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Voting By Mail



So as I am still in France and Canada's got a federal election coming up, I got a mail-in ballot sent to my apartment. Turns out that to send it in, I put my ballot in an envelope, in an envelope, in an envelope. It's like Inception by mail!


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I gotta wait two years before I vote for the first time. I already like what our representative has done so far, so I'm already wanting to re-elect him. I'll also be able to vote for the Electoral College members (which means I also indirectly will be voting for a new president), but I'll have to wait four years before I can vote for a new senator. I'll have to wait the full six years for our junior senator to finish his term.


And then there's all of that local stuff, but I live in a really small town (it's actually classified as a village) so that's less interesting. I guess I will end up voting for a new governor and Illinois General Assembly members and so forth.

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Politicial discussion+SPIRIT=:o:O:O

He's allowed to talk about stuff like that on the blogs--you just can't start "this guy is better than this guy" stuff.

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He's allowed to talk about stuff like that on the blogs--you just can't start "this guy is better than this guy" stuff.

SPIRIT is definitely a better candidate than Iruini Nuva.



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