen-year-old girl might.


2. Really, his songs aren't that unique. I like other bands because of their ability to produce music that has a special style, unique to them; Bieber, on the other hand, sings generic-sounding pop songs.


3. Auto-Tune must be expelled from the world of music. Enough said.

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He isn't thirteen?


I can't stand (male) singers who sound like my voice sounded two years ago. :lol:



He's actually about 16.


~ BioGio

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Listening to Friday would probably kill you.

Well it certainly almost killed me.




And lol Zar. Yes some things just scar us like the time I first heard Whip My Hair. (shudders)

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He isn't thirteen?


I can't stand (male) singers who sound like my voice sounded two years ago. :lol:



He's actually about 16.


~ BioGio


I don't believe you.


Grant: Thankfully, I haven't heard that either. :P

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He isn't thirteen?


I can't stand (male) singers who sound like my voice sounded two years ago. :lol:



He's actually about 16.


~ BioGio


I don't believe you.


Grant: Thankfully, I haven't heard that either. :P

I am actually wrong. He's 17.


~ BioGio

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