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Garreg Mach

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Comedy News #1



Well, let's see if I can't remember to do this each week. :P

Then again, if it's a total failure, I shall cease to do this particular news thing ever again. Anyways, news from me:


Tahu vs. Tahu


As everyone should know by now if you read it, Chapter 9 of Invasion and Interview #4 are up. The wiki has several pages now, and it's only going to grow as I add more info. However, with this growth comes a very big problem:


I can't do it alone.


Because I'm going to be needing to update a lot of pages after EVERY chapter... and if we get to above fifty pages, that's just gonna be a torturous chore, and that'll mean the death of the wiki. So any help with keeping it up to date would be great.


Chapter 10 is coming this weekend, and it is the finale of Invasion! Huzzah! Who will win in this battle between Tahu Mata, Tahu Stars, and Hero Factory? (Hint: Both Tahus are still fighting after... or are they?)


Some info:


-Two of the six characters vanishing are Lewa Mata and Takanuva Stars/

-Season 3 is called Aftermath for a reason; the starting set up is going to be very different fro mteh first two seasons, and from how I'm changing virtually everything up, I think it'll be the best season yet.

-Every single 2007 set will survive season 2, and they'll be living together in season 3 (even Carapar).


Vultraz's Diner


Well, it's back again! And no, I haven't forgotten it already; an update is coming today or tomorrow. Tahu vs. Tahu fans, I'd advise you to check this out; it's re-telling the story, starting from the very beginning again. Now is the perfect time to jump in.


Chapter 2 is also coming this weekend, and if I feel like it, maybe even chapter 3. In this next chapter, Vultraz will remain in jail, and someone else is going to end up in there with him.


Which characters from the past Vultraz series would you like to see make a return in this comedy?


With the 2009 series having just the one comedy for the entire year (plus a fail one that I will not mention in this entry), and the 2010 series having two comedies plus alot of additional side comedies (plus a third comedy in the series that was, believe it or not, cancelled [it even had a banner for it]), this one is starting the 2011 series of Vultraz's Diner, with this comedy returning to that original name. Hopefully I'll be able to put in three comedies this year... but I may not; I'm not entirely sure where I'll want the story to go after this one.


The Bionicle Movie Spoof, Part 1: Mask of Light


I probably should've clarified this when I started the comedy, but this isn't going to be updated often. Because I have to watch the scene I'm writing the chapter about, it's a lot more time consuming to write than other comedies. However, I will be posting a chapter 2 eventually.


Brotherhood of the Time-Travelling Warlords


This will be updated soon as well; not much to say here, except that some key plot points *coughtimemachinecough* in this comedy will (and have) affected the main comedy, so be sure to read it.


Random Stuff


I'm hitting 2000 posts soon, so I'll be celebrating that. Probably with a onehsot and a Tahu vs. Tahu special. So look out for those! I also might be releasing another comedy starring myself soon, though I'm pretty sure it won't be within the next week.


That's all for this week; thoughts on the stuff here?




Recommended Comments

Dude, I can't believe you've done all this great stuff, and I'm way over your post count, with one failed story, one failing story, and one story that's okay(ish).


I'm looking forward to whatever you put up though. :P


-Toa Zehvor Kpik :k:

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