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Lady Kopaka




What's YOUR quote?


Ok anyway, I was having fun making banners, so I decided to make one with a quote I liked in it...Then I go, "Hey it would be cool to do requests like this!"


So yeah...Post a quote you like in the comment thingy, and I will make the banner for you. I'll do colors, font, size available for choices, but nothing to fancy.


But if this line gets long, please be considerate for me. XD


Don't forget to give credit.


Also make sure quotes are not to long.


EDIT: Here is the link for all the current quote banners, feel free to take any you see, though I remind you that some of these were requested by certain members, while some were made by me.


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You may have noticed I'm already in this game...


"I Quote Others Only The Better To Express Myself." - Michael de Montaigne


"You May Have Noticed That Actually A Lot Of The Stuff Which Happens To Us Isn't Exactly Normal, Moron." - Murdoc Niccals, Lead Guitarist on Gorillaz.


"It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us." - Rorschach, in Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons' masterpiece, Watchmen. Note that it isn't my opinion.


"I hold to a simple philosophy: just assume everyone's a piece of Krap and then be pleasantly surprised if you find anyone who ain't." - Luke Cage, New Avengers #7, by B.M.Bendis. Replace the K with a C.


"Ladies. Gentlemen. You have eaten well. You've eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. Your feast is nearly over. From this moment on-- none of you are safe." - Batman in Frank Miller's Batman: Year One.


"Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away... forever." - The Joker in Alan Moore's Batman: The Killing Joke.


"Flowers gathered in the morning,/Afternoon they blossom on,/Still are withered by the evening:/You can be me when I'm gone." - Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Book 9: The Kindly Ones


"I'm the amazing Cain. If you enjoyed our show, tell your friends. If you didn't, I trust you'll get throat cancer and die without ever again uttering another word. Goodnight." - Cain, having made Abel his brother into Sausages as part of his Magic Act in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Book 4: Season of Mists.


"IS THIS ANY TIME TO SPEAK LATIN AND STUFF YOURSELF?" - Navistrix in Goscinny & Uderzo's Asterix and the Golden Sickle.


"You odd-toed ungulate! Macrocephalic baboon!" - Captain Haddock, cursing an alcoholic Yeti in in Herge's Tintin in Tibet.


"Ach, Even when I think of them now it makes me cry...look, even from my Dead Eye tears are coming out!" - Vladek Spiegelmann, recalling Nazi hangings of young men from his neighburhood during the War, as recorded by his son, Art Spiegelmann, in the Comic-Book best-seller Maus.

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"I didn't realize this was a sad occasion" -Larry the Waiter, The Wide Window


That's all for now. I might have more later.


- :vahi:

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"Susie cakes!"


That's an inside joke. One of my friends was showing me an anime show with a character called Suiseiseki, or something like that, and I thought it sounded like Susie cakes.


I haven't been able to stop saying it. :P

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There is the gallery for all the quotes that have been recently requested and some random one made by me, but it might not be available yet, if it doesn't show up in the next few days, I'll just deep link them all. ;)

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Guest Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


"When life gives you lemons, eat the soury goodness."

Phy Classic. :P


IPB Image

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Is there anywhere we've forgotten to check?

I looked in every mausoleum.

We opened the sarcophagi.

I tromped through the pumpkin patch.

I peeked behind the Cyclops's eye. I did! But he wasn't there.


if thats to big you can try


Every thing in this room is edible even im editble but thats called canabilism by dear children and is froned apon most sitaites.


i misspeld that

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Heh, mine looks cool. :P


You spelled "You're" right though, I wanted it to be spelled as "Your"... that's the joke. But still, it's awesome. :D

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Thanks, Lady K! Of course, I am compelled to wear my spiffeh new "ToL Challenge Winner" banner for at least a few more days, but I am definitely going to use this somewhere, someday.


- :vahi:

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Har har, fixed yours Biomech. I forgot about that, though you can wack me if you like the 'You're' after all. :P


Added some more!

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He looks like what he is,a dunball in a dress.-Blackadder the second season.episode 1


Listen up,I shall say this only once.

It is I,Leclerc.

Now,who can guess where does two came from?Any comedielover should know that show.

I'l give a clue,it plays during the worldwar.In France.The parties are the French,Germans and the English.


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