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Sub W I P Part 4





No, no, I did not completely revamp my idea. This is a second, sister sub. And by sister, I mean evil twin sister. Yes, an AquaShark submarine!


Back story: I never had any Aquashark sets... I must've got my Aquanaut set a year after it's release, because when I really started getting into Lego the new themes were Hydronauts and Stingrays. But having constructed my Aquanaut sub to near completion (still waiting on a few pieces) I decided that I might as well work towards an opponent sub... and who better than the AquaSharks?


This sub is made on a smaller scale; it's still about 80 studs long, but it's not as tall and not as wide; thus, it has less bricks in it. So far, I've only made an average-sized order to get some of the specialized pieces, so the bulk of this sub is elements that I already own. (As compared to the aquanaut sub, which was made of only like 20% of parts that I already owned) Obviously, I'm still missing a few key pieces, like the octagonal bricks on the bottom, so I will need to make a few more parts orders. But the basic design is finalized, and now I just need to fill in the gaps. (FYI, the color scheme is black, blue, and trans orange. All the yellow / trans lime parts are stand ins and will be replaced.)


Onto the design; again, I compartmentalized this sub so that it can split into separate sections for easy transport and such. They are as followed:


Section 1: The head. The main idea was to create an elongated nose with the classic trans orange Aquashark screen. While I like the basic idea, the bottom of the nose (the chin, neck, whatever) is way to bulky, and thus I need to rework this design. Alot. But I Like where it's going, and the trans orange hinge panels offer a nice space to store stuff... like boxes of crystals. sly.gif


Section 2: The arms. I again used Hero factory limbs and armor to work together some arms, with the same claw and magnet (to be added soon) design as my last sub. Sadly, I don't have any blue armor, so I may force myself to go purchase Surge to get some. Also, since I want to brag about it, I DID use trans orange glatorian heads as the arm sockets. Hey, it works.


Section 3: Quarters / Fins: I got this cool new piece; I 1x4x3 window brick that has an octagonal bracket attached. It was used in the original Aquasharks sets to attach the octagonal windscreen to the side, so I ordered one and put it on this sub. I still need the trans orange windscreens, but the design works. I also added some fins to the side to make it more shark like, and I bulked up the propellers to make them sit on nice and secure. I also create a neat pattern on the top using the display plates that came with the collectible minifigs. Seriously, I had like 50 of those plates, and I managed to use about 40 or so on this MOC. WOOHOO.


Section 4: Storage and Tail: The tail is a basic windscreen design; sadly, the screen I ordered was a little busted, but it fits on, so I just won't be opening and closing it. There will be two fins on the end of the tail; I don't have the bottom one yet, but when I get it, it'll look shark like. The big area in front of all this is the storage area for a small water scooter, which will fit under a windscreen (current one is a placeholder until I can get trans orange ones). And on the wides, I'm using SNOT with this nice long wedge that I got in one of the Exo Force sets they were handing out at the conventions. It has alot of what would be boring bricks, and gives a nice flow to the body of the shark.


Overall, this sub is somewhat smaller (and much lighter) than my Aquanaut sub. And while the other sub is an exploratory sub, made for discovering and transporting crystals, this one is a fast, mean sub, meant for attacking and stealing crystals. My only problem is the crew; I don't have any AquaShark minifigs.


Anyway, hopefully after a few specific and (cheap?) parts orders, I can have this one completed too. biggrin.gif




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Aqua-Shark :3 Oh he was such a great Set! Great Now I wanna rebuild him, all because of you Jason XD


The sub looks really great. The retro-look is seriously awesome.

I think I may have an idea for the nose though. You say it's too bulky and like this it does look that way, but maybe if you elongated it, something like this, except on the bottom instead of the top?


If that's not what you are looking for it might be good to lower the cabin with the orange screen by one brick and add some slopes on top. From a designers point of view it's prolly best if you align the head with the tail so they'll line up with the centre-line of the sub.

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I'm liking the details such as the spikes on top, the trans-orange bars on the front sides, and the black 2x16/4/14 slopes near the end.


The faced cockpit just makes it perfect too.


The end propeller is too small though.



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If you've still got time after you finish off both subs, you should see if you can create a mini-base/platform for the Aquashark, like the original big Aquashark sub had.

I loved that set. I'm going to have to find whichever box its been packed away in

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