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Sonic Characters For The Bzprpg



Hello everyone. As mentioned in this post I am assembling and Animal Armada of characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog games to be used in the BZPRPG Here I will keep a running list of already taken characters, and list which characters I've made profiles for (in case anyone's lazy or can't come up with a profile. JK :P) So now, here are said lists: (note that crossed-out profiles are for already taken characters, so whoever decides to use them knows I have a profile for him/her.)

edit: Anyone wishing to add a secondary character is now free to do so, with wisps being especially good choices. ;)


Characters Taken:

Espio the Chameleon

Sonic the Hedgehog

Silver the Hedgehog

Shadow the Hedgehog

Metal Sonic

Knuckles the Echidna

Blaze the Cat

Jet the Hawk


Pre-made Profiles Available:

Miles "Tails" Prower

Knuckles the Echidna

Blaze the Cat

Sonic the Hedgehog

Silver the Hedgehog

Shadow the Hedgehog



That's it then. Leave a comment here or PM me if you wish to join along with which character you want and their profile (if you don't use one of mine.)


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Someone needs to make Vector and Charmy! But anyways, love the idea. Who are you playing as anyways?

Haven't decided. Probably Silver or Blaze since they're my two favorite characters (aside from Sonic,) and I think Sonic will be more popular, so I'd prefer to pick someone that everyone else isn't going to want. :P Now to decide which one (I'd pick both, but that would be unfair.) Maybe I'll wait until someone picks one and solves my dilemma for me.

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Oh come on. This fad is getting too out of hand. Making an ensemble is one thing, but ganking actual characters and teams?

Perhaps, but this is the closest I'm getting to fighting people as a pink cat with pyrokinesis, or a white hedgehog with telekinesis. :P Plus, there's nothing wrong with it, other than it lacks originality, but hey, I don't think a Sonic/Bionicle crossover has been done before (feel free to correct me though. :P)

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I'll take Silver or Shadow


Edit: Well I'll just take Silver and solve your dilemma.

Okay then, and since my brother's decided he'll use Shadow, I might be using Blaze.


It's Metal Sonic or nothing.

He's yours, although the Mask of Emulation isn't allowed, so you won't be able to use his power-copying ability. However, he's a robot, so making him a Bionicle should be easy. :P (plus you could make him a mage to give him a wide variety of powers instead of having him copy others'.)


Sonic, DURR.


I bet I know him best, other than Breez.

Sadly, I've already given him to someone else. However, I'm negotiating with him to see if he'll give you Sonic in exchange for a different character, but I did give him to the other guy already, so you may need another character. However, if you want to make another similar character, (like Blaze or Super Sonic but without being super-powered,) then you could do that too. Also, the list has been updated accordingly.

edit: Scratch that, wotsiznum (the other guy who wanted Sonic,) said he'll take Knuckles, so it looks like you'll be getting Sonic, and I'll use Blaze. (although I have this strange urge to make a profile for Rouge now.)

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So when do we get the premade profiles, since I'm kind of too busy to make my own

I assume people will make their own, but provide them as soon as I'm asked. As such, except a PM in about two seconds or so with Silver's profile in it. :P

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I call dibs on Jet!

Alright with me, and I can make you a profile if you wish. Also, as I have enough characters,

Everyone get to posting your profiles and starting your characters wherever. We'll all meet up in Ga-Koro and go from there. During the course of the story we will be collecting the chaos emeralds, each of which will allow the user to convert thought to energy (specifically elemental energy,) but cannot be used until all seven are gathered and brought to the master emerald (the location of which will be revealed as the story unfolds,) restoring their power which will be split between us.


Also, I'll be using Blaze the Cat, for anyone who didn't know.

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Do you post your profiles here?


(sorry if I am acting stupid)

No. As wotsiznum said, you post your profile in the profiles topic for the BZPRPG found here Also, be sure to brush up on the rules here the FAQ here and discussions go here. ;) Also, don't worry about it, everyone needs help sometime, even Spider-Man. :P

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Knuckles just witnessed a group of Rahkshi emerge from Makuta's lair, and ran off to Ga-Wahi. I'll wait for someone else to post first, then arrive.

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Knuckles just witnessed a group of Rahkshi emerge from Makuta's lair, and ran off to Ga-Wahi. I'll wait for someone else to post first, then arrive.

I already posted with Blaze, so feel free to meet her there (and she's currently sleeping, so you can wake her as well. :P)


And Espio's stuck in a battle in Ta-Koro. He'll be there as soon as it's done.

Okay then. I'll wait for you guys in "The Golden Weapons Bar."

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Wow, so the sonic group is meeting in an illegal bar. That the Turaga were manipulated into allowing. Yeah, great place for Heroes and Anti-Heroes to meet. Anyways I feel obligated to tell you guys that there wouldn't be that many people in the place, considering it was just made. So, it's not a crowded place, only the sonic characters would be in there currently.

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Wow, so the sonic group is meeting in an illegal bar. That the Turaga were manipulated into allowing. Yeah, great place for Heroes and Anti-Heroes to meet. Anyways I feel obligated to tell you guys that there wouldn't be that many people in the place, considering it was just made. So, it's not a crowded place, only the sonic characters would be in there currently.

Hey, Blaze has had a hard life, and a nice little martini is just what she needed. :P Also, I said Ga-Wahi, but the bar is just where we are for now. We can leave if you want, and you can catch us afterward.

edit: Also, it appears we have seven characters now, which works perfectly, since that way we'll each get a chaos emerald, aside from Knuckles, who'll be guarding the master emerald.

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Just to say I'm ready with Metal Sonic. Just tell me where DA HECK I need to go.

You may start out anywhere, but we're meeting up in Ga-Wahi, so you should go there soon. Blaze, Knuckles, and Jet are in the Golden Weapons Bar, the first two of whom have met, and the latter joined us last night (in real time,) but had to go to bed, so we haven't met him yet. We're probably going to introduce ourselves to Jet and then leave, because as SonicBoomXS pointed out, having a bunch of heroes and anit-heroes meet in a bar that was only recently allowed begrudgingly by the turaga is kind of ironic. :P I think my brother (who has Shadow,) will meet us sometime today as well.

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Wait, can we be two characters? If so then I call Omega 123. Anyways, Espio's ready to roll in Ga-Koro. He's at the Golden Weapons Gambling, Where we get your role-models drunk!

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