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Lady Kopaka


Mood: Dreamy

Currently Listening to: Escalates- Falling Up

Currently Doing: Nothing?


I found this small conversation from that post to the bottom very hilarious. XD My dress is the talk of the news!


Ok, yeah that is a little old news...But I have an excuse for being dead!


My internet died on my computer, and I wasn't able to get on for a few days(TORTURE!) and I have been able to get on my moms computer just recently...But the darn thing is SO slow to do almost anything...So no artwork updates, no SS and things like that till I get my internet working. I will though, review some needed things, and reply to PMs. but that is about all the posting I will be doing.


So yep...But I go for awhile and see that -CL- drew the mutated Lady Kopaka. :lol: And that made my day! And read Beliwa's newest chapter, which btw is like probably my favorite chapter as of yet....And Aanchir's new drawings are looking spiffy as ever!




I am hungry. And I really am craving to watch a old black & white movie...Though I watched You've Got Mail last night. How I love that movie! It's so romantic and funny!


Recommended Comments

I much prefer Sleepless in Seattle to You've Got Mail, but what the hey.


If you're looking for a good black-and-white, I'd recommend Roman Holiday, with Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck. The scene with 'The Mouth of Truth' is one of my favourite-ever movie moments. In fact, Cary Grant's His Girl Friday is also good for laughs, Woody Allen's Manhttan gave me a side of life I'd never imagined, and the Marx Brother's Duck Soup is good for anyone who is considering Suicide.

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I thought you looked pretty in that dress. Of course, that's just my opinion.


I'm glad my art is "spiffy as ever"-- I just got promoted to Lemon Club Leader for it! :happydance:


For old black-and-white movies, I'd recommend Citizen Kane. It's an amazing story, and I believe it's credited with having the best cinematography (that means filming techniques, camera angles, and the like) of any film, or was credited with that at some point.


Anyway, so long! I hope I'll be able to submit pictures of Aanchir's face (I know. I just had to give myself the name of someone without a normal mask <_< ).


- :vahi:

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I recommend either Young Frankenstein or Arsenic and Old Lace. Both are black and white and are absolutely hilarious.

I love Arsenic and Old Lace! That movie is just crazy!...I really need to buy that thing.


I much prefer Sleepless in Seattle to You've Got Mail, but what the hey.

I haven't seen SiS in sometime...I forgot the whole plot to it really.


If you're looking for a good black-and-white, I'd recommend Roman Holiday, with Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck. The scene with 'The Mouth of Truth' is one of my favourite-ever movie moments. In fact, Cary Grant's His Girl Friday is also good for laughs, Woody Allen's Manhttan gave me a side of life I'd never imagined, and the Marx Brother's Duck Soup is good for anyone who is considering Suicide.

Oh how I love Roman holiday! That movie makes me cry every time....And I'll have to look up those others.


I'm glad my art is "spiffy as ever"-- I just got promoted to Lemon Club Leader for it!

Congrats! :D That picture was really good...aww I need to review that thing.


For old black-and-white movies, I'd recommend Citizen Kane. It's an amazing story, and I believe it's credited with having the best cinematography (that means filming techniques, camera angles, and the like) of any film, or was credited with that at some point.

Never heard of that one...Though thank you and others for the suggestions.


Anyone up for an old Western? My favorite must be Mclintock! Which my sister strangely watched yesterday...


Although it isn't an old-fashioned film, it is still in black and white.

Think deeper Omi...Like Hitchcock and Jimmy Stuart!...Which suddenly reminded me of a movie...Oh what is it called??



Oh yeah, my internet is working thanks to my dad. Hurra for him!


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