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Garreg Mach

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Project Café



The supposed code name for Nintendo's next console, which is rumoured to also have six inch HD touch screens on the controllers.


Personally I don't believe the controller rumours, but the console itself should be very neat; however, they're announcing it at E3; wouldn't that take attention away from the 3DS?


Then again, E3 would probably take attention away regardless....




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Sounds awesum.


But, how can Nintendo beat its own WII?!?!? EVERYONE LOVES WII!!!!!


I can't wait to see knew game systems, The Xbox 360(slim as well), the PS3, and the Wii have all gotten a bit boring, it's time for


The Next Generation


of gaming systems and I can't wait to see what they are going to come out with.


I wonder what Microsoft will do... perhaps something to do with Surface? :D




What? Nobody knows about Surface?




Go to their website.


-Toa Zehvor Kpik :k:

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I have some info on this(kinda old but owell).


The Wii 2, aka Project Cafe, is set to debut late 2012(just in time for the world's end), and will carry multiple graphics boosts, such as 1080 HP.


The controller(the big news) is like an X-Box 360 controller with Gamecube bumpers, except that it has a touchscreen similar to the ones found on the DS and 3DS in the middle of the controller.


Nintendo has also confirmed that they aren't throwing motion control completely out the window. How little or big of a role it will play has yet to be confirmed.



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