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Birthday Present Plans I



I NEED the Sound of the Sky (Sora no Woto) limited edition box set, and I don't want to not have the money when it finally comes out, so I'll have it preordered for my birthday, which is like two months early.


So I need to decide whether or not to still get Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22.


And I'll also get some airsoft stuff.


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Do you have the Dissappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi or 00: A Wakening of the Trailblaizer or Summer Wars? Because I'd get that before Eva if I were you.

Man, 2010 was an awesome year for anime movies and OVA's

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If Dissapearance is out, I'll certainly get that before Eva, and I still need to see Summer Wars.


Gundam was good, but not as good as Haruhi or Eva, so I won't be getting it before any of these. And I'd get the actual 00 series before getting the movie anyway.

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I'd suggest the original Mobile Suit Gundam and the UC timeline before 00, especially seeing as we're finally getting a dual-lingual dvd set of the first series AND getting Turn A soon with the possiblity of Double Zeta as well. But that might be nostaliga talking. >>

I also suggest 1.11, 2.22, Digimon Our War Game remake Summer Wars, and RahXephon.

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I'm not going to go out and get something I've hardly heard of. D|


I already made my list anyway. No anime besides Sora no Woto is on it.

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Well I can try but I don't see it working with using an iPod to watch them.


Well I can find the original and Zeta Gundam on an app.

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You really need to see the first Gundam to understand Zeta, sadly. DX

I *think* we got the DVDs of compalation movie trilogy for Gundam in the US, but I have no clue if it segways into the Zeta TV Series properly.

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I can watch the original, as a series.


But anyway, I finally decided to cut back on my airsoft gear, getting only a red dot sight (a Zeiss Z-Point replica) and a rail to mount it on my G3, and will in fact be getting Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22.


And I saw the Summer Wars trailer, and I want to get it too, but that would exceed the limit my mom has placed on what I can get ($150 value), and I really don't want to end up getting the Eva films separately.


And I'm still getting Sora no Woto.

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I misread your post then. *facepalm*


Eh, 1.11 is basicly the first six episodes with better animation (read: Anno has a better budget) and a new Yashima battle. Reguardless, it's awesomeness in a 2 hour shell. Oh and 3.0 will be annouced soon, a Revoltech 06 was revealed (leaked?) and Khara will be unveiling something in next month's Newtype (JPN).

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I know all about the Rebuild films and how they compare to the original series :P


And I can't wait for 3.0's announcement.

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Gotta love the fact the western Eva fanbase will raid imageboards for info. And Adeptus Evangelion for those who play TRPGs. =P


See, I'm interested in the fact Unit 08 has twin entry plugs.

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And with Rei and Shinji possibly fused with 01 and the twin angels haven't been seen yet...
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Watch Summer Wars.

It is amazing.

Also, parts of it seem to be reimaginings of Our War Games. This only adds to the awesome.

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^ Yes. Yes you do.



I'd say go after Summer Wars and Eva as some sites have Mobile Suit Gundam and Zeta streaming legally.

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